The top 3 lead magnets for launching your email list with a big bang

Aug 5, 2023

Lead magnets could be an essential component of the list building plan you haven't got. In this article, we will discuss why they are important and what you need to do to begin using them right now.

After a few minutes, listening to the marketers and small businesses managers discuss the importance of their email list starts to resemble this scene, as does the music accompanying it taken from The Lion King.

It's too appealing to be real. 380% ROI per an average ? No way. Eighty-nine percent of professional think they would prefer mail to get leads? This isn't enough.

There's an explanation to this. It's not just one-sided interaction between firms and customers. Like The Lion King, email is adored by everyone in the realm of commerce.

In actual fact, 73% of clients think that email is the preferred method of receiving email messages from companies and for interactions.

This isn't the issue you're having trouble with.

The problem you face is a lot more practical and logical: You're aware that you require an email address. But how on earth do you build it?

Furthermore, how can make a list in a hurry with no compromise on quality?

The answer for you, dear reader, is as simple as:

It is necessary to have the lead magnet.

This is what we'll discuss this morning. First, we'll explain why then show how then finally, we'll finish by offering an all-inclusive lead magnet to energize your lists within the span of ten minutes.

Let's get started.

What makes a good lead magnet?

One major distinction distinguishes lead magnets from other form of advertising through content -- more on this in the future -- is that lead magnets come with specific incentives dependent on the user taking the action they want to take (e.g. joining your email list).

This box for subscriptions is available on the Backlinko homepage is not make a good lead magnet. The tips and tricks may be only available the users of Brian Dean, they are not the form of an exclusive resource in exchange for the user registration.

However, the case study on the page can be an ideal lead source because the resource is secured by the block of email addresses. After users decide to perform the actions they desire and register to be subscribers they can access the case study.

The buttons both take users to the exact same place the email list of Brian. The difference is that the second button one that entices new subscribers by offering the incentive of an event.

As a rule of thumb The easiest method to remember what qualifies as a lead magnet, and what are those which aren't is to apply the "if you'd like to do so, you can" formula.

If the user performs an action they want to take If the user takes the action they want to take the user will receive an xyz reward as a gift.
If the user fails to take the proper action, if the person doesn't take the action they want to take then they won't be able to exchange for xyz.

That's enough to get the dictionary. Alongside the above definition, what is the procedure (and what is the purpose) that lead magnets perform?

The process behind lead magnets typically looks like this:

The procedure can be different - for instance, the user might begin by visiting the landing page of the lead magnet but the relationship between reward and action remains basically identical.

That leads us to the "why" behind the lead magnets.

These give visitors the incentive right there and then, to hand the details they've provided to you. They then turn into leads as soon as possible. (The are great lead magnets come in the end, however. Additional details regarding the subject will be covered in a second, too.)

Lead magnets could solve the biggest marketing problem experienced by over 60% of the professionals across the globe in generating traffic and prospects in one fell one fell swoop.

A different way of thinking about it as the difference between texting someone using an app for dating and then engaging them with funny and funny messages, or asking someone similar to join you for dinner while you're at the eatery.

Do it right and you'll get an email subscription in a fraction of the time that it takes to implement your official content plan. Do it wrong and the users are likely to scream at you, just as they should but they'll never be back.

The truth is in the details and in actual.

A minimum of 70% of the users who abandon your website after the initial visit do not come back.

Insuring that your lead magnet works does not just mean that you'll get more leads. It's all about forming the most lasting impression possible for visitors when they do turn into leads.

The answer is simple: using the appropriate touches to be to be in the right spot in the perfect moment those who are in the right place in the right place at the right moment.

For more information you can read further.

Lead magnets that are effective can be targeted to address problems

Prior to sinking into a hopeless hole of despair, trying to determine when the best date, time for you to build an efficient lead magnet to draw people in, and encourage them to follow through.

Lead magnets that have a extremely effective in sharing isn't just the duration of the time to develop them or the funds behind them or even the talent of the designer It's all related to the manner in which they're designed to be.

In simple terms, the more aligned and relevant the lead magnet is for the target audience that you're trying to reach more effective it will perform to benefit both your business as well as the clients you serve.

Keep in mind that the goal of any kind of contentregardless of whether it's the lead magnet, blog article or an online webinar- should never be to make it accessible to the majority of people.

The best principle should be attuned to your targeted target audience.

At the end of the day, 71.7 percent of the users who rated content as insignificant referred to it as general.

