Virtual Event Budget Template, as well as Guide on Virtual Event

Apr 1, 2023

In addition, organizers of events must deal with ever-changing expectations. They need to snag shorter attention spans as well as deal with budgets which are decreasing. Additionally, they have to show the value (ROI) of their activities as well as to receive the same type of engagement as one would expect to see at events on the ground.

In this post we'll show you how to budget your online event as well as the areas that you'll have be eliminating from your spreadsheet and how you can keep track of the outcomes of the event to help you create a larger budget to plan your next event!

Download the free template for budgeting the occasion..

In this article

  1.     What is the reason using a budget to finance occasions (especially events which are virtual or hybrid occasion)
  2.     The average cost for hosting an online event
  3.     Cost breakdown of the virtual event
  4.     What is the requirement minimum to make an event profitable online
  5.     What's the most efficient method to assess the effect of your event online
  6.     Human touchpoints can be included to make your virtual experience appear more authentic
  7.     Budgeting FAQs for an event that is online
  8.     It's the time to start planning your event

Are there any reasons why you should have an expense budget for your special event (especially with virtual and hybrid occasions)

Virtual events may be considerably less expensive to host than in-person gatherings. Also, there is no requirement to rent chairs or a venue for your event. You can also print equipment, arrange arrangement, or arrange charcuterie boards.

The process of budgeting allows you people take calculated steps to the event you're planning -- by determining where you can reduce costs, to discovering possibilities for sponsorship sources and cash flow.

If you plan your event before the event day, you will be able to identify what items must be included, which could be removed, as well as locations where you're able to think of in creating an unforgettable event for your the guests.

The typical cost for hosting an online event is around $600.

The cost of hosting an online event will depend on several elements, from the time of the event through the speaker and the attendees.

In the next post, this one, we'll take a look at the costs of hosting an online event, in order to assist you in estimating the costs of hosting your own event. However, for now let us outline what that you'll need to budget to host an event as an approximate cost of hosting an event via the internet:

  • In the case of an event that's shorter and has up to 500 attendees, you can generally anticipate the cost to be in the range of $2000 to $10,000.
  • A one-day virtual conference including sessions and virtual breakout areas You can anticipate costs to be between $4,000 and $20,000..
  • If you're considering a virtual conference that will run for a long time that has multiple sessions, breakout rooms, discussions in addition to recorded material Expect to shell out somewhere between 50 dollars between $50k and 150,000.

It is evident that this is an important difference.

The following article will explore the numerous factors to consider in planning your virtual event for you to estimate the price more precisely.

Cost breakdown of virtual event

Line Item Estimated cost
Microphones Cost: $40-$40 for the cost of an audio system
Video cameras Price of $ 24 or more per speaker
Ring Light An initial amount of $30 is required for each speaker.
Green screens Price: $18+ each speaker
Event hosting software
More than 100 individuals Between $50 to $250
500-2,500 guests Between $625 and between $600 and $8,000
3,000+ attendees From $25,000 to $40,000
HTML0Another software (as needed)
Hosting of landing page $39/month - $469/month
Form for registration to an event From $39/month to $720/month. You should expect to be charged a ticketing fee (and costs for processing payments) per ticket
Software for managing email $3/month - $150/user/month
Software that lets you interact with an audience Starting at $ 8 per month up to $1,000 per month
Speakers cost money
New expert Between the amounts of $2,500 to $5,000.
Keynote Speaker From $7,500 up to $7,500 to
Thinker leader From $10,000-$10,000 to between $30,000 and $10,000
Celebrity In the range from between $20,000 and $75,000.
Famous famous Between $200,000 and $100,000
Content production
In-studio pre-recording Between $375 and $500 per hour
Recording remotes ahead of time From $125 to $200/hour
Edits to post-recording From $100 to $200/hour
Swag bags
Notepads bearing brand names $4.66/notepad
Custom socks $9.78/pair
Custom-designed bags designed for bags $3.99/tote
Plain mailer bag $0.87/bag
Costs of marketing Variable

A sample of cost breakdowns which can be used for planning virtual occasions

What steps have to take in order to create an event that is successful online

It's technically feasible to host virtual meetings using an online meeting space camera, cameras, as well as a microphone. However, if you're looking to create a effortless, seamless online experience, there are some things you should think about spending some cash for.


It's not difficult to locate the appropriate technology for your speakers to look polished but professional. It is going to take some time to locate.

Alternately, you could set up presenters prior to the start time using these:

When you're thinking of a party that has a a tighter budget it's possible to avoid certain of the above items Make sure that you review your speakers' setups prior to the event, as well as instruct the speakers about how to improve their lighting and the level of background noise during the celebration.

