Woo and Canal Help Merchants Get Unlimited Third-Party Product Sales

Oct 29, 2023

24 October 2023 ----Finding the best products to sell or increase the inventory of products could be a struggle for online merchants. Sellers who are considering selling struggle to find high-quality products that have stable supply lines as well as sustainable price points. Woo and Canal are partnering to allow stores to easily locate and provide products customers will love with trustworthy brands. Canal is a revolutionary dropshipping platform that connects thousands world's best Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands with the brands' influencers, content creators as well as online retailers. It allows you to source merchants and drives creative campaigns for marketing, revenue and sales.

"This partnership with Canal demonstrates the company's constant commitment to fostering the development and advancement of the world's most authentic sellers, no matter if they be a startup or a seasoned player in business," stated Bennett Carroccio, CEO and co-founder of Canal. "What ties Woo merchants and Canal brands together is the shared ethos of trust and faith in the goods provided by both customers and merchants. We're thrilled to enable Woo merchants to have access to stock from the best brands across the world, as well as to strengthen their relationship with their customers."

"Channel selling is a major factor for businesses that are seeking to expand, and Canal is best-in-class for finding high-quality goods. Canal lets partners access their partner's products without threat of having to stock up," says Chris Januszewski, Business Development at Woo. "We're really excited to connect Woo merchants with Canal's range of wonderful brands."

About Canal What is Canal

The HTML0 channel is the primary network transforming the way products are offered on the web. Our platform allows manufacturers as well as creators, retailers and manufacturers to work with brands similar to theirs and to sell their merchandise at their shops, creating new distribution channels and more effectively connecting the customers they serve. At the same time retailers can expand their catalog of goods and create new revenue streams while also gaining new customers and increasing the value of their customers. The brands shouldn't be forced to reduce their standards in order to win new customers. With Canal full control of your product and the manner in which you promote the product, without compromising the integrity.

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