What's New What's New WordPress 6.7

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WordPress 6.7 is just around the corner This is the time to review the new options, features, and enhancements that the latest version will bring to users.
The version includes 87 core enhancements along with enhancement requests as well as more than 200 fixes to bugs.
Eight Gutenberg versions, ranging between 18.6 and up 19.3 as well as 19.3 are included in WordPress 6.7's base. Block editor is upgraded with 445 features and fixes for bugs along with 55 accessibility enhancements.
Developers can benefit from new APIs that are powerful and efficient. are at the core of. Editor interface gets several updates and enhancements, which include tools that were previously only accessible via code. Enhancements to usability and innovative tools to design will help speed the process of creating.
There are many exciting new enhancements and features being added to WordPress 6.7 We have picked our favorites that we consider to be most exciting for designers and for users. There is much to say, so dive right into the most recent features.
Zoom out mode
WordPress 6.7 features a new Zoom-Out mode which lets you create and edit your content by focusing on patterns rather than particular blocks. This allows you to operate with greater efficiency and offers a full overview of your page in construction.
These images demonstrate how the new feature works. The new toggle Zoom Out option located on the toolbar's upper bar lets you toggle the Zoom Out view off and on, which allows users to work on patterns, or individual blocks in a variety of ways.

If Zoom Out mode is switched off, you will be able to execute several actions on the selected pattern. The block toolbar provides controls to drag, Move up/down as well as the ability to shuffle. The List view has hyperlinks for various actions such as Edit, Duplicate as well as Delete the pattern you've chosen.

If you've got Zoom Out enabled, the Block Inserter is set to default the Tab with patterns. The List view also reflects of the editing mode and will display patterns, not blocks.
To view a complete description of all the new features and improvements in the Zoom out mode check the Zoom Out Mode Iteration Problem as well as Developer Notes regarding Zoom Out in WordPress 6.7.
Meta boxes in the Post editor
Before versions 6.7 Meta boxes prevented the post editor canvas to load inside frames. This was the reason certain benefits were not available, such as the separation of theme and block CSS as well as editor's UI, and the accuracy of relative CSS units for media queries and viewport. This issue hindered the use of identical CSS that is used for both editor and front-end views.
Since WordPress 6.7 The meta box for editors and content can be integrated into editors' interface. Because of the new split-view that lets the Post editor's canvas to load inside an iframe regardless whether your post/page includes at least one meta box. According to the Dev Note:
This change ensures an identical WYSIWYG user experience for both the Editor as well as front-end display. In addition, it makes meta boxes far more accessible that they had been before. This allows visual references to every part of the information while working in the meta boxes or vice versa.

The application utilizes the flexibility
in order to make the metabox view and metabox areas accessible for scrolling.
The update includes a number of changes to the Post editor interface. Post editor interface.
- The height of the Meta box is limited to 50% in default to prevent it from getting too large and occupying too much space.
- The area of the meta box is expandable and can be collapsed based on viewport height.
- The state of the resized length and the state of open/closed are permanent in the user's preferences.

Take a look at the development note for a greater description for developers.
Enhancements on the Block Bindings API
WordPress 6.7 provides us with improved features and upgrades that are made possible through Block Bindings API. Bindings API, and a new default interface for managing the post meta source.
New Block Bindings to the UI
This version introduces a brand fresh interface for managing Block Bindings on the settings tab using the post meta built-in blocks binding sources. This is available in the block bindings tab for Heading, Paragraph, Button Blocks, Image and Heading.
After you've registered your custom fields, and then selected one of the block types that support it the new attribute panel will appear on the sidebar of block settings. If you're creating any custom fields for your posts, the Attributes panel will become interactive. It lets you link the attributes of your block to your custom fields.

