What was the outcome after Ellen Daly Sold Over 2000 workshops in only 4 months with the help of Instagram

Nov 11, 2022

In 2021, Australian-born Ellen Daly wanted to create designs for her baby's nursery.

After she discovered photos of art that was textured via the web, she fell in love of this medium. The moment she discovered it, the child she was raising was just two years old and she was expecting the second of her kids. In the evenings, while she was at home with her son, she created art that was textured. It allowed her to spend the time for herself and develop her artistic talents.

In Jan 2022 she began an account on Instagram called Sundown Lines to show her artwork. Soon, it grew to have the number of 5,000+ followers. She then began to sell her pieces that are designed to be inspired by natural elements to collectors from all over the world. "Art was a passion which I indulged in to pass the time' but then I discovered myself booked to the max due to the demand," Daly says. Daly.

But, even though Daly wasn't an artist prior to her experiences, she regards that she is an artist. she worked as an instructor in elementary schools as well as the love of drawing since she was an infant. As her children were growing up, Daly was not keen returning to her job. Daly's only choice was to make and sell her art work in order to meet expenses of living. The summer of 2022, she decided to grow her online business related to art through classes for education.

She now sells two courses: her initial course named"The Textured Art Workshop," is a course that teaches artists how to create art using a method. Her other course, the Business Growth Workshop, teaches students how to develop their businesses within the realm of art. After launching her first class in the year 2012, she's increased her Instagram followers to over 109,000 and has sold less than 2 000 classes, generating approximately $72,000 USD. "It's been a very wild ride, but the outcomes have been incredible," she says.

In this piece, Daly shares her top strategies for growing her company within just 4 months

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She uses Instagram reels to share her process of creating

The first time she began her course, the goal of Daly was to create four sessions every week. Daly decided to use the e-learning platform instead of using other ones since she felt it was affordable and user-friendly.

"I didn't know what dimensions it could reach. Within the first week, we've sold 400 units and that's about $18,000 in USD. It was much far more than I could ever had imagined. ."

Check out this article on Instagram

     An HTML0 blog entry that's linked to Sundown Lines (@sundown_lines)

One of the main factors in selling online classes is Instagram. In the interest of increasing her followers, she frequently uploads material, especially reels -- on Instagram which provide value to those who follow her. "Since posting more about my creative process , as in addition to the online classes my audience has grown exponentially," continues Daly

The reels Daly uses display her art-making process in close proximity, with funny songs and lyrics. They entice viewers in line with Daly. The reels encourage viewers to purchase her artwork or create their own with the online tutorials she offers. "A lot of people are attracted to my work following a look at my process," she explains. "They are interested in knowing what is the materials I work with and what I do while creating my art ."

She has two magnets for lead

Daly creates leads in two ways: through Instagram content and advertisements on Facebook.

In Instagram, she has hyperlinks to her workshops in her Instagram bio and in the blog posts. "The majority of my leads come through Instagram," she says. "Instagram is my primary source for income ."

Additionally, there's a Facebook advert that acts as a lead generation tool. It's proved to be very profitable and brings people directly to her website. "The advertising on Facebook has a video embedded that has small bits of the Textured Art Workshop," Daly states. Daly.

HTML0Her classes are available prior to designing them.

When she was creating the material for her two classes, she made sure that they were created prior to launch in order to ensure that the readers were intrigued by the content she had produced.

The initial of her classes her first course, The Textured Art Workshop It was pre-sold on the 4, before it was officially launched on July 12. Her next course, The Business Growth Workshop which was sold out on August 22 and officially started on September 16. It's unfortunate that she was not able to find enough time to write her content between the launch of pre-sales and the official launch date. "I faced a tight deadline to write everything needed for the two workshops and the launch. However, the way that I considered it, it was an excellent idea since it placed the pressure on me to complete these assignments," she said.

In addition, the fact the courses were available through pre-orders helped to ensure she had the opportunity to generate excitement before creating her own course. The course also offered an early-release discount which enticed all those who followed her to sign up for the course.

"Even although I'd been thinking about exercises I found it beneficial to give me some input regarding what exercises I could integrate into workshops based upon the issues people were asking during the tour."

She is a proponent of pricing accessible to everyone.

