The Easy Affiliate and Member plugin is now available and Member: Tap into the Increasing Power of Referral Marketing - WordPress Membership plugin for Membership Sites

Mar 7, 2024

Introducing Easy Affiliate and Member: Connect to the Power of Referral Marketing

Title Image  Member and Easy Affiliate Program

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It's never been easier to create and manage an affiliate program on your Member site with Easy Affiliate. This guide will give you all the details and some tips for getting the most out of this powerful growth combo.

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It's impossible to underestimate the extent to which affiliate marketing dominates the ecommerce marketing landscape. In 2022, the affiliate marketing industry was estimated at more than $20 billion, a figure that's expected to almost double by 2030.

This is especially impressive when you consider that for the most part affiliate marketers are only paid commissions after they've successfully made a sale. We're talking about millions of dollars worth of earnings and salesgenerated from this marketing strategy.

If your business hasn't yet tapped into affiliate marketing, or if you're looking to move away from expensive affiliate programs to increase the number of members on your site, this latest integration is exciting news for the business as well as your pockets.

Introducing Easy Affiliate- the all-in-one affiliate program plugin for WordPress that is integrated with Member.

Take a look for a detailed tour of the main features of this plugin complete with suggestions on how you can make the most of its profits-boosting potential for your business.

Affiliate Marketing 101

To begin, in the event that you're completely new to the concept of affiliate marketing. an easy introduction to get you up to speed:

Affiliate marketing is a widely employed strategy that allows individuals to be compensated for their efforts to promote a company's products or services. Essentially, when a sale occurs through their specific referral link, the marketing affiliate (or more commonly, an affiliate) earns a commission from the vendor.

This method of marketing offers range of benefits for membership and ecommerce sites:

  • Affiliate marketing is a method of earning money, and you only pay out after a purchase has been made. This makes it an extremely affordable, low-risk way to increase your membership base without the upfront costs associated with traditional advertising methods.
  • Its performance-based nature also means it's easily scalable and appropriate for membership-based websites regardless of the stage they are in expansion. As your subscriber base grows rapidly, you don't need to deal with a corresponding growth in marketing efforts or expense.
  • Affiliates, specifically those that have a good alignment with the site's purpose, will be able to reach specific, niche audiences. Have a soccer fanzine or even a vegan cooking school? Affiliates with niches can be the most effective individuals to help spread information about your business. When they are on your side the marketing campaigns are specifically specific, attracting members who are more likely to interact with your content as well as your community.
  • In contrast to one-time ads, affiliate marketing offers ongoing promotion for your membership site. Continuous exposure keeps your site in the forefront and also attracts new members over time.

If you're now fully informed on affiliate marketing, and the benefits to benefit your business is obvious, it's now time to take a peek at what Easy Affiliate integration means to your membership website.

What exactly is Easy Affiliate?

Easy Affiliate Hompage

Easy Affiliate lets you run a a fully self-hosted affiliate marketing program straight out of your WordPress dashboard.

By running a self-hosted affiliate plan, you can have more control over the affiliate application process You also are in complete control of the payouts and commissions and skip the transaction fees that third-party platforms charge.

And as the name suggests this makes the entire procedure of establishing and managing your program effortless - there is no specific skills required. In fact, everyonecan make this work for their business.

That's because Easy Affiliate is filled with all the tools and systems you need for your business to be successful, each designed specifically to be easy to set up and operate.

So let the tour of the most important features begin!

Simple Affiliate Features and Strategies for Your Success

Connect effortlessly to your eCommerce Plug-ins

At the click of a button, Easy Affiliate can detect and connect with key ecommerce platforms including yours truly ( Member), PayPal and WooCommerce..

You can enable your integrations through Easy Affiliate's set-up wizard process, or via Easy Affiliate Settings > settings and then the eCommerce tab.

Screenshot of the ecommerce settings in Easy Affiliate highlighting the  Member Integration

       It's that easyto connect your affiliate program with the products and services you market through your site.

Screen For High Quality Excellent Affiliates

Opening your affiliate program for everyone could be the best idea. But in the world of affiliate marketing, volume doesn't always equal quality.

The research shows that less than 10% affiliates are responsible for 90 percentage of the total sales and conversions. This highlights how important it is to focus on recruiting and working with top performers.

Accepting all applicants could take time and energy away to building partnerships with top-quality affiliates. It is possible to be overwhelmed with queries and support problems from an array of participants, rather than paying attention to the people who drive results.

For a greater ROI you should carefully review and accept any new affiliates, verifying that their target market is compatible with the market you want to target.

Easy Affiliate streamlines this process with its built-in application and approval system. How to install it:

Go to the settings of Easy Affiliate, then click Affiliates and select"Application" as the type of registration.

Screenshot of the Easy Affiliate Application Process

From here, you can select to also email applicants to inform them they have been accepted and approved.

Once you've selected the application type of registration the Easy Affiliate software automatically generates the registration page. The prospective affiliates you select will have to fill out an application form, and wait for your approval before they can start to promote your items.

The form asks for essential details which includes:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Sites that they intend to utilize as a means of promotion
  • The strategy they use to promote their products
  • Links to social media profiles/profiles

This detailed information allows you to assess each candidate's fit with your business. In requiring applicants to provide their websites for promotional purposes, this allow Easy Affiliate to monitor and prevent fraudulent activities through flagging illegal site-related promotions - more on that later.

Enhance Conversions through Compelling campaigns

To really reap the most rewards from an affiliate programme, make sure you get your affiliates to be involved in all of your marketing campaigns

If you've just launched a new feature or product or sale you want to advertise: this presents a perfect occasion for affiliates to promote the brand you represent.

