What exactly is it that Casey Richardson is bringing access to community, information and financial support Black female entrepreneurs

Jan 27, 2023

Discover the strategies Casey Richardson used her experience in the field of finance related to technology, in order to create BLAZE Group and empower a group made up from Black Female entrepreneurs.

About a year and half later, the manner of life that Ariel Richardson was completely different. Ariel Richardson was from the California's Bay Area and worked for Bank of America, structuring massive-scale loans for tech companies. It was soon clear that she was the only Black female within the company. For the 10 years that she worked as a finance professional and accounting, she did not receive money from any Black business.

"It led me to realize that this wasn't just because the wisdom was not reaching my own people. It was also that the wisdom wasn't reaching my people." Casey recalls.

The month of October, 2020 Casey made a choice to rethink her decision.

Based on her prior experiences as a financial analyst in technology-related businesses, companies as well as banks concluded that she ought to leave her job at 9-5 and create her own business known as BLAZE Group. BLAZE Group -- building leaders, and recognizing that there's no barriers to offering education, guidance and a support program for communities who have been typically marginalized and comprised of Black female entrepreneurs.

until 2023. BLAZE Group is a firm which BLAZE Group offers online courses which utilize its Blaze Knowledge Academy. Blaze Knowledge Academy, group coaching, and an online community which is now a well-known software for retreats that take place on the ground as and the bi-annual summit-style, virtual summit and the original research carried out by Casey and her team of experts from all over the world.

What can she accomplish in just two years? It was because she had the ability to develop strategies for addressing specific needs which weren't being addressed in the hopes of creating crowds, while also choosing the most suitable equipment and personnel.

From the master of corporate finance to the most intelligent businessperson

Before launching into full-time entrepreneurship, Casey was a finance specialist. She wrote huge loans to companies operating with advanced technology. The expertise she has in modern technology, which is advantageous however she saw the gap between her colleagues and the businesses that they worked with to finance. "I was the only Black female in the company. It was a signal to the outside world that even though I received the benefit of a college education, my experience as well as my personal experiences weren't part of the group I was part of "community."

Black females account for majority of entrepreneurs in the United States. majority of business owners in the United States -- but less than 3 percent have "mature" enterprises The vast majority of entrepreneurs fund their businesses with capital. There's a distinct distinction between how they finance their ventures in addition to the numerous options accessible to Black women entrepreneurs when measured with white males.

In the summer of 2000, Casey participated in demonstrations protesting against the use force by police. She felt a sense of belonging and her determination that she was a victim did not show up in her everyday routine. "I felt more motivated to voice my displeasure that I've ever felt in my life when is it about sexuality" she states. "I found myself rubbing shoulders with courageous people and willing to make decisions that could create ripples all across the globe."

At the close of the month she reached an agreement to close the procedure for the finance department of the company, not because of the fact that she'd achieved success, but due to the fact that she was extremely satisfied by her successes. How could she be able to benefit from her experience? What other things could she accomplish? Make use of her expertise in the field of finance and technology in order to assist other Black women succeed?

"I'm quite comfortable in the walls. However, I would put money into my purse every day and hope to purchase more items from the world. So I quit."

The company abruptly closed. She relocated to Africa and set up BLAZE Group, a location-independent company that lets Black women across the globe to do the same work.

BLAZE Grupo is a firm that has particular attention paid to entrepreneurs within the initial three years after establishing a company. This is the phase Casey calls"the "entrepreneurial phase."

"BLAZE assists clients in understanding the most efficient way to manage their business in a way that will allow them to operate the business. It's possible because of technological solutions. They're ours." She declares.

In order to fulfill the requirements of this article, Casey had to build authentic relationships to these people.

What are your top motives to start your own email list? Your own (and which is the most effective way to begin?)

Casey knew that she planned to launch an online program that was focused on business-related educational excellence in the beginning. However, it was vital to create the online presence before she would be able to start the initial product.

Casey determined to ensure she didn't repeat the same mistakes she made when she introduced the very first BLAZE product. So, she took the first steps of creating an audience. The goal was having a clear idea to consider. Her goal was to develop an electronic database.

What's the difference between people who email and people who use social networking sites? "I believed that I was required to maintain and establish intimate relationships with myself," explained Casey.

