Where do my Zoom recordings go? Assistance in Zoom uploads

Mar 4, 2023

If your 2021 and 2020 are similar to mine, then you've likely had a good experience with the web-based meetings program zoom.us by now (in fact, they're expanding every quarter). If you've been a part of a lot of them, the phrase "recording currently in process" might be lurking within your schedule.

But, what happens should you decide to film the events you've been to for yourself? One of the most common questions that pops into people' minds would be "where will the Zoom recordings go once I've finished taking recordings?". Perhaps the uncertainty has prevented you from testing this feature.

This article will assist you to comprehend the rationale behind it is a good idea to save the Zoom meeting recording is beneficial and as well answer the top questions that you could be having about the recording.

What are the reasons to save a Zoom recording?

It's happened to us all when you go to a important or successful meeting in which people raise awesome questions and topics. You leave the meeting and quickly realize that your notes aren't sufficient or that you did not make notes! If you'd recorded the event it would be possible to look the recording to recall the issues that were discussed.

The concept of recording the meeting to ensure that you are capable of reviewing it in the future for better note-taking or to remind yourself of the meeting is just one reason (though probably the most common) to record recordings of your meeting. Zoom recordings. However, there are many additional reasons to save the recordings of your meetings for example:

  • To share online lessons for non-attendees. If you're in the educational sector, your chances of being able to hold an entire class are slim. Making recordings of online courses (delivered via Zoom) might assist students who aren't able to make it in.

If you've decided that you want to give the record button a shot, what is the next step? Upload your Zoom recordings using

Where do Zoom recordings where do the recordings of Zoom go?

Before we dive to the finer details it is important to know that recording meetings can only be done by using the Zoom Desktop client (or Zoom app on the Mac) It is not available on mobile devices such as the iOS, Android apps, or on the Zoom web site.

If you want to keep video recordings in your computer you have two choices to upload or download the video file:

  • Cloud recording
  • Local recording

Cloud recording is only available for users who pay for a zoom account However, local recordings are made available to all users.

Zoom cloud recordings

If you're a paid user of Zoom You'll find this option available to you in the Recording options. Once you've uploaded your Zoom video, even if you only have Cloud recording on your device, you'll be able to receive an email from Zoom following the time your video was transferred to the Cloud.

The only thing you must do is click on the link within the email to view your recording or copy the link and send it to others. However, if for some reason you aren't able to see the email you received, then you can be able to view your recording using Zoom. Zoom desktop client app.If you start Zoom it will show your meeting ID on the left-hand side. On top of it, you'll find the upcomingand recordingsmeetings tab. Click on the recordings that you'd like to look at, or even if you've activated Cloud and are only getting the button that opens thebutton. Simply click "Open"and you'll be taken to the Cloud recording.

Local record

If you're not an active participant, your settings that you set for the recording will be automatically changed into local file storage. When you finish your first recording, Zoom is going to prompt you with authorization to record an location on your PC.

As a default, it makes an account for the file as well as its own Zoom folder in the file manager. If you'd like you can go into your Zoom settings to change the location of the file if you wish the video to be saved in a different folder.

Similar to above in the same way that when you go to your Recordedtab on Zoom, you'll be able to select the option to openand it'll direct you to the directory that has the file you recorded (zoom_0.mp4 file) within. There will be an audio_only.m4a file, and playback.m3u. playback.m3u file.

If you're recording locally you'll also be able to trigger the video player native to your device (play buttons) to play just audio.

 "'s Zoom"

Once you upload them on YouTube the site allows you to browse, upload, and manage your video files inside a protected workspace. You can also make use of unlisted URLs, password protection or even invite certain colleagues to check out and post comments about your video (in live-time! ).

Where do Zoom recordings go when you use Mac?

The default location for your recordings are stored in the folder called Zoom located within the Documentsarea within the Finder. Each recording folder is defined by the date, time, user as well as the meeting ID.

Overall it will look like this:

/Users/*computer user*/Documents/Zoom/2021-08-13 17.37.13 *your name*'s Personal Meeting Room *meeting ID*/

How do you edit recordings from Zoom?

If you've identified the video you want to edit in the Video Manager, you'll be able to trim it to size and apply markers for important moments as well as create chapters. All super relevant for long meetings and generally provides a professional finish.

If you're in need of more editing tools like filtering or adding graphics You can save your video for editing it using any editing software for video of your choice which includes Adobe Premiere or iMovie.

How to share Zoom recordings

If you want to share your Zoom recording, you can select from a variety of options based on which saving choice you've made

  • Cloud-based recordings Recordings can be shared with the URL that you originally shared within your email. Alternatively, go to your recording management page for the URL that you can share.
  • local recordingsyou can upload videos onto a video platform like Google Drive or YouTube for public sharing. For private sharing it is possible to upload videos to platforms such as Dropbox along with Google Drive (or use physical devices such as USBs).

Integrationsimilar as Cloud recordings You can make hyperlinks that are unlisted and shared and invite users to watch particular videos. When you are using accounts with group capabilities, you may select your own video to upload automatically to the shared folders belonging to your group.

Zoom Recording FAQs

Where do the recordings of zoom be put up?

If you are a subscriber to an account or subscription one of the options is it's the Zoom Cloud or your personal computer's File Manager, or the Video Manager integrated. Which is the most effective way to record video footage that zooms?

If you're in search of an option to protect sharing and edit your video content, the Zoom integration is an excellent alternative to store your video. In other cases it's possible to go with the default options.  What's the duration it takes to allow the Zoom recording process to finish?

It all depends on the size of the video uploaded, which could be anything from a couple of seconds up to several hours. If you're making use of Cloud storage or that integrates, you'll be notified a notification when the processing is complete.

You can control the quality of your Zoom recordings today with the latest

If you've learned how to record Zoom recordings, it's time to be prepared recording your first meeting (or find recordings you've already taken). If you're using it for personal purposes, the default options to save recordings will suffice, however for teams or with a large company You'll need a more advanced method of saving the recordings.

The Zoom integration will allow you to effortlessly and safely save, edit and organize your Zoom recordings from the same location.

Install the app integration today.

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