What is the next step? (Reflective Example and Model)

Aug 2, 2023

There are many times you've asked about what?, what do you think? in different situations and situations But did you realize the answers to these questions could lead to solution-oriented solutions?

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The Introduction of the What Now What What Model

It's a reflective approach for individuals and teams to think about all aspects of a situation, gaining insights and developing effective problem-solving strategies.

The model is comprised of three phases:

  • Identifying (What? )
  • Understanding (So What? )
  • Planing (Now what? )

When we pause to reflect, we identify the patterns that hinder us, and also areas that could be improved.

The three stages of the What So What Now What Reflective Model

Ready to boost your critical thinking and reflection capabilities in your work? Here are the different stages of the framework and what they are.

What - The Descriptive Stage

The first thing to do is determine what the circumstances are. Examine the incident, experience, project or circumstance without judgement or pre-conceived ideas.

During this stage, stay focussed on the facts and specifics rather than feelings or opinions Be impartial. As an example, suppose you had a meeting with your boss that was not as you had planned. At"What? "What?" stage, you simply describe the incident.

Key Questions to Ask in the"What Stage"
What's happened?
Who was the Person Involved?
When Did It Happen?
Where Did It Happen?
How Did It Happen?

So What - The Stage of Interpretation Stage

Understanding and analysing the circumstances is the next step. Look at what you think about the event, experience or project and what its impacts or effects can be.

Examine your emotions and feelings without blaming or judging your self or anyone else at this moment. It's likely that you'll think about how you felt after your meeting at this stage with this previous scenario.

The Most Important Questions to Ask in the"So What" Stage
How Did I Feel About The Situation/Event?
What was my emotional Response To It?
Are There Any Implications For Me Personally/Professionally?
How Will This Affect My relationships with people involved?
Did Anything In Particular Trigger These Emotions In Me?

Now What - The Steps to Take Planning Stage

Identifying actions to be taken as well as improving these is the final step. Propose solutions or improvements for the way forward. Consider how you're going to achieve your objectives during this stage.

Following the meeting example and you're contemplating the changes you and your boss will need to make to make better meetings for the future.

Key Questions to Ask in the Now What Stage
What Steps Should I Take to improve this situation?
What can I do to move forward With a Positive Mindset?
Are There Any Necessary actions or changes?
What is the most important thing I should think about/consider before taking Action?
How Can I Prevent Similar Events from Happening Once More?

Actual-life examples for Models of What So What Now What Model

A Workplace Conflict: A group has difficulty resolving an issue among its members. Here's how you might take the next step:

  1. Why? Do you do? Determine the root of the problem and be aware of all the perspectives that are of the issue.
  2. So What - Identify what patterns or themes may be causing friction.
  3. Now What Do You Do? - Decide your next steps in order to achieve resolution.

An Individual Challenge or Goal If you're trying to complete a difficult task done. One way you could help the effort could include:

  1. What is it? - Determine what is happening so far, and what is happening now.
  2. And What Do You Think could be causing any blocks or delays.
  3. Now What Do You Do? - Develop an action plan that will help you succeed.
  4. What Do you think about where you gathered knowledge, and then what you learnt.
  5. And What Do You Think About? the best way to utilize this knowledge in actual-world situations.
  6. Now What - Decide which way to utilize this information to create positive change.

Tips for Effective Reflection with Reflection on the What So What Now What Model

This model solves any problem It is important to engage in regular reflection, as well as maintain an open and not-judgmental perspective.

Reflecting lets you think deeply about a situation, and this model provides an approach that is structured to all parts of life.


What So What Now? What So What Now What model can be a powerful tool for unlocking potential solutions. It helps to encourage reflective thinking by posing basic questions.

Maintaining an open, neutral mindset helps you find innovative solutions that are different from the norm that can help you professionally or personally.

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Commonly Asked Questions

Q. Who developed who developed the What So What Now What Model?

The What So What Now What Model was invented by American psychology expert David A. Kolb, who is also known for his work on Experiential Learning Theory. This model is a basic yet effective framework to facilitate reflective learning and reflection on experiences.

Q. What is the difference between What So What Now What Model different from other models that reflect?

Unlike some more complex reflection models, the simpleness in this model is a refreshing change "What," "So what," and "Now what" questions within this model promotes consistent exercise and an open mind as you practice contemplation. This three-step approach allows people to explore their experiences through a structured way that encourages self-awareness, the ability to think critically, and continual improvement.

Q. What are the benefits of employing the What So What Now What Model in professional settings?

In professional settings, utilizing the model can result in several benefits, such as:

  • Improved decision-making abilities through deeper understanding of past instances.
  • Unlocking unconsidered creative solutions using multiple perspectives.
  • Promoting a systematic way of thinking about problems that promotes the development of learning.
  • Enhancing communication skills through facilitating thoughtful discussions among team members.

Q. Can The What So What Now What Model apply to scenarios in groups, or can it be used for only personal reflection?

While initially designed for individual contemplation, the method can indeed be adapted for use when in group settings as well. Through guiding discussions that use these three prompts - asking each participant about their experiences (what), opinions (so how) as well as actionable insight (now which) The entire group is able to discuss their views regarding an event or experience effectively. This collective approach helps discover new insights or ideas that might not have come to light through a lone-minded contemplation.

Q. What can I do to incorporate this model into my everyday routine?

Applying this easy but effective method into your routine involves asking yourself the three key questions in the course of the events, regardless of their scale. When you come across situations during your day - whether it's taking part in meetings, working on chores, or having conversations, take time to think through the following questions:

  • What is the situation and what occurred.
  • What's the Deal: Examine what it is and the effects.
  • Now What? Think about the next steps you could take based on your knowledge.

As you continue to apply this technique in various settings the practice will develop into an integral component of your process of thinking that helps you grow personally and improves overall effectiveness.