Six Tips to structure an online course

Jun 16, 2022

If you're creating your first or your 10th course, these 5 strategies will assist your viewers to get the most value from the course.

There are a variety of classes that are available online. You'll be repeating it... Lots.

Certain things are excellent. Certain are good. Certain are bad.

The popularity of online courses indicates that lots of students are trying to earn cash through their online courses , and it's great! But , too many online educators are creating courses that are of low quality, which do not benefit their students.

There is a technique to creating an online course that is perfect. Even with all many competitors an organized, well-thought out plan that can provide the transform can perform very well.

In this piece in this article in this piece, we'll talk about the best way to organize an online class to ensure that your students receive the maximum value out of it. This article will enable you to have clarity on what the students in your class are experiencing and how you can help them through it. If you follow these guidelines, you'll soon be in the process of creating an enjoyable course and reviews from students who are thrilled with your course.

If you're in need of assistance in building your online course as and a community sign up to OUR Mighty Community today for no cost and get to know the other community managers with experience! We'd love to get know your needs. Register for membership for free!

This piece...

1. Begin at the beginning and end

2. Focus on the steps

3. Test of knowledge retention

4. Build projects

5.Mix mediums

6. Select the correct platform


Begin with the

Can we explain the problems with too many online courses?

Most course creators begin by describing what they are familiar with and wish to teach. Things they enjoy to talk about. Then they begin planning the plan.

Here's the reason this is a mistake.

The top courses can't be created through dumping your brain with every thing you've ever learned. The key to an effective course is to make sure you are crystal clear about the message you wish your audience to get through the course. What will they do when they complete the course?

Start with your goal in mind. When it comes to people who build online communities This goal is described as a Big-Purpose declaration.

"The Big Purpose declaration is identical to this.


The main Purpose of courses isn't exactly like the other. It's about gathering a number of individuals with a desire to reach an outcome. That's what is about.

It's not:


  • You can share everything you know
  • They will be impressed with your knowledge
  • The aim is to make them experts in their area (unless there's an enlightening masterclass)

The single goal for the training you provide is to bring participants to transformation that is of a certain type. They could undergo massive dramatic, life-altering changes. However, it could be a simple fun, intimate and relaxing.

Here are some examples of these transformations:


  • You can go from having no knowledge of guitar to playing around with by the campfire
  • You can go from being a couch potato , to being a slower AF running      
  • Start by designing floral designs to managing an impressive floral-related business      
  • From knowing absolutely the basics of marketing, and figuring out how to create YouTube advertisements

Most sought-after modifications are ones which people want. Thus, you need to determine what transformation that you would like your students to accomplish. You can then reverse the course and integrate into your course EXACTLY the things your ideal student NEEDS to achieve the transformation you want them to achieve: nothing moreand no less.

     Start Your Free Trial There is no credit card is required.

Be attentive to the actions

Once you have a clearly set goal of the course, it's time to begin making a plan of the course you want to include. This could require the time to do some research if you're teaching something that you already master or mastered or mastered, it can be as easy to sit down and think through the lessons you've gained in your knowledge.

Take a blank piece paper or. Record the final. You should ask yourself "What do you really need to complete this change? ?"

One of the risks here is called the "curse of comprehension." It's difficult to determine how best to guide a newbie, particularly in the case where you've already mastered some things, but it's been a while since you were at the start. Do you remember glancing at trigonometry as your instructor spoke about hypotenuse but without providing a explanation of what it was?

This could be the result of being aware at work. This happens when you think that someone knows something you think is common sense.

Focus on the procedure. Consider "what actions will I need to take for me to understand this?" Also, include all the facts you could imagine, regardless of whether you are aware or not.

For instance, that you're enrolled in the guitar beginner course. It's got a catchy name which you'll refer to it as "Campfire Guitar Mastery: Go From 0 to Leading Singalong ."

What is it that someone who hasn't ever played guitar have to know in order to make the transition from playing no to campfire?

Below are some steps that could be logical:


  • What's the most effective way to select an instrument , if you do not have one
  • The guitar's parts
  • Where can I locate and comprehend chord charts
  •  Patterns of strumming
  • The first track
  • What do you need to do to make it more efficient?
  •  Where can I find chords to songs
  • HTML0 Sing like you are playing
  • How do you find the confidence required to play in front of the world

Once you've determined what you're looking for You've identified the most effective way to develop an online class that can assist your students to achieve the objective. These could include your module or classes.

Do not give them more than they need!