"On Instagram, you don't possess the ability to regulate the relationship. There's no way to determine which username their account is and the possibility of a change in their handle It's more beneficial to have some idea of which account they're on," Casey says.

"I will establish relationships with the public and remain frequently accessible to them, in order to build trust and enhance brand image."

Are you interested in learning more about her system?

A 15-minute discovery phone call where she talks about her enthusiasm for the program

1. In contact with her contact list today

There's a wealth of knowledge regarding how to boost your number of followers on your website. But, the majority of designers believe that their initial customers will be people who don't have the chance to experience their websites' presence on social media. If you're able to make your plans on your own it is likely that you will get help from family members and even your friends! Family members!

Casey reached out to everyone in her circle of friends to inform them that she had a plan to send an email that would promote her the business. The email was sent to those in the circle with a request to include them listed on the list of postal addresses.

"I began by looking through my latest text messages. I also looked through my Instagram tweets and DMs... I set a clock and then went through them as fast as I could, in 5-minute intervals" she explained.

A lot of relatives and friends have been inspired from Casey and her concepts at the early stages of her plan to build the database of email addresses. It is possible that the database is currently getting ready to be officially launched.

2. Discover calls that last 15 minutes in duration are delivered to those you'd prefer to talk to.

One of the best methods to meet people you meet is to start speaking with them.

Casey posted a message on her social networks on the subject of an online class designed to help Black women develop a greater knowledge of the business world. "If you're interested in asking me talk to you for a few minutes or have questions, feel free to get in touch with me," she wrote.

The woman knew the subjects they talked about were geared towards her specific segment of Black women looking at business opportunities.

Instead of debating what the curriculum is about or promoting her own classes, Casey addressed questions like "What keep you awake until midnight? the most frightening anxiety you've ever faced? When you reach the end of the year, what do you'd like to be?" It was a way to make sure women were valued and appreciated. Furthermore, she understood her role as the most important concern which needed to be taken care of in the resources that were given to students.

"Just making sure your space has a feeling of being at ease is among the most important factors that may affect."

"By when we had finished a number of these calls, customers wanted answers to queries such as "Can I access the software in a matter of minutes? Which software should I purchase?" Casey remembers. In the beginning, no information was embedded in the course however she gathered the students' email addresses, and told her that she'd alter them after the course was officially launched.

When the class was over, it was available on an email database that was constructed using two different methods. "There already seemed to be a sense of excitement in all those who registered. Everybody was excited to sign up."

What was significant? It was the fact that 80 percent of women whom they spoke with on their first call became customers.

A couple of years on, Casey still offers free consultations to customers to assist them in learning more about the tactics she utilizes to advertise and market. Clients that are looking to learn more about Blaze Business In-depth. Blaze Business In-depth is an excellent option, and you might like to schedule an appointment to take part in the cost-free Perfect Fit call for an interview with Casey.

"On average, there are five steps you need to take before concluding an agreement. It seems that the majority of people do not know about that," claims Casey. "I use these calls to assist to close the deal."

A good equipment selection and properly staffed is going to assist Casey with growing her company.

At present, BLAZE offers online courses as well as masterclasses and group classes. There is also an internet-based community. webinars  and TablexTribe their TablexTribe application for smartphones as well as an annual conference that is hosted on the internet (a 2022 Webby Award Winner to recognize the very highest quality in the areas in Business as well as Finance) Furthermore, BLAZE conducts unique research.

What can she do to handle all these problems with the same determination and focus?

Casey has been in contact with an international organisation to assist in the expansion of different areas of her company that include:

Blogger and Content Marketer with their main office in Nigeria

A junior consultant. his office in London

Brand Manager and Production Manager (her girlfriend!) who grew the BLAZE group that was added the Instagram by 1300 people throughout the month of May. The month ended May. Then, it was able to touch the 70k mark in 2023.

Executive Assistant Originally from Kenya

Research analyst who has published research papers in a variety of areas. She has also helped BLAZE to identify new clients who require assistance.

Production assistant in the semi-annual, annual Blaze Virtual Summit

The recruiter is not just there to look for candidates. The recruiter makes it a goal of hiring machines.

"I employ equipment that runs at an unbelievable speed." Casey smiles. "And I like it since this is the reason why I've got this ability."

The growth in revenues isn't necessarily an indication that your company has grown in the first place, particularly when they're making more investment or purchasing more equipment to maintain the growth.

