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Aug 31, 2022

The Pay What You Like pricing options have been gaining popularity on the world of online shopping. How can businesses earn money when letting customers choose the price they want to pay? What is the best way to set up the Pay What You Can pricing in an online store?  The experts from e-commerce at's are here to provide the answer to all your pay What You Want questions.

What is Pay What You Want Pricing?

Though it could seem unorthodox however, it can provide a variety of positive impacts on your business (and your overall bottom line). Let's take a closer examine the advantages of Pay What You Want pricing.

1) The Roping of Customers in  The perfect marketing and introduction Offer

Pricing for Pay-What-You-Want is best recognized as a method of marketing. It allows customers to sample of your product with a price you are sure they can't refuse (because they picked it by themselves). After getting a taste of the amazing products you offer, you can have your new customers hooked for the rest of their lives. The PWYW pricing strategy achieves the same results with a no-cost trial, while giving additional benefits to the online seller.

Contrary to free trials and a pay What You Want offer will attract customers while making some extra cash to you. Furthermore, PWYW pricing will weed out "freebie customers" who are completely unwilling to make a payment, and will only bring in those who are interested in your products.

2.) Returning the favor with your Online Business

However, some businesses employ pricing such as Pay What You Can pricing as means of giving back, making their services or products simpler and more affordable for people in every financial state. Giving back to the community can have many benefits for your company for example:

  • Engaging with the community
  • Building brand loyalty
  • Doing good--plain and simple!

3) An Ideal Fundraising Sales Method

4) Boosting Digital Product Sales

Modifying your pricing approach will boost sales , and also attract new customers. If a lower discretional price leads to a higher quantity of sales, then you can make more money without having to put in extra effort. When this happens, PWYW pricing can even yield more profit than fixed pricing.

5) Understanding Your Market

In the marketplace online, one of the greatest challenges some creators confront is the issue of pricing. Naturally, you do not intend to let money sit to be wasted by overcharging for your services. On the other hand, you do not want to reduce sales through charging higher prices than customers can afford to pay.

If you find yourself wondering, "How much should I be charging for my services?" PWYW pricing can aid. Certain online sellers employ Pay What You Want pricing to better understand their market and customers. If you are aware of what your ideal price point is, you can relist your item with a firm price tag.

6) Avoiding Undervaluation

The work of your hand and the creations you create can be, in a way worth the price. However, creators are often required to offer their items at a low price point--making it simple to devalue their efforts in an market.

If you decide to launch pricing for Pay What You Want pricing, you can open up the ceiling on the value of your merchandise. It might surprise you at how many people are aware of your worth. Buyers might even regularly contribute greater than what you paid if you had put an amount on your items. You can also ensure your merchandise is valued appropriately by setting a minimal PWYW cost.

7) Clearing Out Extra Low-Cost Inventory

Do you remember having too much inventory it takes over your work space? You are able to get rid of old inventory quickly while still making money with Pay What You Price. It's similar to placing closeout items on sale--though you might find PWYW pricing especially intriguing to prospective buyers.

Setting Up Payment What You Want Pricing

It is easy to set up the Pay What You Want price in your online store. When launching a new item you can select "Pay What You Want" in the pricing type drop-down menu. The selection you make will result in the Minimum Contribution box. Enter in the minimum amount you'll accept in exchange for your product. If you don't want to set a minimum amount, you can set this amount to zero.

It is possible to customize your listing by adding the suggested price, establishing a recurring payment option, and much more. Once you have the product in place, you are ready to create your listing and start making sales in a matter of minutes. This is as easy as that! You can find our step-by-step PWYW help guide here.

Pay What You Can Cost: How Do You Make Money?

It is also possible to include a suggested price, giving customers an insight at the value estimated for your offerings. The suggestion feature could encourage consumers to make more generous contributions their contributions--or help customers at your price-point to appreciate the worth and the generosity of your offer.

Set-up Prices for Pay What You Can With