
Feb 5, 2025

Eyal Avital has been an integral part in the Customer Happiness team when at the age of six. Eyal Avital is passionate about helping those in need, loves to go on adventures and enjoy food. He's also a fan of inventing new ideas to address customer problems. You can find out more about his life on his website!

We'd like to hear about your experience - what you're like together with your professional experiences along with your hobbies

I'm an avid lover of the TV program Mr. Rogers and I've always longed for the way I could help individuals by helping them by any means. That led to me completing 20 years of service to customers and I'm able to help resolve issues and urge our clients to keep trying!

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Eyal constantly searches for the best restaurants to dine at. best tasting.

After a friend's push, I found  the company, and six years later I have never have I looked back. If I'mn't busy aiding customers with their concerns or assisting them with their requirements or assisting them with their needs, I'm usually looking for a brand discovery or planning my next excursion with my family--while enjoying a cup of coffee on one hand and munching eating a bite to the side.

What are the responsibilities of your daily job in the firm you're employed by?

Every day is a thrilling and exciting adventure! I'm able assist clients across the globe as they tackle their issues. It doesn't matter if it's the explanation of our benefits to members or delving into an issue that is difficult to resolve I'm thankful for being able to help make the process easier for our customers.

Eyal Avital

     HTML1 Unwinding following the long day spent serving our customers    

With AI becoming a better communications tool, I'm currently working on ensuring that the support team remains human, forming genuine connections as well as actively exploring their needs, and making sure that everyone is valued in addition to being supported and prepared to achieve.

Do you have a memory of a memorable interaction with one of our (potential) customers? What was the problem that they had to resolve and how did you solved it

The customer wanted to make users aware of a special service that isn't offered in the normal way. Instead of declaring "no," (we do every effort to make sure that we don't) I found a new way to do it using our API.

The solution that was custom-designed could satisfy the needs of their customers and be delivered on time! Everyone was delighted at the end result and turned the challenge to a triumph.

What do you believe is the most important thing you consider to be an excellent association for members?

Keep your customers informed is crucial in establishing a lucrative subscription business. When creators can connect with their customers effectively, they will be successful. This is more than trading in money. It's about creating an environment where people feel involved with something.


Eyal Avital

A selection of the most popular recipes taken from Eyal's Foodie Collection.

In today's world of constant connectivity, internet can be a source of entertainment and offer a reason for users to stick around.

What have you learned during your study ?

It has been my experience that efficient communication is crucial to customer support, whether on the phone or over the web. Even though online support can seem simpler, using the wrong style or using the wrong language could result in customer anger.

That's why our PREACH communications model (Proud Reliable Honest Humane, Honest Humane emotional, articulate) is crucial in helping every client.

Eyal has embarked on another adventure.

It truly is a joy working with my support group because every participant has qualities that they display during their interactions with clients. What is the most valuable knowledge I've accumulated? Effective communication is something you can improve through practice and a determination to improve in the course of.

What are the three most important things you would like you would be willing to share with an individual in your department?

Three ways to guarantee satisfaction through the customer service

  1. If you are unsure or are concerned, it is possible to inquire further to comprehend the requirements of your customer in addition to determining what is the cause of the issue.
  2. Keep in touch if you don't hear back from us. We are grateful for your efforts to stay on top throughout as everyone's engaged.
  3. Be sure to keep your promises - keeping promises to clients builds trust and will ensure the satisfaction of your clients. You said you'd send them an email at a certain date, and they'll be remembered for the rest of your life!

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