
Oct 22, 2024

"For us, the notion of membership sits an integral aspect of our work. There is no way to just be a part of a membership; it has been a top priority for us," starts Dan Carson the Head of Product at our company. "If you're looking to establish the foundation of a membership, we think it's the best option. While we started with WordPress as the sole access point for those capabilities, this is no longer an option."

Dan says we're not going to remove all of the capabilities that were originally available such as integration with WordPress: "If that's how people want to construct their own membership website It's the same as before - but we've provided them with a much more straightforward access point."

The value of simple tools

     Navigation streamlining    

"There are numerous users who use third-party software, but it's not just because they'd like. They felt it was the only choice," Dan adds. "People may be employing WordPress, but they've just built a simple website or are using MailChimp but don't use the majority of its capabilities."

The people who need to sign up simply require an approach to get people to join and to be able email them without all the faff associated with a cloud-based enterprise version. "Maybe they signed up with Mailchimp in 2014 and they continue to use it because it's what they use. Is this really their target audience for the direction that Mailchimp is headed?"

"We think there's a few people out there who, if they could do it easily enough and reduce the number of tools into a single place and then have it well-integrated and ensure that the tool accomplishes all the tasks they required it to perform," Dan says.

Our software for email will be equipped with all the features you need. The author adds "We're not seeking to aid enterprise marketing teams. We're helping those who are looking for the cheapest and most convenient way to reach out and distribute content to their fans."

It's for us not so much about what products you're using, but about the goals you're trying to attain. If you'd like subscribers to subscribe to your newsletter, we'll make that easier and cheaper since you no longer require any additional equipment.

This is dependent on the individual use case, of course. Certain people would like the capability to piece together several integrations but others worry that it's expensive and more difficult to manage, especially since it's just one organization. "Previously we were only developing for one of the organizations. Today, we're developing to serve both groups," Dan says.

member access to Posts and Pages

     Management of access rights granted to members on Posts and Pages    

If you're a particular type of client, the latest version of MailChimp is what you need; that's the version that you've gotten. "If I'm in the market for a straightforward site, I might prefer not to make use of WordPress. There is a possibility that Squarespace may be too costly for a site that relies on subscriptions. The website isn't tied to membership on the basis," Dan adds. So we thought What would you think of in the event that you designed a service that was entirely built around this? '.

That's our mindset for podcasting, as well as for other online communities as well. "We're not launching a completely fresh Libsyn. We'll build the first version, which is simple to operate and does the bulk of what you want as well as integrates with other software and at the same price." Dan believes.

It is an innate law that the more time software has in existence, the more it wants to develop. The software would like to become more intricate and sophisticated.

The addition of new options isn't always bad. but it can be an issue for the clients when the customer that they're building for no longer you. "People are looking for apps which can provide what they need and isn't trying to be more than this. Jazz is often the ones you can't perform!" Dan smiles.

The process of making something easy is quite complex. Dan says: "It's about paring down to what's important within. What's simple for us to do is just to put everything that area and make an element and then customers could locate it on a settings panel or someplace." But we aren't sure that's the kind of thing our clients are searching for. We'd rather combine all the knowledge we've gained during the last decade in developing the tools for membership as well as customer feedback, and simplify it into easy-to-use tools.

"It's easy to overlook the importance of tools that are simple. Simple tools are an underserved need. A lot of things are more complicated than they should be." Dan says.

The all-new dashboard

One of the most noticeable changes this quarter is the organization of the dashboard. Instead of having every choice on the right hand side, having the features separated by feature, we stepped back and thought "Why not organize everything according to the task you're working on at the time? '.

new  dashboard

     The new and improved dashboard    

Based on our personal experience as well as talking to people who run membership businesses generally, your work is an area that falls within any of the four categories, which include creating and building your site, creating exclusive content, as well as managing your members, or increasing your revenue. Dan states: "Everything you're doing as an administrator of a membership site is bound be categorized into one of those four buckets. So, we thought this was an appropriate approach to categorizing the benefits of ."


