Writing AI instructions to make excellent content, and also some examples

Mar 23, 2023

It's been reported by fellow creators how artificial intelligence is speeding up the process of creating content and increasing their output. Many are boasting about many hours of time saved such as Hero Douglas Boyce III, and claiming it's the time to end writers block once and all. You're sold.

When you turn on your content generator, prompt it to "write a blog on how to forage for mushrooms", and the machine gets to work. Within a few seconds the machine churns out what it believes to be the perfect article--but it's far from being perfect. The article is missing crucial information and the voice is all wrong It also wrote 500 words when you wanted 1000 words. You could have written it better by yourself. One click and you can close the tab and erase artificial intelligence forever.

It's not difficult to get disillusioned with content generators in the event that their outputs don't meet their mark.

Although we'd like to put the blame for the low-quality content on the AI , the actual issue could be with you (hi you, I'm the culprit. It's me.). Particularly, the prompt you're feeding to the AI program to generate your desired outcome, or in other words, the command you send to the AI algorithm to produce its output.

The reality is a content generator's answers are as accurate as the task you've asked it to answer. That's why we're covering how to write the perfect AI prompt, complete with examples and formulas that to use right now!

How to write effective AI questions

Here are some best practices to be aware when working with any artificial intelligence tool that requires a prompt--spoiler alert, most do.

  Determine the reason or the goals.  

Before writing an AI question, you must clarify the purpose you're writing about and the reason you're writing the prompt.

Consider: What objective do you want to accomplish by the material you are putting out? What should your target audience know after reading the content? Do you want them to do something like clicking a link or making purchases?

  Specific, clear instructions.  

Likely, inputting vague or ambiguous prompts may result in an unbalanced response.

In this case, "Explain the meaning of life." It won't get an equally effective response in the same way as "Explain the most popular philosophical views about the meaning of life."

For you to make sure you've provided clear instructions for using the AI tool, first, ask yourself, what is my desired outcome?

Once you've had that query clarified, you need to describe the job to be completed. The task should include stating that the reply should be specific in length or in a certain format (bullet list, 280 characters, etc. ), what action you'd like your readers to perform or do, as well as the tone and manner you want for the AI to write the content in.

Pro-Tip: The longer and more specific the question or assignment is, the more effective the result!

  Answer open-ended, open-ended and ambiguous questions.  

The practice of asking "yes or no" questions tends to result in the generation of smaller-sized responses than open-ended questions.

In this case, instead of asking "Is coffee bad for you?" (impossible) try asking "What are the biggest positives and negatives of drinking coffee?".

The open-ended nature of questions allows the flexibility and room for the software to reply in the amount of detail it'd like.

  Make sure you are spelling and grammar checked.

Like humans, grammatical errors or spelling mistakes could confuse artificial intelligence.

Thus, always proofread your prompt to ensure your spelling and grammar are correct and the language is simple to comprehend. This is an easy task, however, you should avoid the use of abbreviations, slang or abbreviations.

  Include the context.  

Whatever the most the most advanced AI tools may be, they can't understand the context of your request unless you describe it.

For them to understand the topic the topic, give them background information and contextual information related to your topic and the nature of your desired output.

In this case, for example, who is your AI content writer acting in the role of? What is the intended audience for the content? Include answers to these questions within your prompt.

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A perfect AI prompt formula

We've created the perfect AI prompt formula to suit the vast majority of content generators! Go ahead and bookmark this blog to always have this formula in your arsenal.

  "Act like" + "write a" + "define an goal" + "define your best formatting"  

This is an example of how to act like  a type of expert  who is writing content for a particular purpose to get an outcome that is specific.

Here's an example using the formula with the blank spaces filled in.

Prompt Example: Act like a digital marketer and copywriter who is writing text for three video headlines, and the descriptions I'll give you for each to accomplish teaching my audience about how to forage for mushrooms. [Insert video transcript]

You can make the prompt much more precise by adding specifics about the formatting (how many characters, sentences and so on. ), tone, and even the design.

Great examples of prompts for making use of AI tools

All you will need to include is the topic of your class or the overall concept to your class. However, there are the best ways you can format prompts for short durations. Let's review!

Online course prompts

When using your course topic as a prompt, the topic should be wide enough to capture the breadth of information you'll present in your course, but it should also be specific enough so that the content is pertinent to the audience you want.

  Here's a basic format to follow when creating your course topic prompt:  

  Brief description of the topics the course is going to cover+ [targeted audience for your courseThe course's target audience  

  Good examples of course topic prompts:  

  • Marketing via social media for entrepreneurs with small businesses
  • Paint with watercolors for beginners
  • Advanced yoga teacher training

  Poor examples of course topic prompts:  

  • Marketing
  • Painting
  • Yoga

Lesson content prompts

Lessons form the foundation of the overall curriculum. In writing your instruction topic, it should focus upon one particular idea the audience will be able to take away from the course.

Let's suppose you're developing a course on "Social social media for entrepreneurs with small businesses".

  Here is a simple format to follow when making your content prompt for your lesson:  

  Brief description of what your lesson will be covering] [2-3 desired learning outcomes which the lesson is expected to achieveThe lesson should achieve  

  Good examples of prompts for lesson content:  

  • What is a good social media plan that includes defining a target audience as well as setting objectives and measuring the success
  • Benefits of working with social media influencers, including how to approach and identify potential partners.
  • Best practices for writing engaging Twitter content, which includes length, formatting, and frequency

  Bad examples of lesson content prompts:  

  • Marketing through social media
  • Making content for social
  • Twitter-related ideas

Social media prompts

In the process of creating great social posts with AI make sure you get specific! Are you looking for a "how-to" tutorial, an inspiring statement, or even a promotion article? What's the message you'd like to convey in your post?

In providing these data Your first draft will be filled with important information. You can then choose to adjust the tone or the length of your article through our tools.

  Here is a simple structure to be followed when making your social media post prompt:  

  [Type of article you'd like to create] + [the audience for your blog post] + a brief description of the your intention is to convey in your post]  

  Excellent examples of prompts for social media:  

  • Motivational quotes about running that can assist first-time marathoners get motivated
  • How-to post about how beginners can make bread with sourdough
  • Helpful tips for entrepreneurs who need help launching their business

  Negative examples of prompts for social media:  

  • Marathon running
  • Bread made from sourdough
  • Business

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Final word on how to write amazing AI prompts

Artificial intelligence is making it possible to create information in just a few seconds and a lot of it with having to do any extra work. To reap the advantages, you must master the art of "communicate" to AI via your voice.

When you've perfected the AI prompt, you'll be on your way to generating amazing content right from the start!

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