Daly is a big believer of pricing that is reasonable.

In order to arrive at the correct cost, she states that it took trial and error; at the beginning, her workshops were expensive than they are today. But, as her website is linked to Shopify it was clear that the higher price caused more carts to be unfinished when they were completing their purchases. "When I reduced the cost to a certain extent, before placing the cost at a price that was more affordable to customers, I saw sales increase," she says.

Because many of her followers have just begun their own artistic endeavors, Daly discovered it's better to provide more workshops at an affordable price rather than offering fewer workshops at a more expensive cost. "I prefer the courses to be affordable," she says. "Especially when it comes to students who just need to design one work of art for their own home. ."

The instructors also permit students to join the two classes together. At present, the Business Growth Workshop is already discounted. The future is when she'll make an announcement about bundles which are discounted in order so that people could purchase both workshops at the same time. "This is a great way for increasing the volume in sales"" she adds.

She advises those who create online courses test prices to determine which one will suit their customer base the most. It is also advised to keep going and prepare for fluctuation and declines in the courses offered online. "Some instances, I'll wake up only to discover that no one had purchased my class, but the next day, I'll have the highest number of numbers of sales" she explains. "It's always up and down. It's important to keep going until eventually you'll realize that you've earned your rewards ."

 She hosts for a huge international audience

The majority of the people Daly caters to are female. Even though they are from Australia many of the clients are from the US. "Most of my customers are from the United States," she says. "I believe that I've sold my workshop on all continents. This was quite unexpected. ."

For her clientele from around the world to connect with a wider public The Shopify integration lets her present the costs of her workshops in relation to the currencies used by the client. "Once we joined Shopify with Shopify it was possible to check how the currencies are displayed to them," she says.

Additionally, she provides subtitles in several languages for people who do not speak English. This makes her classes even more accessible for those all over the globe.

She simplifies the creation of web-based content

In order to create the curriculum for an online course, Daly started by drawing every chapter. "I made notes of the topics I planned to include throughout each chapter" Daly says. "Then I began the filming ."

The videos were recorded on the iPhone in her house. Following the filming of the videos, she designed an easy-to-print manual that could help communicate important information to students. "I took snippets of each video and included it in my guides that print easily," she says.

Her husband, who works in IT was her "technical helper,' and helped in editing, filming videos, and uploading them onto the website. Today, he is working the full-time position at her firm.

She utilizes the feedback from students

Facebook helps her grow her business for a number of reasons.

The primary Sundown Lines Facebook group, open to anyone, is home to more than 1000 people. In addition, she runs two Facebook groups that are exclusive and are focused on the Textured Art Workshop and one for promoting Her Business Growth Workshop.

The comments in the Textured Art Workshop group helped her determine interest and what they would like for her next work. In the case of this the feedback received from the Facebook group was the reason that prompted her to create the Business Growth Workshop. "A majority of the people who asked me to grow my company, which is flourishing in the world of textile arts," she says. "That was an excellent input that helped me to design my next workshop."

She's also planning to offer additional classes according to student opinions. "I've had many of my members who are part of my Facebook group request different styles of textured art," she says. "I'm just using their suggestions to inform me of the type of art I should create in the future ."

There are two separate Facebook groups. One group is dedicated to her Textured Art Workshop and one specially focused on Her Business Growth Workshop. The Facebook groups - and email are the way she interacts with her students. Based on the feedback she gets through these Facebook groups, they permit her to include additional information about her classes.

"If you're worried over something that happens often in groups on Facebook and I'm able address it, then I make further modules as well as send emails to address these issues and help users."

She is able to adjust to the requirements that her parents have.

As a follower following the example of Daly her goal is to be visible on Instagram as well as in Facebook group she's set up to ensure that her classes keep getting highly rated.

At present, she's satisfied to have turned her love of recreation to her husband's daily work. "It's something I've didn't think could ever occur," she says. "My husband and I had to work full-time, which made us stressed and our work schedules to being capable of staying at home with the kids while making more money within ."

"We took a break during the week, and we made exactly what you could have earned by working at the house," she continues. "To be able to do that was incredible ."

If you're hoping to turn your passion into a profitable company, you can create your own course on the internet. Join the course today.

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