Why 2023 is the year to be the year when entrepreneurs should build an online community

Jan 13, 2023

We at i-Club trust in the power of the online community as we witness the amazing ways it has transformed Heroes work and personal lives (watch the video above and check it out to see for yourself)!

The fact that the majority of US creators operating blogs or websites that connect with their followers as well as online communities, social media and other platforms that are private could be an excellent alternative to differentiate yourself, have more impact and earn more.

Coaches and creators for coaches and creators, online communities are crucial to diversifying revenue and providing you with the capability to manage your clients' interactions and content.

Additionally, big businesses are increasingly realizing the benefits of taking an approach to community driven to growth, helping clients improve their engagement with the business, be more flexible, and overcome challenges much more quickly.

23. is predicted to witness this trend continuing and increase, which will provide a variety of options for people to pick from. Thus, the sooner you begin building your own community, the more efficient!

In this piece will discuss why this online community has grown very popular and the ways you can profit from their indisputable benefits for your business.

The growth of online communities

"To establish a solid brand needs a solid group of people. When you've built the right community, you'll have a customer for life because they are forming relationships and establishing the support structure." Dexx Williams is a writer and Sales Funnel Investigator. Dexx Williams, Author of the best-selling books and sales funnel Investigator

Companies and organisations that are of any size and shape are aware of the importance of creating closer connections with customers and clients. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of social networks on the web.

In 2021, the majority of businesses believed the existence of a community was crucial to their purpose and 69% are considering an increase in their budgets to enhance the community-building strategies they employ. By 2022, between 79% and 95% of companies (depending on their expansion phase) had the support of an committed community staff.

The marketplace for creators grew to 50 million active creators in 2022, with the total market of $104.2 billion, more than double its size since the year 2019. The amount continues to increase. As a result of the increase in popularity the online community is expected to keep increasing their popularity by 2023.

The end result is: Online communities are expanding. Companies are making use of them as part of their strategy for business to establish strong relationships with their customers. Content creators and coaches can also utilize them to get the reins of their own contents and to make money from their viewers more effectively.

What are the advantages of online communities?

"Community is the essential element which keeps my business and my company together. It's an honor to belong to Communities as it allows me to oversee everything that happens on my website without having to use Social Media." -Chelsie Kenyon, Marketing Specialist and Certified Coach. Chelsie Kenyon Marketing Specialist, Certified Coach

By creating communities with committed communities, coaches and authors can interact with their audience and earn income from their work with a long-term, sustainable approach and with complete control. These communities are also a fantastic way to increase brand awareness and build customer loyalty. They can also maximize potential for growth, and increase customer service.

Private online communities can also be alternative to social media websites that can make creating content difficult to maintain their algorithms through constant algorithm changes and intricate and inconsistent rules.

Another problem is that social media platforms could be experiencing significant disruptions, like for example, Twitter, or more importantly, they could crumble and collapse, like Vine. Setting up your own social network can help you keep your fingers off the possibility of losing the connections and content that you've invested so much time in building.

It also causes people into distracted, and the majority of users are bored of being bombarded with ads. They want genuine connections instead of being sold to. This is why communities like these have been growing in popularity. They're the ideal method to build trusting, authentic connections between members and creators.

Bottom line: Organizations of all dimensions and sizes are aware of the benefits the online community can have on their revenues as well as their reputation and influence. Communities online can be an excellent choice for those who are creative as they help them navigate ever-changing, complex algorithms and social media rules which result in revenues being lost.

The benefits of online communities: Six

Internet-based communities provide a myriad of benefits beyond being able to connect and engage with customers. Here are six of the most important advantages.

  1. Find more efficient methods to connect in your local community. Community forums provide you with greater insight into your market than any other technique you have to reach your audience. 86 % of brand management reporting that they've gained a "deeper/richer understanding of customer requirements." 82% report that they've gained the "ability to open up and be able to answer new questions," which ultimately helps in the promotion of your products and improve your relationships with customers.
  2. Set yourself apart from competitors. It's not common for people to use online community platforms to connect with their target audience. Therefore, you'll stand out from your competition when you establish the space for your customers to come together, discuss ideas as well as interact with you and each other.
  3. Attract potential members. Community that is flourishing has the energy and enthusiasm that people want to share with fellow members. If members are experiencing an enjoyable experience, making connections, and seeing results, they'll be more likely to suggest your organization to their friends and help in the expansion of your company.

Summary The idea of creating an online community can be a excellent way to connect with your customers and grow your business. It lets you control your website's content and your connections with clients, and also to interact with your audience in a deeper and more meaningful way.

The reason Communities are essential to the growth of your company

Online community platforms are an ideal way to make profits from your fans and also to build relationships with your target audience.

Our enhanced community features allow members to collaborate and connect with your members unlike ever before. You can host and record events, live sessions and networking events for challenges, and even transform your events into a game and live chat available with real-time chat as well as much more. What are the latest features? What do they accomplish? Check out Tina Tower's walk through of the updated community experience!

Now you can control your community, events communication, as well as coaching courses, all in all one location, not relying on social media, or relying on an intricate tech stack.

"The aspects that permit individuals to connect with one another are built right in. It's easy, and fun and, in conjunction with all the different ways we have to work together to together people from one place. The idea is to help us to make the most effect on the people whom we assist." -- David Levin, Author & the founder of Raise Your Inner Game

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