This is for those who want to create an online membership site. In the past, you've had to make use of WordPress or a particular website builder to. You can now utilize our website builder natively. The initial area is devoted to creating the website from scratch and then modifying the look. And setting up your publicly-facing web content. "You're setting up the site for your users to visit," adds Dan.


The other is to publish information. The modern-day business of membership typically involves the publishing of exclusive content to members. It could be emails publications, articles, downloads along with podcasts. "The next step is to develop content or sharing exclusive benefits. This is all about providing value that your the members get by joining your organization," Dan explains.


The third task is managing the members. "Part of managing a profit-making membership is having a really personal connection with your members. That's a large part of the motive for why they're loyal to the group," says Dan.

Member management - downloading invoices

     Members management - download invoices    

"You must be able provide clients with support for their needs and understand their past together, in addition to identifying issues if something isn't going according to the right," he adds.


"If you're establishing your own membership website  the intention of generating revenues, and there's numerous steps to take when it comes to establishing your strategies and determining how much you should charge in addition to monitoring the health of your company to see what's working," Dan says. Dan. The section on discounting is in order to increase retention, and also run campaigns to acquire customers, plus referral programs.

"We've come up with a few different features in the past. A lack of organization caused it to be difficult to find the things you need, especially if they were new. We wanted to cut down on learning time," concludes Dan. It will provide a greater foundation for us in the future when we create exciting new functions. We'll discover more intuitive ways of organizing things. it allows users to find and learn about the new options, ensuring that users can take advantage of the features right away.

Builder for websites

Another major change this quarter revolved around the web-based builder. "We'd began to create the new tools in 2011 and we wanted to get the needle moving toward these new features, however, we didn't want to disrupt the existing methods of use ," says Dan. "We put ourselves in the shoes of someone who wants to develop a membership website."

In the process of registering in the program is much quicker. We can provide our customers an enhanced beginning point, including the default choices and membership plans already designed and the look of your website created. All you have to do is establish your Stripe account and create your website in a couple of minutes.

 website builder

     The person who created the site    

Editing is similar to the modern WYSIWYG (What You see Is What You Receive) online builder, which is connected directly to your site to sign up for membership. "You can write directly on the screen, drag items around, cover and show elements, and then you'll be able to view what the page looks like immediately," says Dan.

Dan clarifies that this is merely the beginning of future website builders enhancements: "We had to redo the basis of everything in this manner, and now we're able to kick off the accelerator in terms of creating the most advanced capabilities."

We've introduced the concept of blocks. Blocks are in essence content modules. Right now we have the basic block of content as well as a banner title block that can be text or an image accompanied by the click. The structure is now in place, we're developing different block type and placing diverse types of content on the page. appear within the webpage. The user will be able to arrange them on the page. You will also be able to customize who is able to view these content depending on the subscription plan the user is paying for.

J4UXZCXXXVRVFxqRpCLFE Blocks to build with

Dan says: "It's everything you need to create a fully-functional subscription website. It's also linked to subscriptions. Membership is the foundation of everything else." The end result is a web-building experience that's simpler to get started with, easier to use, more intuitive and is more attuned to what users today expect from their web-based experience.

Final: A fresh approach to utilizing

"We earlier discussed the glue that keeps your members in place," recalls Dan. "But in the event that an equipment is essential for your business and includes components that are glued, it's not necessarily a good thing. If you're in a situation where it is preferential to have them made of steel, and welded - you need that it be a single piece, not two separate pieces," adds Dan. Two pieces are constructed concurrently: joining was a crucial element from the beginning.

If you have an incredibly profitable WordPress website, or millions of people who are in your MailChimp list you'd like to for creating subscriptions instead of trying to start from scratch, it's feasible. It's possible to use a program that lets you plug in and connect it. We don't believe it's the only option people have to build any more.

" is for those looking to create an online platform that allows their communities to gather together, and an area for their followers as well as members. Today, anything you could want to do, starting with making a style that is reflective of the brand you represent and being able to put all of your material all at one location and accessible to all are the possibilities you can build with it ," Dan concludes.

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