It lets you create bindings by adding code to the code editor.
In default, only admins can modify or create bindings. Developers can override the default behavior using the block_editor_settings_all
or map_meta_cap
This Dev Note warns users of two potential issues with the newly released Attributes interface.
- The ability to connect attributes of blocks with sources that are customized isn't possible with this release. The enhancement will be available in the next version.
- Another issue is related to the different types of custom fields which are displayed on the attributes panel. For now, only fields of type strings or text rich are available. Also, we are able to expect a gradual introduction for different kinds of custom fields with coming versions.
Read the Dev Note to find out more about the fascinating use-case of an enhanced Block Bindings API with custom post templates.
New post meta label attribute
A brand new label
attribute has been added to the plugin that allows plugin developers to create a customized label for the meta fields that they post at registration. It is now possible to use the following code to register your fields that you've designed with labels:
register_post_meta( 'post', 'book_title', array( 'show_in_rest' => true, 'type' => 'string', 'single' => true, 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'label' => __('Book title') ) );
If the label is defined, it will be displayed in lieu of the meta-key displayed in the UI for Block Bindings. This image illustrates the attributes panel, which includes label labels which are made by custom:

Block bindings can be edited
Along with the new Block Bindings interface, a new canUpdateBlockBindings
editor setting can be used to determine whether the new interface is interactive for users. The default setting is the recently introduced edit_block_binding
feature, which is changed to true
for administrators, and true
for other users.
You can change the default behavior using the block_editor_settings_all
New APIs and new features are available for developers
WordPress 6.7 adds new features for developers who are able to use blocks in the editor.
A brand new editor API allows creation of custom source files by the server using bootstrapped value. It is possible to include external sources into the editor to display them in the UI through the server APIs. // Registers block binding sources. If ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwentyfive_register_block_bindings' ) ) : /** * Registers the copyright block binding source. * * @since Twenty Twenty-Five 1.0 * * @return void */ function twentytwentyfive_register_block_bindings() register_block_bindings_source( 'twentytwentyfive/copyright', array( 'label' => _x( '© YEAR', 'Label for the copyright placeholder in the editor', 'twentytwentyfive' ), 'get_value_callback' => 'twentytwentyfive_copyright_binding', ) ); endif; // Registers block binding callback function for the copyright. If ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwentyfive_copyright_binding' ) ) : /** * Callback function for the copyright block binding source. * * Since Twenty Twenty five 1.0 * * @return the Copyright text. */ function twentytwentyfive_copyright_binding() $copyright_text = sprintf( /* translators: 1: Copyright symbol or word, 2: Year */ esc_html__( '%1$s %2$s', 'twentytwentyfive' ), '©', wp_date( 'Y' ) ); return $copyright_text; endif; add_action( 'init', 'twentytwentyfive_register_block_bindings' );
The code will show (c) year on the UI as the default. This is shown in the next image.

It's important to remember that the text displayed in the block canvas isn't active and only shows the source label.
In order to determine the mark for this block, you have to create a copy of Twenty 25, which is a Copyright pattern. After that, you can open the copy of the pattern in The Code editor:
More details about the innovative Block Bindings feature inside the Block Bindings in the 6.7 notes of development.
Changes to data views
Data Views offers a new interface for designs and templates, web pages and many other features. Data Views is also an element and an API which lets you render your data in the Editor for Sites with various layouts like grid, table, list, etc.

Starting with WordPress 6.7 The icon for gear appears in the upper right side of the grid view. When you click this icon, the appearance panel displays a variety of options for viewing. Here, you can organize the elements of your view, adjust the grid density and alter the number of elements on a page. You can also choose the property of each element you wish to display on the view.

An option to toggle allows users to conceal or reveal views filters for improved user performance on screens with small sizes.

If you've selected the filter you wish to apply, the toggle switch to filtering will show the active filters.

Other changes to Data Views include an aspect ratio that can be adjusted, data view choices from an alternative menu along with numerous other changes.
Improved query Loop block
The Query Loop block is one of the most advanced and complex blocks. It is required to provide the most functionality and flexibility in terms of customization, while also being simple and intuitive to use. In WordPress 6.7 and 6.7, it's Query Loop receives several improvements and upgrades to enable the loop to be more adaptable and simple to use.
The earlier Inherit query, which was included in the template setting control is now modified to make it easier to understand and simple.
If you edit a template while editing the template's query Loop Settings panel will display a the query's type control. The images below show how to change the parameters for two different query types such as default and custom.

