Selling via Facebook (A Program for Facebook Group Managers)

Jul 11, 2024

If you're planning to market an online course, you're likely to need an audience. And ideally, you don't need to wait after the launch of the course before you begin developing that audience. A lesson I've gleaned through my work as an entrepreneur that creating an item before identifying appropriate people to sell your product can be like making the cart go ahead of the horse. A better approach is to create a network first to find out precisely the requirements they're looking for and market to them to find out what they are looking for.

The creation of a blog is an excellent way to create an audience for your online classes. This can allow you to to build a list of leads and customers who will provide you with the information they desire, want and are likely to purchase. Within an Facebook Group you can watch posts and tap into the needs of your fans as well as their language preferences as well as areas in which there's a gap in the things they need - and provide them with the exactwhat they're seeking, and with less effort than trying to come up with the information on your own.

In this article, I'll show you how to establish communities by using the Facebook Group, tap into the group to find what they'll need before you create the group.

It is a fatal error to avoid

In my years of consultation and launching classes online, I've seen one fatal oversight that I'd like to help you avoid. A mistake that you could commit is to start an online course prior to having a community.

It's possible you've seen it happen, or worse still, you've seen it for yourself. You've spent hours constructing an online training course. You're excited to make sales and help others and then you're able to process the course's online version with great excitement - only to release that course for the world to enjoy as well...

... crickets.

There's no need to purchase.

It's sad it's true. It happens more frequently than the instructors are prepared to admit.

Instead of thinking about whether or not it would be a good idea the product, invest your energy in creating your own group of people first. When you've become the leader of your community, you'll find it's very simple to earn money from your courses, coaching or whatever you want to provide.

When I began to build my business, I struggled in search of a feasible way to create an online community for the business. It was a blessing that I decided to put all my efforts on the Facebook group over everything else such as podcasting. As I reflect on the reasons that allowed me to promote the online class in such a powerful way - it was definitely my Facebook group. It has turned into a solid source of contacts, network and networking as well as socializing. They also got to know the needs of an existing audience.

Build A Social Network Around Your Theme

If you plan to promote your online course to the participants in your Facebook Group, you first need to set up the group in a way that's relevant to your and particular niche.

In my case I've created a number of groups. One group that has most success for me has been the Podcasters Secret Weapon group along with the Pay2Podcast group (the latter one is classified as a paid-for group). A group that is specifically made designed for those who podcast has allowed me to make sales to individuals within the realm of podcasting.

If I had created communities that were dedicated to eating weightlifting and dieting, or anything other than my specialization, I could create a group of people who wouldn't be interested in my podcasting training online.

If you're not already, I recommend you register on Facebook and create the first Facebook Group. After you've done this, you'll have to think of the name for the group. This is the main reason behind the next point:

Make Your Facebook Group A Name to be SEO-friendly

If lots of people are part of a group and they want to come up with catchy names. On Facebook this doesn't go very well. If you consider Facebook as a kind of search engine, then you'll find that it's super savvy in the process of searching for information. However, rather using terms that carry more significance.

For instance, if your group is named "Fantastic Beasts" and it's a group for gym enthusiasts, Facebook doesn't know that. Create a group name like "The Weight Room" or "Gym Fans - want to be ripped." Utilize the to search for "Gymnasium" within your group's name.

If your group is designed for marketers of social media or users - put those keywords into the title of your group. It's the only way to do better think of extravagant titles is if you've already established a following which is solid and can bring in a steady stream of members to your page. If you're able to establish a solid foundation and a large audience (like Lewis Howes or Hal Elrod for instance) It's best to add your name to the title. However, if there aren't many people who are likely to look up your name in Facebook or contact via advertisements, emails, your podcast or any other means - use the keywords which reflect the subject of your class. group's name.

HTML1 Has A Focus for Facebook Group Facebook Group

Similar to my initial concept of creating an online group with a niche and pertinent to the audience you are targeting for your online class, your group must also serve a reason.

