What is the purpose of video marketing? What can you do to ensure it is effective?

Jul 15, 2023

To create an effective plan for digital marketing Teams from the Marketing department along with staff members, and even experts with expertise in video have to incorporate video into their plans. Although the idea of "video marketing" could seem easy (essentially the addition of videos to the marketing strategy) however, it's not difficult to grasp what exactly you have to do in order to execute this task effectively.

What is the purpose in making use of video marketing to help promote your business?

Because of the rapid growth of sites like YouTube and various other platforms for social media like Facebook as well as Twitter have recently added video content on their platforms, resulting in a significant rise in the efficiency of video streaming (bye bye to that annoying delay) Video content is now accessible at all stages of what's called the funnel of marketing. The basic funnel appears as follows: you welcome visitors to your company (awareness stage) and educate your customers about the benefits (consideration stage) Then, at the end you present your offer to them (decision stage) prior to letting people be (delight the stage).

So how do you do video marketing right?

Let's make a typical video-marketing funnel using the lens of an real (but in reality a fictional) illustration. WebThyme is a (imaginary) business that aids customers in creating and maintenance of websites. Jenn is one of the potential customers.

  • The right prospect: Jenn is preparing her website for her first health and wellness. The targeted user base for WebThyme is business owners who own small businesses.
  • The correct channel Jenn looks for guidance from Google in the process of launching a new venture, she finds the WebThyme YouTube video which is an article on a website which explains the life of an entrepreneur. Enthusiastic, she joins WebThyme's newsletters and they send Jenn each week an email with useful info.
  • Correct action:Jenn clicks on a email link, which takes the user to a page that features a video delving into the latest WebThyme tools that are available for small-scale entrepreneurs. businesses. When she clicks the button, it will launch an initial trial, which is free. will be the prompt to action she is able to test this trial.

This is just one of the examples of potential scenarios that video marketing could be able to. What can it look like on a far more precise and a practical level? Which methods are the most effective for video marketing in important channels like emails, social media and your website? Let's dig in...

Investigating social media

What makes social media so efficient to grow? The people who follow you, share your posts, and follow them on Facebook or Twitter. If you like your blog's posts, you can post them on social media and send your posts to their personal contacts and friends and a handful of them may be able to follow your account. Another method to increase the number of prospects from this segment is through using an email capture form that comes with commercial software. You can view your customers" details directly inside the program that is integrated. If you've got that data then you'll be able to easily import the emails into email marketing services like MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and Constant Contact.

Perhaps you'd like your site visitors to go to a landing page where they will be able to discover additional information. You can do this! Business permits you to include clickable CTAs that let you direct users exactly to where you'd like them.

Furthermore, you could extend your reach and get new followers by making use of social media which is compensated. Based on the website you're currently on, you might have the ability to focus on specific segments of the population and also advertise your content through promos, pre-rolls, or other posts.

Let your email campaigns flourish

In the case of emails, videos play an important part. time. There is a way to boost the rate of click-through between 200 and 300 percent (that's several hundred percents and also users) as well as reduce the percentage of individuals who do not join. However, most email programs aren't able to handle video content that is included within emails. But, there's a solution to address this issue with overlays that play the still images of your video then driving users to a landing page which has all the relevant information.

It's quite simple to achieve with the marketing tools we have mentioned previously and by using marketing automation tools like HubSpot. This is the most efficient method for discovering which video thumbnails provide the best percentage of conversion. In general, you can increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaign's" rate of conversion by altering the style and content in line with your landing pages which your videos will take you to.

Your site is packed with amazing videos

HTML1 Home Page Home Page Home Page

The majority of companies make videos for their web pages. These videos include an overview of the purpose and mission of your organization as well as the main motives for why you company is so important, as well as your company's challenge. The content can have a major impact on how your company's image is viewed by customers who only familiarize themselves with your business. For instance, take Canary For instance..

Pages that will land

Although your website has many reasons to provide a broad public and a wide audience, your landing pages are perfect for instructing specific segments of your audience of your advantages to encourage customers to make those desired adjustments. People who share your landing pages use advertisements to promote them on the internet, social media websites, and also via the use of search engines. These videos can assist you to turn leads into buyers. Visit our business pages.


It's a significant source of traffic that comes through your website especially for useful information and industry news, and also thought-leadership regarding topics which people are interested in, as they're probably looking for something they're seeking through Google. Also, it's a great place to publish product or company news, events and tips you've gotten from your contacts. Are you looking for some examples? The information you're reading will become (hopefully) more intriguing by incorporating video clips throughout.

Pages that have FAQs as well as Pages to promote product

Everything is needed for it to take place

If the video-marketing approach you've picked is efficient and efficient, you'll be able to create an amazing environment which helps improve the profitability of your company: Your social videos have been watched by potential customers and also energize current customers. Videos posted on your blog are ranked highly in search results; your mailers with breathtaking video thumbnails -- lead fans to the websites with landing pages. These pages contain relevant videos and crisp CTAs and clear CTAs. All of them are designed to increase leads and boost sales. Every aspect can be monitored as well as measured, and then adapted as time passes. In addition, if we are discussing...

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