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Oct 7, 2022

Concerning internet security, SSL certification, and PCI DDS and PCI DDS, the risks are significant for both merchants on the internet and also for manufacturers and sellers, which is why the path to compliance can be difficult. However, the professionals in the field of e-commerce will be there to aid. This comprehensive overview of web security, as well as security for designers and creators outlines how to guarantee compliance while increasing online sales.

SSL is a must for sellers selling online

The first line in the URL for your site, you will see one of two options "HTTP" as well as "HTTPS." The last"s "s" is vital to online sellers since it indicates that the website is secured.

SSL (Secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an online security protocol that protects the user's data as it travels between your server and client's browser. This form of transport layer security (TLS) guarantees that confidential information of the client is secure. If you do not have SSL security, hackers could access the data (like information about the credit card at checkout) and then convert it to the form of text.

What is the consequence if your Online Store Does Not Have an SSL Certificate?

SSL certificates are essential for online stores to operate websites. The website owner is required to renew the certificate every two years. However, what happens if sellers aren't renewing their SSL certificate?

  • The Results of Search: Google, as well as the browsers, are known as penalizing sites that use organically based and don't contain SSL certificates. It is accomplished by placing sites in lower position on search results. This means your website is more likely to not get seen by potential buyers keen to purchase. There is a way to find out details about SEO (Search Search Engine Optimization (SEO) via courses offered by CreatorU.
  • Security Warnings Your site will be identified as not secure, and web browsers such as Google Chrome will inundate potential visitors with warnings to avoid going to your website.
  • Threats to hacking: If your clients get hacked by hackers, this could result in losing the trust of your clients and could be held financially accountable.

The answer is simple. When you shop on an online store that is secure (like ) The platform manages SSL certificate for each the pages that sell on their platform.

With the help of SSL certifications Online platforms will help to ensure that you are PCI secured vital for sales online.

PCI DSS Compliance and E-Commerce

PCI (Payment Card Industry) DSS is a global collection of security and data protection standards to every retailer online that takes online payments. They oversee websites' web security, to guard customers' payment details. PCI standards are constantly updated to guard against the latest threats to security of the web pages you host. It is vital that the website be capable of adapting to the most recent PCI DSS changes as they become available.

   What is the consequence if your E-Commerce Site is Not PCI Compliant?  

Infractions to PCI DSS standards can financially shut down online merchants, especially those with small sizes. Payment processors can begin hammering banks with massive penalties cost (up up to six figures every month for non-compliance) and the banks could transfer onto your company.

There is also the risk of having to close the bank account and imposing higher processing costs that payment processors are charged. In the event of a small number of non-compliance penalties (starting at $5k each month) can quickly lead to the insolvency of businesses that are small enough to become bankrupt.

Making sure that you are in line with the requirements of online shopping could be an issue for any business. It's clear why many online sellers join an online platform designed with PCI DSS standards of compliance .

Selling on your own site

   Are websites secure?  

The greatest part is the fact that every sales page is secure and adheres to PCI DSS. Sales pages are outfitted with security features like SSL SCA and GDPR and SCA as well as PCI DSS Security and compliance.

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