The purpose of your group is not to sell items (including online courses) to members. Yes, you'll utilize this group to create prospects for your company or gain clients, but you should provide more classes However, you shouldn't put it in that manner that's not sensible.

A great instance of a community with primary goal is that of the Order Of Man Facebook Group. With more than 40 thousand members in the group, and a growing number Ryan Michler's page has become an online community that is distinct from the other groups online. A lot of the posts posted on this group are between fifty and typically at least hundreds. It is a place where men can connect, discuss the issue in a way that is simple: what it means to be a male and how you can develop as a man.

If you're planning to set up an Facebook Group to build a group of people who are your intended audience ensure that the group is focused. Like you've observed, each of the groups that I've mentioned have been vetted and each has an underlying purpose. Having this strong focus will assist you when it comes time to advertise your project within the local community that you're in.

Request People To Sign Up To the Facebook Group

The process of building a community can be a hard work. If you don't have a community and you're looking to start one, you'll have to put an effort in, but in the final the end, you'll get rewarded. As Arne Giske, who who is the Facebook Group Growth Hacker who I interviewed on The Thriving Launch Podcast: "At first it'll need a lot of energy. If you're only starting out it will take some time and effort on this. When you've built up an established community it will be possible to sell the things that you've got. Furthermore, you'll be able to create a community that will let you know what they'd prefer and then you'll have to create it and sell the items this."

Initial work is well worth the effort in the long run.

One of the most effective ways to build this community is to simply create Facebook posts. This is what my friend Tim Hoover did with his Elite Fitness Group. With no email address, and the absence of a community, Tim utilized this strategy by posting posts that invited his followers to join his group, and now he's got around 500 active members. Similarly, this is the way I approached it when I first started and within a brief period of time I stopped requesting for members to join my club as my followers started to recommend and joined with their buddies.

It may sound overwhelming or laborious to build an online community, particularly in the event that you don't already established a fan base - but all of us have started by scratch. Take Arne Giske as an example. When he first started the group, at the time he first began it, he was only 23 years old and being housed in the basement of his parents without a job and brand not yet being a part of the online marketing scene. He stuck to this approach by constantly soliciting members of the group he wanted to include in the group. Currently, the group is home to more than fifty thousand participants. If you're one of the Millennial or entrepreneur You should join the group and learn how he's implementing his methods to replicate his methods to your group.

Here are a few alternatives to tell people about your neighborhood:

  • Videos are available in Facebook (if you're new to marketing on the web don't worry about this)
  • Your audience via emails or other friends that you consider to be attracted
  • Private Facebook message inviting people whom you believe would be interested in the website and the contents
  • Link to your page in the menu bar of your site or in the content of your site
  • Posts on social media that contain hyperlinks to your organization
  • Make a shout-out on your podcast on behalf of your group
  • Asking your friends to share your news about your organization and also to make posts on social media about your group

HTML1 To Increase Membership In Groups by Offering Incentives to Join

The benefits of membership can be earned through giveaways or providing unique video tutorials, training documents, and other material that aren't found anywhere else.

You can also give some extra time for your entire group to use time that could never be available at any other day. It will be unique and exclusive. assist in establishing yourself and your team as an authority for the highest quality of care and expert knowledge about the subject you are studying.

HTML0 Here are a few concepts for giveaways:

  • Special PDF-based reports
  • Hacks you haven't seen or are sought-after by other people who typically only offer to your customers
  • Videos of walkthroughs, training videos and other instructional videos that people would like to see
  • Courses online for free

It's the type of thing that causes people to eager to offer their email focus, attention and support. This is precisely why they find themselves drawn to being an integral part of the community.

Giveaways and special gifts are exactly the type of thing Ryan Levesque did as he set up his Next Level Mastermind group (it's part of a paid-for course but Ryan is able show this kind of scenario in a perfect manner). As he launched his group, he offered an assortment of prizes for giveaways. He gave gifts to the members who contributed the most posts to the group (which inspired members to write and post and post, which they accomplished!). Then he offered affiliate prizes to the members who signed up the most people.