Affiliates are constantly on the lookout for fresh ideas for their content, and new ways to give their followers something new. Engage them in the latest announcements and features, creating an synergistic boost to participation.

As an affiliate program host you are able to increase the impact of your affiliate program and further encourage affiliates by equipping them with the tools to ensure that each campaign is unbeatable.

Easy Affiliate simplifies it for you to create unique links for specific websites.

Say you have an online landing page that contains all the info on the new feature you've just released. When you share a unique link for that landing page, you'll be able to direct your viewers of affiliates directly to the heart of your offer, avoiding the main page for a more precise look into the funnel of sales.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate Add New Creative feature

Easy Affiliate also facilitates the distribution of campaign banners and images.

Arm your affiliates with eye-catching, branded content that's not only easy to access, but increases the visibility of your campaign. The result is effortless information for them, and increased publicity to your brand. Transform your affiliate program into a dynamic powerhouse that drives your brand ahead, one step at one at a at a time.

Monitor Affiliate Performance with Google Analytics

Easy Affiliate not only Easy Affiliate features it's own instant reports, tracking sales and clicks however, unlike the other affiliate program plugins, it is also incredibly easy to monitor other key KPIs within Google Analytics.

It's due to its UTM Affiliate Link Tracking feature.

UTM Affiliate Tracking EA

Simply by enabling this feature, Easy Affiliate will automatically include UTM parameters to affiliate links, so that you can get in-depth insights into things like...

  • Top performing affiliates
  • Highest converting campaigns
  • Which websites your affiliates publish on
  • What type of content works optimally?

...right there in Google Analytics.

This will allow you to maximize your affiliate marketing program and strategies to ensure maximum return.

Encourage Marketers to sell more by offering Special Commission Rates

Incentivize affiliates to pull every stop for your affiliate program, by rewarding the those who excel with a special commission rates.

By using this extension's Custom Rules add-on, you are able to set custom commission rates for affiliates to reward high achievers and certain behaviors. You can, for instance, make a more lucrative commission rate for affiliates that sell above a certain amount and offer an exclusive rate for the most recent product you've launched to help promote your product's launch. It's all possible and easy to do with custom Rules.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate's custom rules setting for special commission rates
Create custom affiliate rates that are based on the amount of sales using Easy Affiliates. Add Custom Rules to

Be Safe from Fraud by Preventing Profits

With the Easy Affiliate Fraud Prevention feature It's now easier than ever to block or flag commissions you suspect of fraud before you pay the cent.

Set whether you want to let to block, flag or even automatically block commissions coming from:

  • Referrals from your own - when the affiliate buys by using an affiliate link of their own.
  • Sites that are not approved to refer clicks - the site that referred the click to isn't among the websites listed in the application of the affiliate.
  • Affiliates with a suspicious conversion rate: Address unusual conversion rates that are significantly different from normal, indicating the possibility of fraudulent methods.
Screeshot of Easy Affiliate fraud settings

This proactive approach safeguards your affiliate earnings as well as ensuring the credibility of your affiliate program creating a solid foundation of confidence and trust.

Pay out rewards to affiliates fast and easy with One-Click Payouts

Through Easy Affiliate's one-click payouts making payouts is simple as it sounds which makes the affiliate payout process quick and effortless.

Instantly rewarded One mouse click is all you need to pay your affiliates. This eliminates any delays or complications.

Boost affiliate morale Fast payments make affiliates more motivated, happy and engaged your business.

Streamline your operations:Forget the inconvenience of manual payment processes. One-click Payouts streamline your workflow and frees up your time to be focused on strategy and growth.

Screenshot showing Easy Affiliate one-click payout.

Once your affiliate has reached the payout threshold (which you are able to easily alter by changing the settings) You're only one click away from distributing their profits. Easy Affiliate works with PayPal 1-Click Payouts, offering a straightforward and secure method to pay affiliates.

How to Integrate Member With Easy Affiliate

Member is now integrated to Easy Affiliate, meaning they're practically created for each other joining to each other is a breeze.

Easy Affiliate currently supports the following Member payment provider integrations

  • PayPal Legacy,
  • Stripe,

Here's how you set up Easy Affiliate set up and connected to Member:

  • Buy an Easy Affiliate license.
  • Go to the Easy Affiliate account downloads page, and then install your plugin .zip file to your personal computer.
  • Log in on Your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Click Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload the plugin
  • Simply click Browse Select the .zip file and click Install Now.
  • Once download is complete Once download has been completed, press Activate.
  • From your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Member Settings > Integrations > Other Services and click on the Easy Affiliateicon.
Screenshot of  Member integrations with Easy Affiliate selected
  • You should see an Easy Affiliate within the side panel of your dashboard. Select it, and click on Settings
  • Go to the eCommerce tab
  • Membersshould be detected by default - switch the toggle to off.
  • Click on "Update Options"

And you're done! This is as easy as that.

Your next step is to spread the news of your program. You can then accept applicants.

Within a short time it will be watching your revenue increase and your membership site flourish.


With the help of Easy Affiliate and Member with Easy Affiliate, you can have everything you need to create a powerful affiliate program for your membership site.

Easy Affiliate gives you everything that you require to set up and run a smooth, streamlined affiliate program that can increase the reach of your program and attract active members to your group.

Remember to keep your affiliates engaged through clear communication, prompt payments, and sharing best practices for promotion. Use the data insights of Easy Affiliate and Google Analytics to refine your strategy and concentrate your energy towards making your affiliates authentic brand ambassadors.

The success of your site is their success, and together you will see remarkable increase in membership for your website.

It all starts with this one integration!

Have any queries or would you like to share your experience of affiliate marketing? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Don't forget to join us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube as well as LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to grow your membership company.

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