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Oct 7, 2022

Concerning the safety of online transactions, SSL certification, and PCI DDS, the stakes are exceptionally important for sellers online and their creators. Additionally, the method to meet the requirements can be challenging. However, experts in e-commerce at can help. Below is a comprehensive guide to internet security and security for creators and explains how you can stay compliant and increase your online sales.

The importance of SSL for online sellers

If you take a look at the beginning of your URL of your website there will be either an "HTTP" or "HTTPS." This final"s "s" is crucial when selling products online because it indicates that your website is secured.

SSL (Secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an online security protocol that protects the personal information of your users when it is transferred from your website server to the client's browser. This form of Transport Layer Security (TLS) safeguards customers' sensitive information. If you do not have SSL the hackers may be able to intercept information (like credit card numbers provided during the payment) and interpret it into textual.

   What happens if your Online Store Does Not Have an SSL Certificate?  

SSL certificates are required to operate online store websites. The owners of the site need to renew their certificates every two years. But what happens if retailers fail to renew their SSL certificate?

  • The Search Engines as well as search engines for browsers can penalize websites on organic search sites that do not have SSL certificates, by making them appear in a lower position, which implies that your site will reach fewer potential customers. It is possible to learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in courses that are offered by CreatorU.
  • Security Warnings: Your website will be identified as insecure Web browsers such as Google Chrome are going to bombard potential users with warnings to avoid visiting your website.
  • Threats to Hackers If your customers are targeted by hackers, you could end up losing the trust of the community and also be held financially responsible.

The good news is that you can find the solution easily. If you're a member of an online shop that is secured (like ), the platform is able to maintain SSL certificates for all page that you sell on.

In keeping an SSL certificate, online platforms will help users to remain PCI certified that is crucial for selling online.

PCI DSS Compliance and E-Commerce

PCI (Payment Card Industry) DSS are the global data security standards for every online merchant that takes payment via the internet. They regulate websites' security online , ensuring the safety of the customer's data as they make payments. PCI standards are frequently updated to safeguard against the latest data security threats Your eCommerce website must be able to adapt to the latest PCI DSS changes as they are made available.

HTML1 What Happens If Your E-Commerce Site is Not PCI Compliance?

Failure to comply with PCI DSS standards can financially ruin online merchants, particularly those with a small size. Payment processors begin to slap the bank with massive fines (up up to six figures for each month of non-compliance) and the bank will pass onto your company.

There is a possibility of cancellation of bank accounts as well as increased processing costs charged by the payment processors. Even the smallest amount of non-compliance penalties (starting with $5k per month) could quickly cause the bankrupting of small businesses.

Maintaining compliance with online standards can be difficult for all businesses. It is therefore obvious why many online sellers choose to partner with an online marketplace with built-in PCI DSS compliance like .

Selling from your own website

 Are websites secure?

The greatest part is that each sales page is completely secure and compliant. The sales pages are equipped with built-in security measures, like SSL, SCA, GDPR in addition to PCI DSS conformity.

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