Learn more about the gear

Virtual Event Hosting Software

You can think about Event Hosting Software as the virtual location for the event which will be held. Similar to physical locations, various software platforms provide a variety of functions.

According to Markletic is an excellent resource to know what you can be spending for an online event platform each month:

  • A range of $50-250 for smaller virtual meetings that could hold up to 100 attendees at a time.
  • Between $625 and $8,000 you could host larger virtual events which have between 500 and 2,500 participants.
  • Between $25,000 to $40,000 is the minimum amount needed to hold larger events that have over 3,000 people.

Virtual event websites typically cost per person, but they have various pricing options in line of the specifications you need for hosting your virtual event. (Think how many guests you will have along with promotional and marketing options and security safeguards as an instance.)

Be aware of the options that the event platform you pick for your event will provide you with. Though some platforms could appear at first glance be more costly relative to other platforms, they might have added options that could make them cheaper later on.

All other software requires

If you choose to go with an alternative that doesn't provide these features it is important to include these costs into your budget according to the sequence that is needed:

  • Hosting for landing pagesstarting at $39 per month for the landing page that comes with an exclusive domain. Enterprise plans, designed specifically to cater for businesses hosting several massive events, be priced as high as 469 dollars per month.
  • Registration forms for occasions: free for free cases, but if you don't there will be a ticketing cost (for the case of a ticket, $0.99 and 2% on the cost of tickets) in addition to the cost of tickets. Monthly costs, beginning at $39 monthly.
  • Software to manage email: Starting at $3.95 per month for 500 emails by email each month. Premium and Enterprise plans typically cost between and $36 to 150 dollars per month.
  • Software that allows you to interact with your audience Beginning with 8 dollars each monthly with groups that can be as big as 50. Prices for Enterprise plans can range from $199 per month and up to 1,000 per month.


The virtual events will require less travel and time than traditional conference events The majority of keynote speakers will cost approximately half of their in-person costs when events take online. The precise amount a keynote speaker charges, however, is usually dependent on their experience as well as how popular they are.

According to "Big Speak," that the company is expected to payfor:

  • Between $2,500 to $5,000 someone who is an absolute novice to the field.
  • Between $7500 and $10,000 for an experienced keynote presenter
  • Between $10,000 and $30,000 for an influential thought-leader who has a huge fan base or books that have been published previously
  • A range of $20,000-$75,000 for celebs
  • From $100,000 to $200,000 famous celebrities


If you're planning to record any kind of material for your party It is important to include the cost of production into the budget.

If you record in a studio, anticipate paying anywhere between $300-$500 per hour for recording. If you're pre-recording at a distant location the cost will likely be lower between $125 and $200 per hour.

Whichever way you decide, warns Zephan Blaxberg who is the director of ZMBMedia which is the video production studio. ZMBMedia anticipates that the cost of production to be 3 times higher than the initial estimates. If you plan editing your video after production, budget for between $100 and $200/hour.

"Keep your eyes about the 1:13 ratio in livestream recordings prior to events. Every minute that is recorded is approximately three times the duration of the recording. Even if your speaker may be presenting an hour-long talk that lasts only 30 minutes. livestreaming technician arrives an hour prior to prepare the venue and prepare. The engineer will stay the time that the recording is completed to save the video prior to beginning the editing process."

Marketing and advertising

Do you ask you (and other people in your circle! ):

  • How long does our marketing team expect in order to allocate to this specific occasion?
  • How can we advertise the event to attendees who might be interested?
  • Would we like to put our money on advertising on social media?
  • What are our marketing emails likely to look to look like?
  • We'll partner with experts to spread the word on the Event?
  • What marketing strategy do we employ following the event? What will our post-event marketing

Be aware that advertising and marketing can be among the highest-cost aspects for hosting an event on the internet.

"The largest investment you can put into is ads and on the experts or speakers that could be brought in for speaking engagements," says Miles DePaul director of Demand Generation at Superside. "This is where the value of the Superside branding comes into play. When people become more familiar with the Superside brand and take advantage of the services we offer, our involvement grows and the event expenses may begin to reduce. The cost of advertising is reduced because the cost per click has been decreased due to increased branding awareness and organic marketing can pay off. It is possible to save on speakers since the most effective speakers will cooperate alongside us, or provide discounts."

When you've come up the idea, you'll understand the best places to use existing resources (such like sales staff or the current software used to help with email marketing), and which areas you'll have to invest more (for instance, partnerships with influencers, or on landing page hosting).

