
Feb 10, 2023
the code company (1)

The Code Company founder Ben May talks at an exhibition (c) thecode.co

The Code Company, a professional agency that is focused on publishing digitally . They are one of our top providers. They are WordPress experts, and have been engaged in massive overhauls of WordPress, including Integrations and migrations. developing hundreds of stacks of technology for hundreds of publishers.

It recently relaunched Substack massive The Dispatch, a publication which offers news and information regarding politics, policy, as well as culture. The Dispatch is valued at $1.9 million and has hundreds of users. I spoke with Stacey Astley Clark from the communications and partnerships department about the company's offerings and its offerings:

"Our founder Ben May has been using technology to address challenges since grade school." Says Stacey. "He developed his first site with a local business at the age of 12 old and ended up making 400 dollars." Ben saw that there was an increasing commercial opportunity and an opportunity to work in this field and thus launched his very agency in 22.

Code Company Code Company didn't intentionally get into publishing, however it did gain publishing customers at the start. Stacey says: "We've carved out a market by developing tools to help publishers publish using digital platforms, and changing from other platforms over to WordPress and also introducing subscription options to WordPress and advertising technologies. We were initially platform agnostic however, we discovered that almost all of them were unsustainable! We now work solely with WordPress; there were numerous'rescue operations' on the other platforms."

"The crucial engineering work which involves the creation of websites is what we do" Stacey continues. The team assists publishers with complex questions using WordPress and identify methods to use technology to "increase their revenue, create more efficiency within their company and decrease the risk associated with companies that use technological innovation".

Stacey and I both agree that technology is becoming less technical', that is crucial to publishing. "Sometimes there are editors, creators of content and also marketers that use technology and want to utilize technology, without needing the engineer call every five minutes.These people are "wordspeople" not techno-savvy individuals."

Code Company helps people create or transition to technological platforms that let them become independent. Code Company helps these people create or migrate to technological platforms that allow them to be self-sufficient "They require a platform capable of doing the same functions it used to perform before however in an more efficient manner. Our clients are often publishing companies that have websites that are sagging with technology debt. The majority of plugins do not provide all features they need. We think it's better to design an integrated system that can be customized so that they can get everything they want, but not one thing they can't."


The Code Company works with content companies of all kinds that range from small-scale publishers to large entertainment corporations. Recently, they launched the well-known launch of Wondermind that is a source of content for mental health which is supported by celebrities Selena Gomez and Newsette CEO Daniella Pierson. The launch was discussed with Bhavik Trivedi who is the Chief Operating Officer at Wondermind who said: "I've never had a flawless launch. Until now. It was launched and then was scaled up to handle the increased volume of traffic. The integrations were successful."

FuqQ9UfLAmNAKjVpzFCV The all-new Wondermind media hub (c) thecode.co

They also partner in conjunction with Nine the biggest entertainment group in Australia. "We developed their corporate site along with their magazines drive.com.au which is among Australia's most popular auto sites along with Future Women an online membership club that is for women who become professionals." Code Company also launched a members' club exclusively for professional women. Code Company also launched eBay's local ads website. "That was an important event since they had no regional leads before and they began receiving Australian leads as a result of the site," Stacey confirms. "We just launched a new website, called Science Alert, which is an important science magazine that is a major publication in the US. It's operated from Australia however, the majority users reside from the US. It was a project that we were working on for more than an entire year, and even a quarter of a year!" the girl recalls.

However, it appears that the best fit is for publishers who are not large however are planning to grow. "We need to figure out how do demonstrate the ability of your company to publish? How do we get your business and technology stack in the best shape for growth and grow your business?'" Stacey states. This is probably where most of clients part of The Code Company are located like non-traditional media firms including news sites Crikey and Her Campus, an all-female college student media group within The US (that The Code Company has shifted to Drupal for the purpose of moving into WordPress).

thecodeco hercampus

The HerCampus.com Content Hub is available to a wide range of devices (c) thecode.co

"We assist talented and innovative creators who are frustrated, or unhappy with their current platform as well as CMS (content management software used for handling information)," Stacey adds. "They're looking to us out to help them find alternatives because they know that the CMS they're using is limited in terms of the capabilities it has to offer. It's not flexible enough and it makes a huge amount of money." In addition, it's becoming more important and vital for creators at all levels to get first-party data. "They're in no position to gain access to that data via platforms such as Substack. We're developing custom creator stacks that will enable creators to connect with their own audience," she explains.