As a comparison, only 2.9% of the same people believed that the material didn't have any value because it wasn't sufficiently sophisticated or thorough.

If you decide to get anything else from this article at this time then it's this:

Everything that has lead magnets or any other type of product that is designed to please everybody is bound be a hit with a small portion of people but will be resented by a lot of people.

Now after the soapbox has been cleared from the equation, just how do you ensure that the lead magnet you have chosen is pertinent to the people you want to reach? Once you have your research on customers down, you should look into the needs of your customers.

Pain points, if you've never heard of the term previously, refer specifically to the problems that the customers of your business are having that are relevant to the company you manage. These are not the solutions to those problems.

The comic written by Ceralytics beautifully illustrates the distinction between issues and solutions .

Potential issues could be:

I need to compress my data with no risk of the quality getting affected.

I'm in search of a memorable corporate logo.

I'd like to reduce my time between pitching and giving.

However, they would not however, but they might be:

I would like to save my data using .PNG format.

I require a color palette to help my client.

I need an automated process.

Why? Since the first part is issues that aren't solved yet. solutions. Second, are the (possible) possible solutions.

While pain points are useful in focusing the attention of your lead attraction, it's not necessarily the case that these points constitute the top good content.

There's a myriad of issues that consumers can experience throughout every day. If the issues aren't ones that consumers are passionate about finding solutions to -- i.e. searching for solutions -- then even if they're important, your lead magnet won't make the waves you're hoping for.

A good lead magnet must be profitable as well as driven by a passion.

So if it's a pain area that people would love to find a solution for ( i.e. you can find Reddit threads that need assistance, or an industry of similar items, the product is possible to place it in the upper right corner which can lead to an engaging and targeted lead-generating magnet.

If, on the other hand the issue is one that users haven't been able to resolve or are willing to invest money in making disappear, it's likely to be on the left of the matrix, and shouldn't be your next lead magnet.

For instance, this is how I'd sort my readers' issues regarding strategies for content:

So, in other words, here's what is at stake:

Lead magnets that work can be relevant to the users and tackle specific issues.

(Coincidence? This is probably (Probably probably not.)

If you'd prefer taking things simple, try using our download generator in a different tab and following the steps. However, no matter how you build your own lead magnet you should follow these tips and techniques to make it stand out in comparison to other lead magnets.

Three simple lead magnets you can develop and how to create them to help them stand out

Three different formats todaythe three formats that we think are the top lead magnets as well as those that are proven to be most efficient for us. However, if you're looking to explore different formats, Blogging Wizard has an comprehensive guide to lead magnets which I highly suggest.

If you don't, here are the kinds we'll be working on for the remainder of the piece:

Sound good? So, without further delay let's get started.

#1. Make your checklists visually appealing for lasting effect

The checklists should be simple to comprehend and comprise things that users can to use by filling out the checklist on computers or with a pen. They're usually less visually intensive in comparison to other types of designs.

Be aware that I say less visually intensive, however it is not completely visually free. In general, people working in the field of content marketing will prefer to use material that has a visual appeal. , and this also includes checklists.

Why? There are a myriad of reasons checklists should include visuals. However, the most noticeable is the effect the image can have on the perception of companies. Within three days after exposure the users can keep as much as 70 percentage of what they saw if it was paired to an image.

In more practical terms this means that adding pictures on your checklists will make them memorable and distinctive and keeps your business prominent when people put the checklists into use.

But, you don't have to master artistic design in order to maximize the value of an agenda. Simple visual tips will go a long way.

For instance, take the time to look over this (abbreviated) blog writing checklist developed by CoSchedule.

When viewed objectively, it's the most sophisticated of designs, however it incorporates icons, colors and visual structure to make the content itself -- the 21-item checklist stands out with other options and boost the perceived worth of the product.

The same approach can be seen in this editor's checklist of content through Vertical Measures.

Is the information contained in this checklist be of value and useful to readers? Absolutely. However, would anyone remember it came from Vertical Measures or turn to them as a trusted source of blog post content if it was not branded with logo and colors?

It's possible, but not likely, and difficult to predict.

It's simple, regardless of the type of marketing you're involved in, the ultimate goal is always to achieve it.

Last word:

Checklists must incorporate color and your logo to allow them to be memorable and improve their general impact. The main contents could be written using text however, the finest steaks will benefit from a well-placed garnish.