The discussion was a small amount about this in the past. One of the most common mistakes educators make is to try to fill the course with everything they know. It's easy to make this mistake due to various reasons typically, however, we feel that the students would value the course more if there is everything they need in it.

Do not succumb to the desire. Offer them the things they need instead. The satisfaction of students isn't a result of long-term courses. It's a direct result of a well-run course.

In the guitar campfire class, you'll find that it doesn't contain:


  • An in-depth historical background on the guitar
  • Lessons on guitar music around the globe
  • An introduction to music reading
  • In-depth explanations of the reasons you must know to participate (from the description of the course they understand exactly the reason)
  • How to build a campfire

Make sure you focus on the steps you'll have to follow. You can also pitch all the other things.

     Pro Tip: Once you've laid your plan out, take a look at each stage to figure out how you can take any off. If you are able to get rid of a course, be confident that your students will achieve the outcomes they're looking for, then take it!

     Start with a free trial credit card is not needed.

Test to determine if knowledge is retained

If there are exams or assessments associated with your class, be sure your tests are designed around what the students will need to remember in the future. Too many courses approach exams as an opportunity to determine if students were attentive and then they ask silly questions such as "In module 2 who was the queen of England which we talked about? ?"

If you're taking the test, be sure it's reviewing and strengthening the knowledge they need to carry forward, rather than assessing the accuracy of their memory from the course.

Here are some instances of both good and bad questions:

Facebook advertising course:


  • What color is the colour of the Facebook logo? (bad)
  • What does "audience" refer to in your advertisement? (good)

Course in Business


  • What pants color did Jake wear for that second session? (bad)
  • What can I do to increase my membership retention? (good)

Be sure that all questions are connected to the information and skills they'll need to complete the tasks of the course.

Develop initiatives

A different method to structure online courses is to have students create assignments. This can be done instead of taking tests or exams.

If your students can make it through the final stage in your class and show some tangible results this is great! Also, they'll be able to have higher retention rates when they do their work in the end.

If you're teaching an class that has the goal of creating something practical or artistic, walking students through creating portfolios or assignments could be the best approach to follow.

Here are some examples of the kinds of projects you might get from the online course of training:

The program concentrates specifically on Web Design designed for Beginners
    Project: A site

The course: Ruby on Rails
    App: The first project you'll ever make.

Training: Master Watercolor Painting
     Project: Your first painting

Course: Intro to Lettering
    Project Lettering Portfolio

Course: Magazine Pitching
     Project: A completed pitch sent out

There are many classes which TELL students how to perform stuff and leave them to apply the knowledge by themselves. If you teach the students how and walk them through the procedure and then provide the students with something to take home, then they've had the most benefit from your class.

Mix mediums

One of the things that can help in the online course structure is mixing various delivery methods. Different people learn in different ways. So adding a mixture of lessons can help those with different learning styles, PLUS makes the learning simpler to gain access.

For instance, you could develop an online class using recorded online videos. Students have the option to view or listen to the video, as well as the ability to pause and begin whenever they like. You can add an outline of the text or an explanation of the film for those who prefer reading or suffer from disabilities which make audio or video inaccessible. There is the possibility of adding live chats where course members come together to chat about the content of the class or to ask questions, and take part in exercises as the group.

This type of mixed delivery gives many benefits to students. It allows them to learn in the way that best helps them learn.

Select the platform that is appropriate.

Last but not least, the most essential aspect is picking the best course platform. There are numerous options to choose from However, most of them will not let you do those things that we mentioned in the previous paragraphs: mixing synchronous and asynchronous instruction and also facilitating live discussion as well as questions and answers, and conducting tests and allowing students to share the lessons they have taught in their class.

So, choosing the best platform is the most important step. So if you're looking for the best platform for making your online course, try it! It is a simple and elegant engine which allows you to deliver your contents in every way you can imagine PLUS includes all the essential methods to market your course. Each course is accompanied by the community of its own, and can be customized, and also mix live and pre-recorded content.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

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In the final day, how to structure an online course comes to what students require and the best way to get them there. If you can accomplish this, you'll stand above the other classes available.

So if you:


  • Decide on the transformation you'd like to provide these,
  • Find out the best way to reach their destination,
  • Let them go through it.
  • Verify that the procedure worked...

The course you teach is one students cherish and love telling their classmates about, as well as an audience of enthusiastic fans looking forward to your next lesson!

If you'd like to test building your course on , you can try it for absolutely without cost and no credit card requirement.

Ready to launch your online course?

     Take advantage of a Free Trial Credit card not needed.

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