What's the most effective way to evaluate the viability Your Product Idea -

Apr 22, 2023

It's a great idea to create a brand innovative product, program or service that is certain to develop, however does the market seem open to your brand new concept? If you're a startup or a well-established business, being able to determine an item's market-fit can be a reliable indicator of the potential success of your new business. It was coined first by Marc Andreessen in 2007 "product-market matching" was first defined as "being within a market that is favorable, and having the product that's an ideal fit to this market."

In the past, countless investors, entrepreneurs, and experts in the field of product development have offered their own definitions of the word, but the essence of the concept of product-market fit focuses on making sure that your product is not only able to meet the requirements of your customers (the markets) and in a way that is superior to other products. Dan Olsen, a product management consultant, expands on the topic in greater detail within his own model his Lean Process Method that helps companies in reaching market-fit.

If you're looking at launching the first product of your own or even introduce another service to an existing line of products, the 6 steps of this model will help in determining the viability of your plan.

Step #1: Determine Your Target Customer

It's crucial to understand that while you might not be able to pinpoint the exact target market for your product. In the beginning, an assumption about the people you're hoping to sell your product serving will suffice to start. If you keep conducting market research and start to identify your client's segments You may discover that the initial idea you had in mind could change.

Establishing clear buyer personas to identify your ideal customers is an important aspect of the design process and will help your team of product designers gain greater understanding of the people you're creating products or offering services to. Most important to incorporate in your personas is characteristics, demographics, as well as motives and objectives. It's important to provide the most accurate description possible since these personas can represent the actual users that will be using your services.

Step 2: Recognizing the needs of your clients

Once you've identified the primary segment of customers who would like your product, the next thing to consider is identifying their needs. No matter what you're calling it, a problem or customer needs ultimately the principle that underlies them is identical as is the quality of your product's efficiency to the market is measured by the degree to which you can satisfy the demands that are not met by customers.

Step 3 Step 3 Select Your Value Proposition

The discussion has already covered the way your product's value will be evaluated against current competitors in the market. Your clearly articulated value proposition helps the product distinct among other products by clearly explaining how your product can satisfy the needs of customers better over other items.

There are certain things that the customers don't solve through your interactions having with potential customers but it may not be possible to address every need. The value prop provides guidance for your approach to creating your product, which makes it imperative to pick the appropriate issues to deal with. What are you going to create to help your product be more successful in achieving these requirements in comparison to your competitors? What are the unique benefits you offer that will increase the quality of your product and delight customers? Why do you think consumers should pick your products you offer over those of the competition?

Step 4: Give Specifications for Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The aim of this stage is to go through the same process until you've created the Minimum Viable Products that your people are satisfied with. It is important to be able to define the essential features users will be able to examine can aid in determining the most important functionality that your customers need and is an insurance against having to invest a significant amount of amount of time in developing products that your intended customers don't like or do not like.

Through the process it is possible to identify:

  • The customers are extremely happy with this crucial element of functionality that's missing in your MVP.
  • You can add a function to your MVP that your customers don't particularly utilize.

Step 5: Create the MVP Prototype. MVP Prototype

Don't be scared by the term "prototype! The Minimum Viable Product you created doesn't need to be an entire product, as interactivity and the quality of the product can differ for every business program.

The MVP prototype could be used as a visual representation of the final product with no need to build a fully-fledged product. The MVP prototype will help you to evaluate your concepts by offering users a different model of your product that they are able to use and give comments on.

An excellent example of this is that having a mock-up of the interface for an app (like wireframes) is as simple as creating the application on its own. In the end, at the time of completion, your goal is to make the application as tiny that it can respond to the feedback we get from our customers. It's unproductive to devote a significant amount of energy and effort to create an entire app in the event that it is necessary to massively alter the app or shift into a new direction.

Step 6: Obtain Your MVP noticed by clients

If you're satisfied with your initial draft of the MVP It's now time to test it against your possible clients. Your data's accuracy is vital in this stage as your opinions could be crucial to determining what direction the product will take.

As you begin, you'll want to only get feedback from those who match the needs of the customers you want to target. If you're not careful, you may end up creating the product from scratch and moving wrong in order to satisfy requirements of your clients, who might not be always in the market to sell the product you offer. Therefore, it is advised to develop an online survey or questionnaire to ensure that you're identifying those who match your ideal buyer profile.

Testing the performance of your MVP in the hands of your clients must involve the usage of different quantitative as well as qualitative questions. Being able to be able to pose questions that allow for greater customer feedback than asking questions that can be quickly replied to by a "yes" or "no" answer. But, it's important to make sure you're not asking a question that is deemed controversial because they could cause people to respond in a certain way.

After you have completed every test, ensure that you examine both positive and negative feedback you are receiving as well as be aware of any pattern in the reactions and behaviour of users who utilized your service or product.

Reflections, Pivots and Iterations

Finding the perfect product-market alignment is a continuous procedure. It is possible that the initial assumptions you believed about your product and the potential market or customers that you'd like to attract are identical after each iteration through your Lean Product Method. As long as you stay flexible and open to feedback from your market and customers, you're heading towards the correct direction in order to create a product with massive market possibilities.

After you've established the software or service you're looking at is compatible with the marketplace, it's time to think of an effective strategy to promote your product and get your offer to the largest number of likely customers. The ecommerce platform of's is designed to offer a wide selection of online and distribution product models It has also been able to aid numerous organizations in making profits from their products.

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