"The increase in revenue is not the primary goal," explains Casey. "If you are paying more for your services at the same time that the revenues are increasing the cost of operating isn't at all whatsoever."

"Scale is the term that is used to describe situations where it is possible to increase your income but the amount and price you invest do not change significantly."

The previous experience with technology has been a learning expérience for Casey because the tools that do not require programming can be very effective including integrations and automated procedures. When she founded BLAZE Group, she leveraged free, low-cost software like Zapier, for example, to ensure that everything was done without any issues.

What Casey utilizes to teach her classes is internet communities, her downloads as well as communities.

" was the first app I had to use in order to advertise services in the massive amount of" Casey shares.

This technique gives Casey "more room to be focussed on the other aspects important to her," such as the private sessions she schedules with those she's drawn to.

Casey is the creator of her first ever digital product known as Blaze. Blaze Business extensive online course including . The course is self-paced that is 6 weeks long. The focus is on "Business making, the management of Business and Business Innovation for today's Black Woman."

"It was not fully coded. The course was designed by me when we ran 14 days of testing to see if the course is suitable for trials purposes," Casey remembers. "I developed all of the courses prior to when I started to market it following the trial ended so that I could sell it the moment it was ready to go to the market to be sold."

(Want to be a part of the same achievement that Casey's professional life has achieved? Sign up for our free program during the time it takes you to have everything in place, and then you'll be able to upgrade your plan once you're ready to go on the market.)

This class is an aspect of Blaze Knowledge Academy that includes many educational resources that business educators Casey creates on her website. The Academy includes:

Numerous entrepreneurship masterclasses. Most of them, offer free of charge

The online community, which is known as"the Blaze Women's Network comprises over 7700 members

"People can choose to being an integral part of"the Blaze Women's Network absolutely at no cost," Casey explains. Virtual coworking refers to the terms that we use to describe the services that we offer along with our webinars. We can also help in providing users with classes that are paid for."

As well as introducing potential customers to helpful items, Casey's Community provides members an open and welcoming space for networking with fellow founders.

"It was the belief of the time that the materiality of all the world was supreme King. We are moving towards the belief"that "community has the power to rule supremely. Many users are looking for apps that concentrate around the group... Furthermore, applications that do not constitute spam are thought to be legitimate."

Her experiences with the program has given Casey with some suggestions on the best way to use an app that does not require programming. "You can build an environment that's flexible that allows me to build an entire solution with your program," Casey explains. "And I've utilized this scorecard to assess the software I'm using to improve the capabilities of your platform."

"It is an amazing idea to consider ways to influence the future of our planet, with techniques that are inexpensive and easily accessible to all who need help today."

Try not to tackle all the issues at once.

Every accomplishment Casey had achieved over the course of two years she was the CEO of BLAZE and BLAZE in the years before BLAZE became its own BLAZE label. The advice given by Casey to newly-discovered musicians might come as a surprise. Make sure you make a lesser initial effort as well as, if it is possible prior to beginning your journey, practice.

"Keep your main goal on top of your list since it's the one that's most important" she advises. The Hustle style can assist entrepreneurs who are just beginning their journey realize that the many tasks to complete or create material. Yet, Casey recommends that all creators understand that "There's just one limitation on your ability to accomplish the tasks you're capable of, regardless of the level of knowledge you possess."

"You do not have to be able to master every aspect at the start. It's hard to master all things at the start of your travels."

It is recommended to start by signing a contract prior in making any progress with this. "I began by enrolling for The Blaze Intensive, my first course. This is the main course that I'm enrolled in. Entrepreneurs must figure out what makes their offerings distinct from the ones they offer  and also their products of what they would like to be known in order to be able to launch a range of products."

There are plenty of factors to be considered at the beginning. The first is the message you want to send and who that you're trying to connect with technologies like Customer service, Marketing and other things. After you've finished your project? There's a chance for you to do a number of things.

"I believe that we will achieve amazing accomplishments. Maybe within 200 years. Because Blaze is still the most played game. It doesn't mean that it can delay."

We're delighted to contribute to the Casey story, and look eager to find out what the next steps will be for Casey as well as BLAZE Group. BLAZE Group will be in the year 2000 starting from today and will continue to be there until the rest of.

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