The creative director's process for creating the most memorable marketing content

Oct 8, 2023

As per Alex Wilson, Executive Creative Director at Amplify The process of creating marketing content is the same as making any other type of content It's about getting (and holding) people's attention. "You can inform through the lens of entertainment," Alex says. Alex. "I think that people aren't opposed to being advertised or targeted for when they like it."

Amplify is an award-winning creative agency that is specialized in the field of experiential marketing. They create big-scale events and experiences for large brands, including Playstation, Netflix, Levi's and many others. "We are able to bring innovation into the world of all media," says Alex. "Historically we've been referred to as a more brand agency focused on experiences however, content was always the main focus of everything we worked on."

We had the pleasure of sitting together with Alex to find out more about his process for generating ideas as well as his views on the current advertising environment. Find out what he said during our chat as well as the video interview below.

What's you're North Star when it comes to making videos?

"Our goal is to educate and also entertain. That's one of the primary advantages video media has. You can do that with a captive viewership. When someone is brought at us and wishes to make use of this technology to do a thing, we consider this moment to be an entirely one-time event or scene that is an element of a larger piece of story telling."

How can you ensure you're creating something that is great? What can you do to stay on the right track?

"Audience, always. The person we're speaking to is important. Do you speak to them in the ways they'd like to be spoken to, in the way they'd like to be talked to? It's crucial to start by talking to the people in front of you and then consider how you can best speak to them, and then bring their knowledge to them. Be sure not to interfere with their experiences, but to elevate it."

What type of content will be suitable for this particular client?

"Whether you're searching for an immersive TV show to discover the most enthusiastic supporter for an upcoming TV show streaming on Netflix and whether or not it's about creating a mobile-centric world and breaking with the conventional notion of what retail environments is, or to introduce new sneakers or even the latest game. The work we do starts with audience and ultimately the concept and ways to implement that concept on a variety of different platforms.

We don't necessarily like to be working towards a particular output. The briefs we receive from our clients often arrive with this issue, however it's where that compromise, collaboration and co-creation comes from. We will help you find an ideal solution even when it's not always what they expected that it was initially."

How do you evaluate the efficiency of your efforts?

"For us, it's all about "Did we tell the story authentically to the audience we intended it to be told?' This is the sole thing we need to consider. We are often working with cultures and subcultures. There is a wonderful department within our agency which analyzes culture. Our agency has always, and will continue to be, been very in line with the culture.

We try to work with people rather than broadcast directly to the audience directly. Instead, we encourage participants to collaborate and help us to create content and experiences together, in order so that the experience is enjoyable for them as well as the viewers. It's not clear as to what success can mean however if we've created the content in a way which is well liked by viewers, it's an enormous success for us."

What's your favorite advice you've ever received?

"My chief creative director, Jeavon Smith, once said that to me "Ignore the background noise.' I think ignoring the background noise can prove very useful in many situations. It allows the mind to concentrate on the goal you're trying to achieve and what your fellow colleagues are offering and to work with one another because there's an awful lot of sound."

How do you use ?

"Lots of staff members at the studio as well as the agency utilize it in a variety of ways. The power of inspiration is among them. Finding new talent can be an excellent opportunity for us for this. As for internal application We look at the work that we have done at the very least as an example of the work we've completed. In the event that we require an the source of what we have done in this article or record this in some manner it allows us to return and find the work."

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