Solutions and Services

The customers who are customers of Code Company could be the one who designed their own website or may be requesting a different person to build the website. The site is making use of a variety of plugins. "As the popularity of the website is growing, they're discovering that their systems are beginning to break and they're unable to resolve these issues by themselves. This is causing problems, as well as complaints from readers that aren't getting the goals they want to achieve. Sometimes, they're incapable of doing anything as basic as adding something on the menu." she says.

Mike McPhate at the California Sun states: "The biggest problem with my prior membership site was it had a lot of bugs and confusing instructions on how to navigate through the site. I received emails each morning from users who were unhappy. When I created the site and in collaboration and The Code Company and , I'm not receiving emails from users and that's fantastic!"

thecode.co California Sun

The California Sun (c)thecode.co

Everyone knows that the efficiency of a website is crucial for publishing firms "If there is a drop in the performance, it can result in the loss of millions of dollars" Stacey continues. "And the site is always working on a plugin and sticking on the next. Their performance keeps dropping until they're not efficient anymore. In the end they'll have this huge technological stack that is squealing in the background, mindful of the danger that their site will go out of business due to the poor performance."

Publishers are increasingly looking to seek to diversify their source of income. They're looking more into subscriptions and memberships. "We must find the best solution that is efficient and safe. It's the first step to research tools that are going transform the publishing sector," she says. Code Company Code Company works specifically with subscription-based solutions which are able to get around the issue of the issue that Stacey calls "leaky paywalls". Stacey says: "We've worked with other subscription-based solutions before and have found it extremely simple to avoid paying for the wall. If the business model you're running is based on publishing and relies on sale of content to customers It's an enormous issue."

The details of events and projects will likely to be soon announced.

"The creation economy is booming," Stacey notes. "Creators are realizing that SaaS platforms aren't without their shortcomings, and they're looking to investigate different avenues. Diversification isn't going out from the possibility for creators, but it's important to continue searching for ways to be more involved with their viewers by providing specific and individualized data. Subscribers are more than just generating revenue, they also give publishers the possibility of being more connected to viewers and they increase the level of interactions."

"There remain print magazines still in print but aren't accessible online, which is why we're getting requests from people who recognize that to be competitive, they'll need to change to digital. Subscriptions are one of the ways."

Within the framework of current conferences "Ben is well-known within the world of conferences," adds Stacey. The past time, Ben gave a talk at the Mumbrella event that was held for publishers in Australia and also in the context of WordCamp US in San Diego. His talk was focused on the concept of creating economy, and were focused on the'minimalist publisher' as well as how publishers can be more productive by using the least amount of. It is also about learning from the designers of the larger publishing housesthat typically use subscription-based services.

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     Ben May is the founder. Ben May is a familiar name within the world of conferences. (c) thecode.co

The founder of the company has an in-depth understanding of the business. "Ben's done this throughout his entire career and never encountered an issue he's incapable to solve," says Stacey. "The details I get whenever I talk to customers is that when there's an issue, the client may require a separate agency for two weeks to look into. Code Company's technology is able to resolve the problem within 20 minutes on the phone because they've experienced all. This is a huge advantages to any organization that is in the field of this kind problems."

For the final part, Stacey says: "Publishing or managing a website does not require as much effort as people make it. Our entire goal as a company is to simplify." Stacey and I agree that it's easy to become immersed in the latest technologies or themes or plug-ins "these blinking lights aren't changing our world." she says with a smile.

Code Company Code Company revels in "smart simple" it appears. Stacey states: "We offer the chance to collaborate with a tech firm that is able to help you get the results you desire for your business, in the most simple way which is efficient, and not employing any buzzwords at present."

More details

For more information about The Code Company, to view case studies about previous integrations , migrations and even to learn more about working with them, check out their site thecode.co.

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