The ability to detect context has also been upgraded. The Query block comes with an inherit
setting which is set in default to false
by default. On a single page, the setting has no effect on queries and results. The controls were removed with WordPress 6.7.

As opposed to templates for archive, also known as index template, the content of a query block depends on the type of request. The archive page for a specific category will display the information associated with that category, regardless of other options set for the individual user. In particular, it shows the number of posts.
There is a way to get a full overview of the challenges that are affecting the Query Loop block here.
Additional media management enhancements
In WordPress 6.7 the administration of media is improved and more effective. From auto sizes for lazy loading images, to the use of a lot of background images, here are a few of the media management improvements coming with 6.7.
Auto sizes to load lazy images
A default setting for dimensions
will allow the browser to recognize the image file to use by the value of the srcset
attribute. This means that the browser is able to determine the size of the image prior to the page layout is identified.
The HTML specification lets images be devoid of their dimension
attribute, or change it to auto
or the string that begins with the letter auto
list of source-size-list>autoauto
In WordPress 6.7 with auto attribute, the auto
attribute will be integrated in a way at the beginning of the size
attribute of every slow-loading image. This results in a performance increase in the speed of loading webpages.

Developers can correct the value of the sizes
attribute using the new wp_img_tag_add_auto_sizes()
Font Library enhancements
WordPress 6.7 has also brought a couple of beneficial changes to The Font library. The first is that fonts are now separated in two categories: sources ( Theme and Custom), making it easier to identify the origins of each font from a glance.

A new select all option is just a few mouse clicks when you search for the exact font you want in Google Fonts.

Additional changes include a new "No fonts are installed" message for fonts that aren't in use as well as an enhanced "No Fonts Installed" state when fonts have been installed but not activated.
Support for HEIC format
Its file format HEIC (High Efficiency Image Container) is an upgraded version of the HEIF (High Efficiency Image Format), used in Apple for all iPhones and iPads with iOS 11 or later. This format helps iOS users can make the most of 4k cameras, and also have smaller file sizes.
With WordPress 6.7, HEIC image uploads will be immediately converted into JPEG via the WordPress server if it's possible. This feature lets users browse at HEIC images in the Media Library and use them in posts and pages regardless of whether their browser recognizes HEIC.

Design tools that are updated and improved.
With WordPress 6.7, designers have access to new advanced tools for design, such as extended block supports and font size presets and many more.
Background images are a great way to enhance the user interface of Verse, Quote, and Post Blocks of Content
WordPress 6.7 includes the latest controls that control the UI of background images for a few blocks which are in the global design. These blocks comprise Verse, Quote and Post Content.

A background image that is set in general styles can be used across the entire website. Once you've added your background image in a block, it's time to change the settings on each individual instance of that block in order to create a more customized appearance.

The feature is available inside The Post blocks to wrap the post's pages' and post content in templates. This screenshot provides an example of how to make use of this feature. Background image.

Block support supports to add blocks
As well as the ability to support background images for Verse or Quote block as well as the ability to use Post Blocks for Content WordPress 6.7 introduces new capabilities to create blocks with various features that developers and theme developers will appreciate.
The support for border borders has been extended to various blocks. These include Buttons, Categories, Gallery, Heading, Media Text, Paragraph, Post Title quote, and many more blocks.

This release also adds colors as well as colors for Buttons, List Item and Recent comments..

WordPress 6.7 is also bringing the long-anticipated feature for the developers and designers: shadow support in Group block. Group block.

Font size presets
WordPress 6.7 comes with a completely new user interface that allows you to handle the font size of presets in the Global Styles interface. This allows users to override the theme's default settings and to create modifications, delete, or add, and apply Font size presets by using the editor.
Additionally, you have the capability to turn on fluid typography as well as to define your own fluid values.
If you want to try it out, just start the Styles interface, and then go through font sizes > The Font Size Presets. A new screen will be displayed with the font size presets. Click on the preset that you like and apply adjustments as needed.

