The Way This Designer Turned passion for organization into a Seven Figure Business

Aug 15, 2024

Cassandra Aarssen, founder of Clutterbug is a home organizing motivational figure, and an authentic example of the phrase "do things you enjoy, and the money will follow" with her business impacting more than 500,000 families around the world.

This blog delved into the slow burn of Cassandra's fifteen-year-old-in-the-making story that has inspired people all over the world. We'll explore how her passion-turned-hobby-turned-business didn't see any profit for the first five years, and then how she made more money in one year than she would've made working a normal job for 10 years.

        "Being capable of being able to enjoy what you do at home while having kids and earning an income is such a gift - my intention was to help others do the same."      

Here, she shares her experiences of how perseverance and a consistent approach were key in her journey of developing the career of her dreams.

Discover how Cassandra made her hobby into a lucrative job

She found her niche

Clutterbug is the result of Cassandra getting fed up of being the "super slob" that was battling with excessive clutter. Finally, she thought enough was enough, and she said goodbye to the mess that was consuming her life. A newfound passion was born when Cassandra discovered how transformative it could be to bring your house in order. She wanted to help those who feel that they're not doing enough because keeping their house is a part-time job.

Cassandra revealed how the development of her company came about natural; she was impressed by the way she turned her life around that she began aiding family and friends, which eventually brought her to customers and launching a great business that teaches people to manage their lives so they can focus on what's important.

When asked how she determined the market for her skills, Cassandra laughed and said that she did not even give a second thought to it. She just started due to her passion of helping people simplify their lives. The passion of hers gradually but surely developed into a thriving enterprise. What, then, do you inquire?

Cassandra stated that the reason for her success was a simple formula:

        "Be transparent and open with your followers. Being true to yourself is what will help you identify your ideal audience."    

In the years prior to her successful online courses with , which are just a small portion of her overall business, Cassandra spent years organically developing a loyal online audience. Her main point was that, by coming from a place of "I am here to serve people,"" producing content with the only goal of making her followers' lives easier, she gained an enthusiastic and loyal community.

Cassandra's genuine passion and enthusiasm drives the long-term viability of her community and business. In addition, she is an example that the idea that if you're doing what you enjoy, the money will be the next thing to follow!

Her procedure for creating content simple

Cassandra's love for organizing began around 15 years ago. in the past 10 years she's built a successful business out of giving her advice and teaching individuals. When asked about the process she uses to create content, Cassandra said she has been able to keep it simple.

  Her strategy for creating content is to create value.

Continuously bringing value to the table is how Cassandra gained a devoted following. The creation of content - regardless of whether the audience can afford it or not builds trust and connections. Using free content through sales funnels attracts people and lets them see your company as a reliable and trustworthy source of facts.

Making use of free content like online handouts, guides and printed materials that offer helpful advice provides value to individuals' lives. So, when it comes time to tell someone "hey I'm glad you asked. If you'd like more details, I've got this online course available," there is an extremely high conversion rate as the majority of people trust your content.

Cassandra regularly creates regularly scheduled YouTube videos and podcasts, later, she repurposes these videos and podcasts for Instagram reels and TikTok. While she utilizes different social media channels for the business she runs, she says she doesn't get caught up on following what's trending online. The pursuit of trends can be tiring If you keep doing for long periods of time, it will become job you've never enjoyed.

She highlighted this crucial message:

        "Make items that you enjoy doing. Design content that you like to see."    

It's easy to get lost in a game of numbers. Cassandra claims that she has met authors with many followers and who make a lot less money as she does because subscribers and followers don't equal money... the active audience is.

  Bottom line: Keep the process of creating content simple.  

Cassandra's best piece of advice to anyone who wants to produce online content is to not stress about being perfect no matter if you're making a mess of crap content, you should just get your work on the internet. Don't wait for the perfect outline or plan until you invest in high quality software. It is easier to improve by being constant. She says the most successful creators she knows are the ones who put most effort and money into their creation process.

She remained consistent

In response to questions about the process she uses to create content, Cassandra said the key is to be constant.

She doesn't put obligation on herself and dedicates to publishing one YouTube video or podcast every week. This has demonstrated continuous and steady increase. Cassandra doesn't plan her content in advance and she just goes with whatever she is feeling in the moment, which has led her audience to viewing her as authentic and genuine.

The actress said that she's not had any viral videos or overnight success, which many creators hope for (although this doesn't always last for long). Her gradual and consistent process has led to an enthusiastic and loyal audience who has stayed on her show for decades and years.

One thing Cassandra is very proud of and illustrates how her dedication to the cause has paid off is her Clutterbug test that helps users find their organizational style. Over four million people took this test every year over the last five years.

Cassandra's takeaway: "If you're persistent and stay with it you'll always find it beneficial when you're done."

