The Creator Who Created This Business Turned from a desire to organize into a $700,000 business

Aug 20, 2024

Cassandra Aarssen, founder of Clutterbug is a home organizational motivational persona, as well as it is the actual meaning behind the phrase "do the things you love and you'll make money." Clutterbug has helped hundreds of families across the world.

This blog delved into the slow-burn of Cassandra's fifteen-year-old-in-the-making story that has inspired people all over the world. We'll explore how her passion-turned-hobby-turned-business didn't see any profit for the first five years, and then how she made more money in one year than she would've made working a normal job for 10 years.

"Being at a point to pursue your passions in your home, while raising children and earning money is truly a blessing and my goal was to assist other people to achieve the same. "

In this piece, she explains the ways that perseverance and persistence were key in her journey towards achieving her dream career.

Discover the ways Cassandra made her passion money:

She found her niche

Clutterbug comes from Cassandra having a hard time coping with being a "super slob" that was battling with the burden of excessive clutter. She finally decided that enough was enough and decided to say goodbye to the clutter which was taking the entire life of her. The fire for a fresh passion was ignited when Cassandra realized how transformative it was to have your home in control. She was determined to aid those who feel that they're not achieving enough due to maintaining their home is a part-time job.

Cassandra explained how the growth of her company was naturally. She was so inspired by her personal journey to turn it to the right direction, and decided to help her family and acquaintances, which ultimately brought her clients and eventually establishing a fantastic company that helps people manage their lives to allow them to focus on matters that matter.

Asked regarding how she came to that she was needed for her skills, Cassandra laughed and said that she did not even consider the concept. It was simply due to her desire to help other people declutter their lives. The passion she had for organizing led to a successful company. What, if anything, can you inquire?

Cassandra stated that the secret to her success was quite simple:

"Be sincere and open with your customers. Being true to yourself is what will make you your own supporters."

Prior to her popular online courses , that are a minor part of her overall organization business Cassandra worked for years to create an online community of followers. She stressed that with a mindset of "I am looking to aid others," producing material with only the goal of making her followers' lives better, she cultivated an active and loyal group of followers.

Cassandra's passion and dedication is what drives the sustainability of her organization and its community. Her story is a great illustration of how when you're doing something you love the results will come!

Her method of creating content is simple

Cassandra's love for organizing began 15 years ago, and in the past 10 years, she's made a profitable business from offering advice and informing others. In response to questions regarding the method she employs to create content, Cassandra stated that she's maintained a simple approach.

     Her secret for creating content is to create the value.

By adding value consistently, Cassandra created a following of a lifetime. The creation of content, whether or not people are able to afford it or not, creates trust and connection. Utilizing free content via sales funnels is a great way to draw customers in, and let them see that you are a trusted and credible authority.

Leveraging free content such as guidebooks, ebooks as well as printables with useful advice can add an added value to people's lives. Therefore, when it's time to say "hey would you like more details, I've got online courses that you can take," there is an extremely high conversion rate as people already trust your content.

Cassandra regularly creates regularly on YouTube podcasts and videos. She later, she repurposes the podcasts and videos for Instagram reels as well as TikTok. If she's using various social media platforms to promote her company and she claims that she isn't caught up on staying up to date with trends on social media. The pursuit of trends can be exhausting. If you continue to do for a long time, it will become job you've never enjoyed.

She highlighted this crucial message:

"Make items that you enjoy making. Make content that you like watching."

It is simple to become lost in the numbers game. Cassandra claims that she has connections to many people who have a lot of followers within her field who earn less than she earns because her followers and subscribers are not exactly the same quantity of dollars... the active audience is.

The goal is to keep your content creation process simple.

Cassandra's most important piece of advice to those who want to make web-based material is to not worry about perfectionists, regardless of whether you're making poor, junk content. Simply put your content out there. Do not wait for a perfect outline or plan before you buy high quality tools. You get better by being consistently. Most effective creators she's met are people who invest the least amount of money and time to create their work.

She's remained consistent

When asked about her content creation process, Cassandra said the key is consistency.

There is no obligations on herself, and commits her time to posting one YouTube video or podcast each week. This has demonstrated steady and constant rise. Cassandra isn't planning her content in advance and just follows the mood she's in at the moment. It's one of the reasons that have led her fans to think she's real and authentic.

The host said that she's not seen any viral videos or sudden success, which many creators hope for (although this isn't always it happens in the long run). Her steady and slow process has led to an enthusiastic and loyal fan base that is a part of her show for years and years.

A thing Cassandra is extremely pleased about and shows how much her commitment to her causes has paid off. This is the Clutterbug quiz that helps people to identify their personal organizing manner. Over four million people have taken the quiz each throughout the past five years.

Cassandra's suggestion: "If you're persistent and persevere, the final result will be worthwhile once you've finished."