Any changes you make to your website will be reflected across your site.
UI enhancements and editing tools
WordPress 6.7 includes additional UI improvements and a variety of new options to simplify editing. Let's look at some of the options.
The Publish button was relocated to the correct spot.
It appears that the cancel and the Publish buttons on the check-box to pre-publish have been moved to different locations so that you can publish the article with no need to move the cursor around the webpage.

Block names that are custom-made in the inspector for blocks
In WordPress 6.7 When you make a custom block name, it will now shows within the inspector for blocks as well. When you used the earlier version of 6.6 the block inspector would show the block's default name (e.g. the Heading).

Deactivate the Modal Choose Pattern
It's now possible to turn off the Choose patterns option that is displayed when you make a new page. If you wish to get rid of this feature, just open the Preferences within the menu options menu and turn off the show starter patterns option.

Automatic phone number linking
The link field automatically adds the following: the number:
after you enter your address.

The user can add multiple images inside the block.
It is now possible to drop several images on an Image block and convert the block into gallery blocks.

New APIs and features for developers
WordPress 6.7 offers a wide range of brand new APIs available to developers that allow them to increase the capabilities of the plugins they create. The new Preview Options API has been added, and other APIs have been enhanced with fresh features like the HTML API as well as the Interactivity API. Let's look into a few.
Preview Options API
The new Preview Options API permits plugin developers to expand their ability to expand their ability to expand the Preview dropdown menu available in the post/page editor. The API introduces a new PluginPreviewMenuItem
component that plugins can use to add custom menu items with custom titles and click handlers to the Preview dropdown menu.
The developers of plugins are able to create custom preview options to the WordPress editor that cover various items, including:
- Custom-format previews (think of the posts you post on social media)
- Pages or posts that are viewed as previews that are restricted to particular role-based users
- Additional preview modes, such as dark mode, emails, etc.
Based on the props you have available, you can use custom menu items to preview your content in the form of hyperlinks, buttons or other.
Here's an example from the note to developers on how to utilize the new API:
import __ from '@wordpress/i18n'; import PluginPreviewMenuItem from '@wordpress/editor'; import registerPlugin from '@wordpress/plugins'; function onPreviewClick() // Handle preview action const CustomPreviewMenuItem = () => ( __( 'Your menu item label' ) ); registerPlugin( 'custom-preview-menu-item', render: CustomPreviewMenuItem, );
The plugin is available. Template Registration API
Before WordPress 6.7, the only possibility for customizing block templates was through themes. Registration of blocks using an plugin was difficult unless you used complicated workarounds.
Thanks to the new templates registration API which is available now, you are able to make custom block templates register using an application. The new API provides two new functions for registering and unregistering a template: register_block_template()
and unregister_block_template()
It is pretty easy to utilize. The only thing you need to do is pass the function a couple of parameters:
The name of the template in the form of plugin_uri//template_name
(note the //
A list of the following arguments:
For a greater description of the API and usage examples, see the development note and the original Pull Request.
Block type APIs are now available to sign up.
A new wp_register_block_metadata_collection()
function registers a block type from a manifest file if it exists instead of reading and parsing the block.json
file directly. This is particularly useful when plugins register several blocks as it eliminates having to read and interpret block.json for each block type.
Note that this new function does not replace the existing register_block_type()
and register_block_type_from_metadata()
functions. This function can be used instead of, but it is highly recommended to use plugins that register multiple blocks to improve performance.
Check out the developer note for a detailed description of the new API along with examples of how you can utilize it.
Optional Heading Level Options
Through the use of the brand new feature called the levelOptions
attribute of the brand new levelOptions feature. Users are able to define the levels at which headings are to be added to the dropdown menu interface for heading the Site Title Tagline the Site, Query Title, and Post Title, as well as comments title blocks.
Most commonly, it is in block templates, template components, as well as patterns. The code below disables H1 Headings H5, H5 and H6 in a block for Headings:
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