Gift cards or Swag

  • Notepads that have an identifier brand to make a notes in the amount of ( $4.66)
  • Socks are made by order ( $9.78)
  • A custom tote bag ($3.99)
  • A plain mailer bag ($0.87)

While shipping will vary greatly dependent on where the attendees reside. items inside the bags will cost $19.30, which is lower than $20.

Sponsors, partners or partners

It's a great occasion to cut cost from the budget for your event online. (We want to know more about this.)

Sponsorship opportunities might look differently in live events versus online occasions. But, they're there. Once the event is underway, sponsors will be recognized on every aspect of your advertising prior to the event like the event's landing page, social media pages and also your newsletter for your business as well as reminder email messages. It is also possible to send registration emails with information about the special deals of companies or sponsors.

In the course of the celebration, it's feasible to showcase the sponsors' logos on the slide. You could also create sponsored polls for them, or even host a panel discussion together with your sponsors or even present short-form video clips. If sponsors would like to give items that they've sponsored for attendees, they can put those items in your bag of swag.

Be sure to include the sponsors you've worked with for your post-event post-event social media like online video, email messages after events and social media post as well as short video clips. By doing this you're proving sponsors something valuable in that they'll benefit from broadcasting for a long time following the event is completed.

How can you gauge the impact of your online activity?

It's likely that you've recognized that there are many expenses involved when hosting an event online. To demonstrate the return on investment of your endeavor and be sure future events will be financially sustainable, it is essential to monitor and demonstrate that your event is successful.

A few metrics you might consider tracking include:

  • The brand's awareness is determined by event registrations, web traffic in along with event impressions along with social media interaction.
  • Customers and leads generated are tracked by actions, the response to questions in surveys or any other action performed by leads (such as launching a trial trial).
  • The education value of the users is determined by the frequency at which a session is attended by guests, as well as how much participation is taken during discussions, Q&As and chats.

"Our method of organizing events has proven most effective for delivering results throughout the sales funnel. It helps buyers not only develop a better understanding of the problem, but also to drive higher sales engagements and ultimately, sales," DePaul says. DePaul.

He then adds:

Use human-like gestures to make your virtual experience to appear like an actual person

If you're hosting a virtual occasion, it's simple to overlook the fact that there's real people behind their monitors in addition to other guests, making it easy for them to become disoriented or bored from.

DePaul and Superside as well as Superside and Superside and Superside team are aware of the importance of caring, individual aspects when planning their activities on the internet. "Throughout the entire process, we're constantly looking for ways to incorporate a human element by using such things as letters to the postman, gifts, user generated videos or other content" he says.

These are some ways to ensure that your guests feel connected to the event, other viewers and speakers.

  • Use tools to interact with the audience -such as interactive polls for live chats as well as areas to ask questions and answers to ensure that your event will be an exchange of ideas in two different ways not an unison monologue.
  • Invite attendees to meet and have a discussion in the breakout area or set up a LinkedIn Group so that participants are able to interact after the event. It could be a fantastic networking component (and an added bonus!) in your online event.
  • Offer swag bags to attendees and give away a prize to stimulate participation. These little things can to entertain the crowd and keep the energy flowing during the entire celebration.

DePaul's continues:

"For example, our largest Summit in 2022 , dubbed Momentum Summit, was promoted heavily with small video footage from our presenters. The clips were included in our ads, as well as customized 1:1 email messages. When visitors go to the site to land on the page, they'll have the ability to see video clips from our speakers and the group members who discuss issues we'd like to tackle during the event, instead of an unresponsive page that is mostly content.

Some of our most valuable attendees are invited to attend and invite their colleagues by offering snack boxes as well as lunch during the day of the day. The day of the event, the primary focus is on peer-to connection through discussions during the chat room's smaller executive roundtables. Or, inviting them into our Superside Community for conversations that continue for the duration times."

Budgeting questions for virtual event.

Do you have lingering concerns about budgeting your next party online? We'll address a handful of most frequently asked questions. Additionally, we'll give you links to other resources to aid in the planning of your event.

What's the average budget for a virtual event?

According to Statista According to Statista 34% of advertisers claim they'll spend up to $500-$1,000 for each participant in an event on the internet.

What can you do to plan the budget of virtual events?

How can hosting virtual events make money?

What are the key elements to look for when using an online platform for events?

Time to get event planning

Organising a virtual event can take a lot of effort but it could also provide an opportunity to increase the reach of your event, work with innovative speakers and sponsors in addition to entertaining attendees. Along with hosting events, this platform lets you create a stunning site, send out messages via email to attendees and interact with guests. use your own marketing software as well as analyse event after-event data.

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