#2. Include in your lists numbered wide margins and lines

Sequential lists, irrespective of whether they're indented or numbered by bullets, are as subject to the same rules as checklists, but they must have one requirement over all others:

Blank space.

Also referred to as negative or white space, having ample margins and space between items in your list increases readability  and comprehension. Additionally, it aids in establishing the relationships between various objects.

The difference between a list that has spacing and a list without might seem insignificant, however the effect on engagement users as well as the overall user experience is not subtle at all.

Here's a good example of what I'm referring to:

If the list is just four-items long as in this case, narrow margins and an aesthetically pleasing layout might work. But, imagine similar spacing of a list that has 20 items.

Take a look at it to see it yourself.

The primary difference between the two lists is one 0.20 more lines, however the ability to read and digest the information can be a major difference.

In the event that your numbering list can guide an individual through a procedure there's no reason to miss.

In reality, I am using "afford" to refer to it in terms of literal. I'm referring to "afford" as a literal sense as well.

An increase in white space will increase conversion rates at the checkout process by as much as 33 percentage similar to the manner as was the case with Xerox and Xerox in addition to fostering more user-friendly experience and the overall level of involvement.

This increase in conversions and understanding is demonstrated time and again by various research teams and there's hardly a part of your online identity or product that won't benefit from utilizing well-applied spaces , including the use of lists with numbers.

This is the gist of it:

Numbered lists need an aesthetic balance between elements to provide effectiveness for the customers. If the user has to look at the screen in eyes to see your lead magnet, you're not likely to provide a memorable user experience or showcase the worth of your company's image.

This makes it an attractive lead magnet which attracts people to your site, but then you lose them all in one breath. Ouch.

#3. Make sure your lead magnet ebooks have less than 2,000 words

If the above header appears oddly different for you, there's probably a motive. This tip applies when you're writing ebooks in the form of a lead-generating, attention-grabbing magnet.

An ebook that's formatted to function as an lead magnet whether it's a case study electronic book, a novel or even an excerpt from a chapter in a bigger bookit's best to limit the length to about seven minutes worth of reading or 2500 characters.

These data are derived from research carried out by the blog platform Medium regarding the most effective length of long-form posts.

The vertical horizontal axis (the bar that runs from top to bottom) represents the length of the post. The horizontal axis (the bar that runs from left to right) represents how long the post would require to be read at normal speed.

It is evident that the number of viewers peaks around the 7-minute mark before it begins to decline with time. While this data applies to blog posts, not lead magnets specifically and the connections are easy to draw, and even more, the takeaway is clear:

People don't want to invest time and effort into a source or even the best one.

And as a business, it isn't beneficial for the business if employees dedicate hours to it or even if your guide of 50,000 words could be the most popular book on how to crochet cute sea creatures, it's just not easily digestible and your customers will not be able to digest the entire book and browse through your other offerings any time soon.

After all it is true that reading pleasure is at the all-time lows across all of the US .

It is probably due to the fact Americans tend to be more productive than any other population in the world. and spend the weekends at work.

The principal reason why people don't have a lot of leisure time.

The purpose behind this lead-generating tool was to entice customers to sign up for your mailing list to ensure you can encourage them to buy the product, an ebook that will take them one or two times to complete (assuming they get that far) is not going to do your company or the customers any harm.

Make it short and clear. Everyone wins.

What can lead magnets do to grow stronger and more powerful?

In essence, consider the lead magnets you use as multivitamins. They won't fix the issues you have with your email lists overnight, but they will offer you and those who join your mailing list the boost they need to move you towards the direction you'd like to take quicker.

In that same spirit of concision, here's short summary of what we've written about in the past.

Lead magnets are promotions typically as documents that can be downloaded which give users a the motivation to sign-up for your email newsletter.

The most effective lead magnets will focus on their intended recipients. The more general the lead magnet you choose to utilize, the more lukewarm reception it will receive.

Lead magnets can take many forms, but the most straightforward to start with are checklists, numbered lists and ebooks.

When you're putting together your checklist of things to do make sure you include certain visual components. Without these, your company even when you've got a great listit's not memorable.

The lists with numbers are more effective when they have visuals as well, but they require space between elements for them to function. The fact that you're crowded doesn't diminish the value of your list, but it can make it less understandable.

Lead magnets that are delivered in the form of ebooks must follow the exact guidelines as longer-form content. Make sure it is short and to the point. At least 2500 words or seven minutes of to read is the ideal reading length.

Maybe you're interested in line spacing or character counting. I'm not going to judge.

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