To get your message to the right audience you must be able to convey the attitude of "I love this, and I'm keen to tell your." If you're willing to put yourself on the map whenever you can, and make videos you like and enjoy, you'll be successful in finding your community of online people who follow you. The best part is that they'll be eager to help you since you already have their back.

The online course was launched by the instructor.

Cassandra realized that YouTube podcasts, as well as other related content from social media were much less "to-the-point" and about entertainment. She decided to develop something that was more thorough which had a greater impact. An online course could take her business up a notch.

"There's something distinctive in an online course that's similar to working with a person one-on-one an individual and teaching them how to change their life," she says.

Cassandra designed an online class with video, ebooks and printed materials. The course taught other students how to organize and declutter. When the course is complete, she will certify students as qualified as an organization specialist which allows them to start the business of their choice confidently. Over 5000 people started their own companies in the wake of her classes. Though this isn't an area that is controlled, often, having a certificate can make the difference between trying or failing.

Cassandra was able to decide to host her courses online due to an easy, all-in-one procedure that manages the landing page as well as sales and checkout pages for students. It was also a pleasure to offer free classes as well as set the price herself. She explained that her landing page function could easily be added on her website that linked to her website's courses pages.

The process of creating an online course something you could create once and not have to think about it again. Cassandra has the liberty and ability to pursue her other interests (for example, she just got a job as an emergency responder!) since she is earning ongoing earnings that are not dependent that will give her consistent income throughout the duration of her professional career.

Her courses were advertised organically

Since Cassandra gains such a loyal following Her online course's popularity wasn't due to insane strategies to market, but rather organic leads. The audience she has is mostly women between the ages of 30 to 70. Her ability to make her sales are because of her online communities that she created.

But, Cassandra said that the most effective tool for her business is her email database. It's the best convert rate and the only one you have for ever. Her current email list is around half a million subscribers She frequently edits it down if people aren't interested.

She could determine her worth

Cassandra is often met with astonishment whenever she says that she didn't make a cent in her first five years. She began to share her enthusiasm for the world of management. It was an absolute pleasure and she accomplished it for absolutely nothing.

If Cassandra could make a decision, she would choose to follow her passion for the field and make her passion into a successful business earlier. Cassandra stated that for the course of time, she struggled with selling her services to customers and charging money for the services she provided.

She learned that offering the services of her company in exchange for nothing was a blunder as she wasn't not earning cash, however her followers didn't treat the advice in the same way. Cassandra saw the biggest transformation in her fan base when people began paying for her services for the knowledge they needed to keep their homes to be a more comfortable place.

"Something amazing happens when there is the exchange of dollars. it will make people more keen on taking action so that they can make a difference in the way they lead their lives. "

On the day that Cassandra launched her first course online, she took $24 for the course and earned over $100,000 in the year when she launched her first course. Her creator proclaimed in the moment, that it was the biggest amount of money she's in a single year. It was an experience that blew her mind and fundamentally changed the way she saw her business overall. After that, her hobby turned into a successful business!

The biggest challenge was understanding her value, and her efforts to good use. Her first class online, priced at $24 through time, but she realized the course wasn't taken with the same commitment to it as she had hoped it would be. She determined to raise the price by $150, when she thought about the time, effort as well as the resources as well as the certification in the course were better than she believed.

What's the most remarkable aspect? MORE people bought her course on the internet.

When Cassandra started valuing her expertise other individuals considered it a feasible program and regarded it as more valuable too. In addition to earning much more however, she could assist to more people.

Her efforts have created an active community

Cassandra's Clutterbug concept is that there's no the same for everyone. With this approach, she created an active community of artists with many outlets.

Students have taken the classes online and are involved in the group's courses and community. In her initial course "Organizing Professional" she doesn't offer upsells, however for her next course "Take your home back" she has a $10 annually renewal fee for staying in the community, and this has proved to be extremely efficient. The two courses she offers complement the other and she's considering including membership options in the future.

A few of her users are paying members, but Cassandra can find an equilibrium between paying members for courses and content. She also makes sure that her members are engaged and active. The goal of her website is to offer the best worth to everyone.

She focused on the proper manner of conduct

Cassandra has a real passion for what she does and among the best parts of her day is when reads her followers' comments on the ways they've helped make a difference in their lives for more positive.

Content creation should focus on inspiring and teaching all the people around you. Once you've created something, it'll continue to help people in the in background. Cassandra knows that she'll never be bored from turning her passion into a profitable company.

"You do not have to cultivate the skills you have developed in order to improve their efficiency This is among the best careers because you get to do things that are new each day."

The lesson from Cassandra for future course creators Do not think over your method for creating. It's important to be guided by a sense of passion and enthusiasm regarding what you're doing.

Are you willing to plunge into the world of online course creation? You can start at no cost today.

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