In order to reach the people you want to To reach your target market, you must embody the attitude of "I am in love with this and I'm eager to share it with all of you." If you're willing to put yourself out there as much as you can, and produce videos you like, you'll find your online community. What's more is that they'll be eager to help you since you have supported them.

She launched the online class

Cassandra realized that the content on YouTube, podcasts as well as social media's content were more "to-the-point" and focused on entertainment. So she decided to design something that was more thorough which had a greater impact. Developing an online course would take her business to a new level.

"There's something very distinctive about an online class that's similar to working on a one-to-one basis with someone, and teaching students how to actively change their life," she says.

Cassandra designed an online class that featured video, books and printables that taught people how to get rid of clutter and organize. Upon completion of the course the students are an accredited organizational expert, and can then start your own business confidently. More than 5000 individuals have launched their own business after having taken her course. Even though this isn't an area of regulation, at times, having a certificate can be the difference between attempting or not.

Cassandra decided to host her online courses because of an easy, all-in-one procedure that takes care of selling, landing pages, and checkout for students. She also loved being able to provide free classes and also set her own prices. She also revealed that the landing page feature could be easily integrated on her website and seamlessly link to her page for courses.

The process of creating an online course something you could do once and never have to think about it again. Cassandra has the freedom and the flexibility to pursue her various other interests (for instance, she has just became a firefighter!) now that she has recurring passive income that will continue to support her throughout her life.

Her courses were advertised organically

Since Cassandra has gained an ardent following the success of her online courses wasn't due to insane advertising strategies, but the result of organic leads. Her followers consist of mostly women aged 30 and 70. The reason she is able to make her sales are due to the community she created on the web.

Although, Cassandra said that the most effective tool for business she uses is her email database. It has the highest percentage of conversion, and you can keep it for the rest of your life. Her current email list is approximately half-a-million users, and she frequently trims if her subscribers aren't active.

She figured out her value

Cassandra is usually confronted with astonishment whenever she says that she didn't earn a dime for those first few years when she began sharing her love of organization. The experience was enjoyable and she did it for free.

If Cassandra had a choice her first step would be to start treating her passion as an enterprise sooner. Cassandra said that over a period of time she had a difficult time selling to customers and charging them to use her skills.

She learned that offering the services she provided at no cost was not a good idea as she wasn't making no money, the people she was advising didn't consider the advice seriously. Cassandra witnessed the most significant shift in the community after people began paying for her services to master the techniques required to bring their home under control.

"Something extraordinary happens when there is an exchange of dollars - it makes people more committed to actually doing the work in order to make a difference in their lives."

When Cassandra released her first course online, she billed $24 and earned over $100,000 at the time of her initial online course's launch. The course's creator exclaimed at the time, this was the most money she'd ever earned during the entire year. she was stunned and changed how she thought about her company in general. In a flash, her passion business became a legitimate business!

The biggest hurdle for Cassandra was understanding her value, and then putting a dollar amount on her efforts. Her first online course priced at $24 and was able to see that the course wasn't taken as seriously as she had thought it would be. In a moment of desperation, she changed the price to $150, after thinking about how the time, effort as well as the resources and certification in her course was much more valuable than she realized.

What's the most amazing thing? more people purchased her online course.

As Cassandra started valuing her expertise other individuals believed it was a worthwhile program and regarded it as more valuable as well. Not only did she earn a lot more money however, she was able to help a lot of individuals.

She created a flourishing community

Cassandra's Clutterbug philosophy is that organization cannot be one size fits every. With this approach, she created a vibrant community of people who have many artistic outlets.

People have taken her online courses, and been very active in the course group and community. In her first class "Organizing Professional" she does not upsell but in her subsequent course "Take your Home Back" it is $10 for a annual renewal fee that allows you to remain within the group, and it is proven successful. Her two courses complement each with each other, and she's looking at adding membership options for the future.

Some of her members is paid-for members. Cassandra finds that balancing paid and free courses and content ensures that her audience is active and engaged. Her goal is to provide as much value as possible to everyone.

She focused on the correct mental attitude

Cassandra has a real passion for what she does, and the best part of her working day is when she is reading her followers' remarks on the ways they've transformed their lives for the more positive.

Content creation should be about inspiring and educating the masses, and when you make something it will keep helping people who are in the background. Cassandra knows she'll never tire by turning her love of writing into a business.

"You aren't required to constantly nurture old things for them to continue in their effectiveness It's one of the most rewarding careers since you can do something new every day."

The message of Cassandra to future course creators: avoid thinking too much about your process for creating. It is important get your ideas from a place of genuine passion and excitement in what you're making.

Do you want to enter the world of online courses? The time is now - start with no cost now.