Why it is that the Online Coaching Industry is Broken (And What You Can Do)

Aug 25, 2022

You wouldn't believe it, I never wanted to train coaches in the art of coaching. However, over the past seven years, my experience has allowed me to become more involved with this field and have become fairly successful with what I do. Therefore, I'm sure other coaches have been enthused to get my thoughts a little bit.

That's when I started paying attention a lot more to what was going on in the industry. And the more I looked into it I noticed those doing things I thought they shouldn't be doing because they simply weren't going to work. If you've worked in the coaching business for a few years, you probably know the issues I'm talking about- the coaching industry is rampant with bad advice, broken promises, and even some plainly fraudulent practices.

And, even more troublingly There are people in the world teaching topics that they don't have a interest in, or even any competence in.

In some respects I'd go as the extent of saying the coaching profession is fundamentally broken .

But there is an upside. It is possible to find the possibility of becoming an authentically helpful and effective online coach. It's just a matter of understanding the risks you're taking, and make sure you're using it for good reasons. Let me explain...

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We interviewed coach Sean Smith and he told us the reasons why he doesn't like the business of coaching.

Get advice from this veteran of the coaching industry about how you can achieve satisfaction as coach. If you're a life coach, business coach, or any type of coach, you'll discover not just how to earn money as a coach, but also live your purpose and have a huge impact on the world.

Explore this course we made in collaboration with Coach Sean Smith on how to design transformative online classes.

There's an "pyramid scheme" within online coaching

There are ads constantly on websites such as YouTube as well as Instagram Now. As soon as you hit an important milestone in your coaching business or run into a challenge, they appear like tiny, nagging insects in your social media feeds. "Are you a professional who's having a hard time attracting clients? The only thing you'll need to do is to follow my guaranteed system !"

I would sit at a distance and become angry at the aforementioned issues. But now, I've come to accept them as the price we pay for being part of an unregulated industry. Because the industry is unregulated There isn't a consensus about how to succeed. This is the primary reason for the industry being broken and becoming increasingly difficult for qualified, good people to succeed.

It's not something we see in any other industry. After all, there's nobody out there selling a course on how to become a lawyer within 30 days. or how to go through medical school without taking the dreaded tests. Since that's ridiculous would it not? There's a way for everyone to become a lawyer or an instructor or doctor or a therapist or any variety of other professions that are regulated. There are no shortcuts. You won't find advertising that promises: "Seven Easy Steps to get your first patient on the Operating Table to be Brain Surgeons(tm)."

The coaching profession has a lot of promises, praying on people's desperation. The focus is on how to teach coaches thisor teach coaches this. The biggest customer will be... you guessed the answer... coaches. They are the ones buying how to be successful, and likely taking a significant amount of revenue for the coaching industry.

Don't get me wrong -- that's okay if you've got marketing passion and you're really proficient in teaching subjects that coaches want. If this is what you're most interested in, there's absolutely nothing wrong with teaching only people your area of expertise.

Most individuals aren't particularly skilled or passionate about that. This isn't what they desire to share with othersyet they think it's the only thing they're capable of achieving.

So what happens? Coaching professionals alter their character in order to achieve their goals. Putting aside the moral debate about whether this is appropriate or not however, it's still an issue. Since the only thing that matters in order to be successful I believe that it is the alignment.

Stay clear of teaching other coaches

When I say alignment, I am referring to the fact that you must determine which areas of coaching are aligned with the lessons you have acquired in your experience. Every one of us is a student of a few important lessons from our childhood. They are lessons we have learned to get through the adversity through our lives. It could be financial lesson and career-related lessons or perhaps even lessons in relationships.

The lessons you learned from your life are worth it to anyone out there which means that they'll take the time to listen to your story as well as what you have learned. And what that means from a business standpoint is that your lessons from life could be an effective product.

Now, the question is, how can create a company which incorporates your personal strengths, strengths and challenges and doesn't make you do things you do not want to be doing? Because you don't intend to lose your focus on your life's lessons, and be caught up in simply teaching other people how to be a successful coach.

Think about the situation this way: if you teach from your personal experiences, that's what clients find valuable. But if you simply coach others on how to become a successful coach, it's the information that clients find valuable.

If this is the case, then the "secret ingredient" doesn't matter. It means your life lessons don't matter. It means your personality doesn't need to be concerned about anything and it's interchangeable. You've been reduced to a commodity. The most important thing is the people who purchase this information. This is why it's crucial for us to comprehend is that if you can't succeed with the recipe that you do not matter, then you cannot feel satisfied or happy, and feel any fulfillment from the work you do because you're not involved in the process.

It is important to begin with the knowledge that you are valuable. Life lessons are worth remembering. It's not something you've learned from a coach or program Your own perspective and knowledge of reality.

What is the reason to coach from a place of authenticity

If it's true that the "guaranteed universally-applied" approach is effective for you -- the foundation of it is still inauthenticity. This is one of the main reasons a lot people do not like to make sales or don't want to do so. It's the reason that a lot of those selling techniques feel uncomfortable. (Which is an academic term, by the way.) It's not because of the tactics themselves, it's because you're not in alignment with your real self. The belief at the heart of the matter that you've earned your worth.

Let's take an example. you buy a sales script to pitch prospective clients. If you don't really completely believe in the product it is that you're offering somebody, then you don't care who wrote that script or whether they earned one million dollars with it. What you say comes from your mouth since you're telling a different tale. People are aware of the fact that the product you're trying to promote which you've never purchased!

It is the reason authenticity is so important in marketing the work you do. There is a way to find the same alignment we've discussed, and find the voice through the messages. If you're using the exact same sales strategy it will be much more effective because you'll be coming from a place of integrity.

It's not all about the words that come from our mouths. If I am certain about my product since I've personally experienced the benefits of the product, consequently, you are able to provide me with any sales plan. I'm certain that my confidence will sell it as well as my convincing on behalf of you is bound to make you believe.

  It's the energy that people generally buy -- not the product. It's your certainty, not the sales techniques or marketing funnels.

It's the time to be the type of online coach you want to be

I am sure that for some people this will be an uphill climb. You'll probably bump up against certain fears, doubts and anxieties along the way. The main issue is: do you possess the drive to change the world? Do you want to succeed when it comes to applying your life experiences? Do you have the desire to aid others by having an ideal attitude? If so, then you're likely to be successful.

Whatever you do, please refrain from removing the key ingredient of the equation. Do not just aim to earn an amount, but commit to make an impact.