Synchronize Up to the Level Up feature to boost Members' Communications Campaign Refinery Members & Members - WordPress Membership plugin for Membership Sites

Dec 24, 2023

The Sync Up feature allows you to level up the quality of your communication. Member Communications and Campaign Refinement. Member and Campaign Refinement

Title image showing blue and purple soundwaves merging together representing the  Member Campaign Refinery Integration

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Improve your communication with members With Members and Campaign Refinery! Every click should connect with your users and see engagement increase. Learn how to achieve it by following these helpful tips and best methods.

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Every interaction counted. It's the same when you're on a membership site the same way it is in your supermarket.

Your interaction with your members (and how you interact with them in any way) will determine their loyalty, engagement, and the possibility that they'll opt to spend more money on the products and services you offer.

After a person sign-ups with an email address, there is an opportunity to be in an opportunity to have direct communication with the person and a wide range of possibilities to improve the quality of your relationship, and give them a better lifetime customer value.

With the Member, Campaign Refinery integration it is possible to maximize that potential by using particular, specific messaging.

Discover how segmented marketing in emails has enabled one business to see an 30 percent increase of sales in the Black Friday campaign.

In addition, I'll present additional scenarios where you can make use of an integration of your email with Member to guarantee accurate and effective communications with your members.

After you read this article, it will be possible to utilize email segments in order to increase sales, upgrade and also engage with your customers.

From the first click to a lasting results, you can orchestrate a journey of engagement and development for each participant. Let's tune up and begin!

The Member Campaign is now live! Refinery Integration

 Member Campaign Refinery integration

The Mechanical Mechanics of Seamless Synchronization

The fundamental idea behind this integration allows you to decide based upon different actions of users that are recorded in member.

Below is the complete set of events that may result in the addition or removal of tag automation feature in Campaign Refinery:

  • added: When a member is added to a particular level of membership, or added to a particular level of membership.
  • deleted:When the member ceases or stops paying to their membership, they no anymore have access to protected content.
  • Uncanceled:When a member rejoins the membership after having cancelled and/or made an effective rebilling transaction after having been removed from the.
  • Expired: When a member's membership is expired following the trial or a once-off payment.
  • ExpiredWhen an individual joins a level by renewing membership prior to expiry date.

All of these activities could trigger specific automated actions. This isn't just to keep track of member movement and movements, but also to act in the best way that is possible.

The Benefits: Precision and Personalization

Target with dart in center

     What implications does this have for your communications with members? Precision. Personalization. Impact.

If you are able to segment your audience's email subscribers according to these automatically generated tags, your messages are close to where they belong. In addition to sending messages, instead you're creating conversations tailored to the member's specific preferences and journey.

Let's Setup (It's simple!)

Active The Integration

The activation of this integration is an element of. On your WordPress dashboard, select Member > Setup > Integrations email providers and Campaign Refinery.

Activae Campaign Refinery Integration

If the dialogue box pops up then click the slider and enable Campaign Refinery.

Simply copy the Campaign Refinery API Key from your Campaign Refinery account and you're done! Two powerful tools are now synced together and ready to go!

Leveraging Tags Tags for Leveraging: Automated Engagement

It's here that it gets interesting. Within the account that you've established inside your Campaign Refinery account, you'll create tags that classify members according to the actions they have taken in the member.

Campaign Refinery Tags

If they're about to join a new program, cancelling their account, or coming back after a long absence, each action is assigned a specific number. This allows for highly targeted and efficient ways of communicating.

Imagine you have three members within Member: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Create 3 similar tags by using Campaign Refinery so that you can send email only to those who are with the"Gold" tag "Gold" like.

In this case, it's feasible to develop automated methods that add your Bronze label into Campaign Refinery when a member who joins the Bronze level. You can also add an entry for Silver after they sign up to the Silver level. The list continues.

You can also automatically removethese tags whenever a member decides to canceltheir payment, and then cease their participation.

If you're currently in this position, it's possible to makea completely new "Cancelled" tag in Campaign Refinery to target these ex-members in a reengagement campaign.

The scenarios we'll explore further in the future.

The Mission: To be able to achieve targeted Communication

Once these tags are placed and the tags are in place The possibilities of communication are endless. The possibilities are limitless. You can contact members who have just canceled by sending messages specifically intended to re-engage them. You can also nudge low-level members to get members to upgrade.

The key is to create a dialogue which is intimate and related to the person's particular life experience.

"The Big Picture: Beyond the Click

This integration is more than an electronic setup. It's an approach to cultivating relations with your customers.

Be sure to check back as we go further into ways to utilize these tools to more than just communicate, but communicate with your friends by way that's vitally important.

     3 ways to boost Member Communications Using Member as well as Campaign Refinery    

We've established the stage by introducing the Member and Campaign Refinery integration, let's examine ways to leverage this incredible combination to boost communications with members.

