The Skinny on Drip Content

May 6, 2024

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Content that is useful attracts people to visit your site. Content that drips will keep users there.

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Dripping content is a way of making content available to visitors to your site. Users are provided with bits of content, perhaps over the course of a few months, until they have access to the full library.

You can also drip specific posts or menu items and require users to visit them in a particular order. Also, the requirement that users submit an email address before getting access to additional content on your website can be considered content dripping.

In this blog in this post, we'll give you an overview of the reason you may want to use drip content for your site We'll also show how you can set it up. Let's do it!

Why Drip Content May Be Right to Your Site

Drip content keeps people coming back.

Content that is drip-based typically requires visitors to be more active on your website. Since they don't get all the details at one time and they have to keep coming repeatedly.

Let's imagine you're publishing a course. The course is designed to last 20 hours in a 5-week period. But someone sits down and completes the entire course in just two days. After they've completed the course, they no longer return to your site. This could be detrimental to your business.

If they must follow the course over time but they'll be required to return repeatedly. This means you get more views, more opportunities to promote your site, as well as more opportunities to engage with the user.

It's similar to watering your tomato plant with drip irrigation. Providing all of the content you have for a customer is like drenching your plant using the fire hose. While the plant is receiving the same amount of water both times but the one drenched in the hose is likely to end up dying, while the one that is watered slowly over time will thrive.

Drip content helps users remain committed.

The drip content makes things easier for users.

For example, a user could sign up for an online course with no idea of what they're getting into as far as understanding the content. After completing a few sections, they may become bored or overwhelmed, and choose to move on.

If you drip information over a long period of time, it provides the user bite-sized opportunities to complete the section. This is basically setting the deadlines to complete them. small assignments that are distributed over time often feel less daunting than an entire course. Content dripping allows users time to think about the material and allows them to retain it.

If you decide to distribute contents by showing new content when a subscriber pays for a special subscription, it will also help to build a sense of commitment. A user is likely to come back because they have invested their time, or even their email address.

Caution: Be smart about how you distribute the content

One of the drawbacks is that there's a portion of people who want to finish an entire course or the related material in a matter of minutes. There may be a particular ability they'd like to learn or a specific information requirement, and they simply can't just wait for a couple of months.

It could be a task that needs to be done today or you may need to get a certificate which can be useful immediately. If your company could cause this to be a concern, you may look at a different strategy to drip. This can be as simple as requiring your customer to enter an email address prior to when they read the remainder of a blog article.

The best way to find out how effective drips are for you through experimenting with various methods on your site.

How to Set Up Drip Content for Your Website

If you decide to drip content, how do you do it?

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard Rules.
  2. Make a rule new through pressing "Add New Rule".
  3. As a rule, you must select the option Drip/Expiration..
  4. Check the Enable button for drip-feeding contents.

The menu will include options that trigger content dripping. Users can be allowed to access new content right when they sign up for your site, on an exact date, following they buy a product through your website, or when they sign up for a specific membership from this menu.

in Summary

Drip content is an excellent method to ensure that users keep coming back to see more of the amazing product that you give them.


  • Drip content may help a user stay on track and improve your site's visibility.
  • It can also help users to feel engaged instead of bored or overwhelmed.
  • Some people don't like dripping or being on a schedule. Consider your audience and how you want to drip content.
  • Drip content by using a plugin like .

Do not kill your customers by using a hose of fire. Disperse their content so that it allows them--and you--to flourish.

 Are you having success with the drip-content technique? Do you have any other queries regarding when you should drip content? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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Michelle Carpenter       Amy Michelle Carpenter co-owns a 3D printing business known as STEM Garage. She is a national blog writer, YA editor, and professional marketer. She also instructs youngsters in China early in the morning, because she thinks its entertaining.