Virtual Reality for Artists CreativeMindClass Blog - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Virtual Reality artist, Collin Leix, talks about her evolution as a creative artist, beginning with oil-based paintings, she is now exploring the depths of VR art.

"Before I became a VR artist, I began as an oil painter focused on portraits. In the course of time, this changed because I was more intrigued by the ideas involved in the making process.

The development of an artist, from music, through classic artto the creation of Metaverse

I'm a violinist, and was astonished to discover my interest in musical score illustrations; different ways to interpret the drawings to be musical guidance. I also discovered I had synaesthesia, a condition in the brain that causes a blending of various senses, in my instance, numbers and colors. The experience led me to experiment more with how I approached creating an image."

Collin Leix, a VR artist painting with controllers and a vr headset.
Collin Leix, VR artist

"In 2009, I began a Master's program in Fine Arts at the University of Michigan, where students were encouraged to explore a lot. I began as a painter , and then finished with my thesis, which consisted of a large installation the ceiling that had animations projected on the ceiling. The first sketches I began with were rudimentary stop-motion animations using paint and paper, using the natural landscape as a topic. The animation was so positively demanding as a technique that I was certain that I would want to pursue it.

After my Master's at the end of 2012, I went to a local community college for a class on After Effects which I have Since then I've learned a lot on my own. I jumped into art apps, Cinema4D, and have attempted a few cel, however I have concentrated in After Effects. I created animations direct-to-client over the course of a couple of years. I was careful to create my own artistic experiments with animation. I then uploaded them to the web.

"I was dealing with a big health challenge and was going through a period of depression. It was often a time when I lay on the ground with my dog. This was how I saw it. I challenged myself to create something once a week, even if it was really short to be able to see myself the place I really was.

animated dog gif

In the year 2018 I was hired from the Animation Studio Gunner in Detroit, and have been there since!"

What would you say about the style you use in your work?

"Realism is a constant in my heart , even from my early days. Since then, my style has a bit more surrealism and a sense of fun which is why I'm always studying the ways color communicates mood.

My style has absolutely evolved also since I joined the team at Gunner. The Gunner team is often working together in a group to help support different styles, so I get to 'try out some styles that aren't necessarily my individual styles. There are many ways to utilize loose brushwork, lines and reducing designs are a few instances of things I've experimented with and continued to do afterward. The example of this is "Crocus" is a mix of painting textures over 3D shapes, using realism as well as simple designs, employing VR sculpture and good old Photoshop paint."

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"One reason I love working in the studio is that the boundaries that define me my style' and'me' have blurred. Take the video called 'Interruption' for example. I was asked to create an Instagram post for Gunner at the time I started. I wanted to use the surrealism of my work to convey what it's like to be at the forefront of making music and also the images you can see in the mind's eye and the feeling of being interrupted.

When I worked on animation and much of the design, my fantastic co-worker Ian Sigmon pushed me a LOT in the character design. We wouldn't have gotten to those crazy long arms and simplified body shapes all by myself. We came to the conclusion that women's bodies could disintegrate back into its shapes when she begins to play again."


"I remember losing a high-school art competition because my artworks were not all cohesive, or had the same aesthetic. I thought this was the curse of my life, however, it turned out to be a blessing in the work I do now."

What is the key to drawing your artwork?

"For me, it's always comes from a gut-feel. There's always an element of interest at the beginning of any new piece. Sometimes it's just a color combo I want to try out Sometimes it's a gesture, or a quote, or even a short tale.

Something that marks my artwork is that I'm always trying out various new media. Right now, I'm so in love with drawing and painting in Virtual Reality. We're also working on an animated short on Gunner that covers everything from of painting a cel using Photoshop and 3D rendering, to sculpting in VR before displaying a painting on the sculpture. I've included a shot from the film, which is called Sync, as an unofficial preview. The film is the first directed by Gunner by a woman. it's about three strangers on an aircraft and an unexpected event that happens to them during the journey.


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What do you suggest to anyone who is just beginning with VR art?

"When approaching any new tech, I always have an image or idea of what I would like to create before I begin. It's probably a suggestion that I can offer anyone who wants to expand their skill set - do a style frame or have a little sketch or story you're planning to write before folding in the new technology. It's important to have a goal that you can explain a reason for. If not, you'll be flitting around tutorials, taking on different styles and narratives of others.

We created this piece for an event called Blend at Gunner during the year 2019 In which I designed and sculpted many of the environment elements in Virtual Reality. I'd tried sculpting at times, but when I had the proper 'why' my exploration and abilities grew rapidly. Here's a video that's a tour of the landscapes I made."

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"I'm quite busy with my Instagram account. Instagram and I've also created a class on how you can recreate your images using 3D space, with Tilt Brush. It doesn't require you to already be a VR artist However, you need to possess a VR headset attend the class. I walk people through the process. I put SO MUCH LOVE in this!"

vr artist with a 3d map

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