1. Encouragement of Upgrades for Members at Lower Levels


Direct Method to upgrade:

Use the tagging system to identify members at less tiers, for example "Bronze". Then, craft and create personalized messages to highlight benefits of higher levels.

There are many ways to show off your exclusive benefits, testimonials, or a glimpse of what the "Silver" and "Gold" levels have to offer. It's all about creating a visual of what's lacking, this makes it unavoidable.

Results-Driven Communication: Focus on the outcome and lessons you've learned by moving up. Talk about success stories and case studies of members who've upgraded and have seen tangible advantages. The method converts abstract benefits into concrete results, making the process of upgrading much more appealing.

2. Reengaging Members Who Cancel


Targeted Reengagement Campaigns:

If the customer decides to cancel you immediately label them "Cancelled" and then initiate an individual reengagement plan.

The program could focus on possible reasons for leaving, offer special incentives to re-join or notify the users about the latest features or new content that can rekindle their interest.

Personalized Follow-Ups

It is important to follow up by sending a personalized message that acknowledges and appreciates their participation. Sometimes, a brief note soliciting feedback or providing support can prompt them to join the participant again.

3. Cross-Selling to Product Purchasers

Cross sell

Identifying Purchase Patterns

A Community is not just a customer base

Group of people engaging with one another in conversation.

Each strategy differs from the traditional communication to members. These are all about creating a sense of community where everyone feels heard and valued.

Be sure to provide information that actually benefits your clients, increases the trust of your customers in your business and makes your experience enjoyable for them.

     The potential of Email Segmentation: Black Friday Case Study    

People sending and receiving emails on different devices

Check out how one firm surpassed their goals by launching their Black Friday campaign, boosting sales by a staggering 30% using smart email segmentation. This article is a fantastic illustration of what you could accomplish when you get the right member communications.

Strategy Overview

The company was able to find a different strategy and split its customer base into four groups that comprised people who were not customers, past customers or customers with lower-tiered status, and the top-tier customers. Each category received a customized email specially for them, basing on their specific relationship with the brand.

1. Non-Customers: Show and Tell

In case you haven't purchased the products they sell, the brand put on an extravagant red carpet. They highlighted the top features about their products and finished by glowing reviews from customers. It was their idea to turn the curiosity of customers into clicks, and then convert clicks into sales.

They have also created a contest through the Raffle Press to boost the engagement of their clients and increase the share they can get from their Black Friday offer.

2. Past Customers: Check Out What's New

The customers who were previously loyal received a reminder about all the cool new enhancements and features. The aim was to rekindle the interest of past customers and get people back.

3. Existing Lower-Tiered Customers: Sweet Upgrade Deal

The company offered a tempting option to customers on lower levels of service to switch to a higher plan for less than the cost of renewing their current plan. This was an excellent choice to promote the advantages of higher tiers for the customers.

4. The Top-Tier Customer There's You'll be able to love them more.

To the very loyal clients the focus was on cross-selling. Brands recommended items that would be a great addition to the existing products they had and made sure that these recommendations added real worth to the current investment.

Reflexions and Results

This strategy of planning and focusing led to a substantial growth in sales. Sales, engagement, and conversions increased in all areas. The brand's message had a direct message to the customer. It's an enormous win in the field of marketing.

This Black Friday success story is a testimony to the wonder of ensuring your email's segmentation is correct. In observing the different needs of customers wants and needs and talking to them in their native language, the brand achieved remarkable results.

The wrapping Up Process: Making the most of the member and Campaign Refinery to Create Awesome Member Communications

A hand reaching for a smiling face indicating a positive review.

Through the course of this article, we've witnessed the ways that combining Member with Campaign Refinery really steps up the member communication, providing novel and exciting ways of connecting with your target audience.

Through combining the extensive capabilities of Member with the dynamic abilities of email within Campaign Refinery, you have the ability to change your methods of engaging your members.

The most important takeaways

  • Customized Communications:With automated tagging and segmentation, it's now possible to guarantee that every message you send out is appropriate and personalised to each person's unique journey.
  • enhanced engagement: Re-engaged members from the past and entice current members to upgrade their membership or try new options, the integration allows users to create meaningful connections that drive retention and increase.
  • Measurable Results:The successes of the stories, which include that of the Black Friday campaign case study show the real-world impact when properly implemented, segmented communications strategies.

If you've got any ideas or experience to share on member communications, or you're simply excited by these opportunities, please make a comment below. We're always interested in hearing comments from our readers!

Do not forget to join us to receive more helpful advice and suggestions regarding managing your member's site and marketing techniques, sign up to our newsletter. Be on the lookout for us, be up-to the latest information, and keep developing with our fellow members.

Let's celebrate your accomplishment by creating a flourishing active community!

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