This method Ryan Stewman utilized to grow his sales talk with Sales Pros group to become the largest and active sales-related group on Facebook. Encourage people to sign-up. Make use of the resources available. It may initially appear like you're handing over everything in your artillery however once you've built an army of loyal and grateful members, it will yield dividends.

Your contribution to a free group may be exhausting but it's your way of attracting the interest of other people. It's the way to win fans. If you're thinking it's exhausting and not used to give to get attention, take a the time to look up the words Gary Vaynerchuck is saying in this video: "I Day Trade For Attention." In the business world it is crucial to pay attention. It's the reason Coca-Cola, TMobile, and every giant corporation spends billions on running ads and capturing your attention.

Value you trade in exchange for loyalty interest can assist you in develop a loyal community of clients and loyal fans.

Make use of the Facebook Group you're in to conduct Market Research

We're now getting closer to selling, though we're still far from being there. You're currently in the group. The group is focused, moving ahead, and there are more people sign-up. Your participation is important and you're building trust and a sense of engagement.

Next step speaking with people that you know concerning their problems. Learn what they require. Dig into what they're at and learn more regarding them. This way, you can develop an online course that's exactly the thing they're looking for. It's a guarantee that when you make an offer - they'll purchase.

Keep track of their comments the challenges, their comments, and issues, and all the information needed for selling the course.

Here are some ways to do market research in your organization:

  • Participating in polls with the group ( here's how you can do it)
  • Asking questions about pains
  • Inviting discussions
  • commenting on the statuses of other people and inducing deeper dialog

Markets don't need to be difficult, it's just easy to ask. Pay attention to what's being talked about and what the people are looking for.

Make Use of The Data You Have Submitted to Sell Your Class

I'm not a big fan of the old adage "build it and they'll appear." I'd rather people come in, make a deal and offer them what they'd like to buy.

Similar to what Russell Brunson has said in his book, Dotcom Secrets where people get together they can create business opportunities. The past was a time when it was difficult to find groups, tap into them, and use them ethically for marketing and selling Facebook Groups let you accomplish this independently with minimal cost.

When you've tapped into an audience who knows what they're searching for. They trust you and will happily buy from you.

It's not too difficult, because you've already done your homework to build trust, establish communication, and capture curiosity.

You'll need to begin discussing your plans to develop a course which fulfills the needs of the audience you want to reach (which you've spent time with and conducted research to help you collect the information). By posting content and posts, you'll have the ability to determine how you can create an online course that will help people solve the problems.

Instead of launching your course but then being unable to make income, you can offer the course for sale to a set of users in beta. Because the course is live and in beta, it's not as expensive, is live, and has special features which won't be offered at a later date. If you've done your research, you know what people might want from online courses, so the pricing will not be a problem to determine.

As you've gained confidence and trust, your audience are going to visit your website and be interested in what you're up to (which is vital for the sales). If you've offered value for free It's only logical that your pay-per-view content can be better and worth the investment.

My experience has shown me how to achieve this by using my Pay2Podcast class as well as my ProfitFromFB course. The two courses have been confirmed by sales that actually took place, and this is a reason to promote the course for those not in the confines of my Facebook Group.

Create Your Community Prior to Creating your Course

If you stick to the guidelines I've shared with the readers in this post, if you adhere to these guidelines There's no reason to believe that you can't develop a network of people attracted to your topic. When you follow these guidelines, you'll be able to avoid creating an unpopular course in the first place, as you can determine what people would like to know prior to establishing an instructional course that teaches learners precisely what they'd want to know.

Luis Congdon is a digital marketing specialist in the business world. He's been featured and quoted in publications like The Chicago Tribune, Forbes, JP Morgan, Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc. Magazine, Huffington Post, Huff Live, Elephant Journal, and many more. To receive free education on digital marketing, and to improve sales through the web, visit

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