Selecting the right application for managing your members on your website

Jul 1, 2023

Discover why it is crucial to think about features like connectivity, scaleability, simplicity to use, and more when choosing membership website software.

Are you looking for the ideal fitness center or best member software has a lot to do with.

It must be easy to make use of. (Otherwise what reason would you take the time to travel?)

The person the person in charge has to be supportive. (Pushy sales people or trainers are not considered to be supportive.)

The device must be secured. (You're likely to utilize it for conducting sensitive business. If you're uncertain regarding the location of your parking garage or the servers that transmit the data of your customers and personal information, then it's a no-no.)

Above all the price must be a price point that is affordable to maintain.

Chiefly, that you've got several options and you're able to skip smaller discussions and contracts, and if you pick the right option, you'll land a source of income that is recurring and can eliminate the need to work in a cubicle.

To help you make the most suitable solution for your business We've put together a list of the most highly-rated Software suites for membership. Before discussing the suites we've identified, let's be clear about what we were hoping to find.

What features should you be looking for in Membership software

It's an important aspect to take into account because even though customers should always be the first priority but you must protect your own safety at the same time.

In the end, just 67.8% of small firms remain in existence beyond the first anniversary, and the most fatality rate is when businesses have more than four employees.

Integrators. Does it work with the other software or tools you employ to run your company? Do you have a marketing strategy? An insufficient integration could not destroy the system of membership, but it certainly isn't going to make it better either.

Ease of use. Some people like trying out new programs and carrying through complicated procedures. However, most people don't have time for it even if we like it. enjoy it.

Customer Support. Your business is in danger. Are you able to reach customer support via this number available to you? It is your responsibility to have them.

Scalability. Businesses change sizes. Your membership management software must be able to handle that on your behalf and not be charging for a tiny country.

Marketing. Does it help to promote your business or offer you the tools required to create greater sales? Do you really have a option other than to hire a firm to do this?

Cost. This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you're not able to pay it, you can't fund your business.

Certain of these strategies, including marketing, might be considered unnecessary, but think about these facts: 47% of small companies have it as their best growth plan.

Take into account that manual jobs consume 23 percent of a business owner's day  and every device that isn't as adaptable and as automated as you can be hindering your profits.

"So my days, when I'm actually working on my computer, I am creating videos, coordinating my community of members and getting involved in administrative tasks they am not always comfortable with, or controlling my VA or my team. It's"all across the globe."

Do you know if anybody actually enjoy the act of managing?

(Probably. But not me.)

After we've gotten it out of the way, here's how your options will compare.

Becky, the small business owner mentioned above she switched her business to one of the competitors Thinkific Thinkific -and has become an advocate for one of their biggest supporters since then.

What is it that she has in common with her that she loves so much?

The cost for the month is fixed. The cost never fluctuates. That makes budgeting a cinch.

Naturally, it's never the best.

There are a few possible cons when you join a website:

Design customization is somewhat restricted but it is always growing. There are a lot of amazing capabilities. However, if you're trying to dive into the code and build it yourself it's possible to consider things differently.

Created for the creator. Any business can make it work, however the features are geared toward the creator, not the corporate equivalents.

Let's discuss the way it ties in with the features.


Usability: 4.5 out five. This product was developed for people who don't have the time or desire to become tech-savvy in their businesses This is evident by the high scores.

Price: $39-$89.00 in a month.

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Additionally, as it's an entirely self-contained system that means you can skip security concerns and server administration. may not be well-suited for people who would prefer an environment that is professional, but for the adept at using it is a fantastic alternative.

The next platform is one that offers many options in one.


As one among the top options for software that supports membership, WildApricot has the potential to be more flexible than other options since it's designed for both offline as well as online community.

This is especially popular by nonprofits  which is why if you're a nonprofit organization this could be an ideal alternative for you.

Below are a few of the biggest advantages that could have WildApricot's advantage:

The free membership level (naturally, with exceptions) which allows for up to 50 participants.

unlimited administrators allow you to divide administrative responsibilities among individuals.

11 themes free are available to download and assist you in creating your membership website and get it get it up and running as quickly as you can. It is possible to modify the themes using CSS or HTML If you'd like.

A few of the cons are:

The user interface is dated. It's helpful, but it's simple, and can take away from your overall experience if you've got a preference for eye candy.

The pricing tiers you choose to set are according to how many members the company employs. The larger your business gets more, the greater the impact on your monthly income.

WildApricot Features

Integrations: 2.0 out of 5.0. WildApricot is compatible with WordPress  by default. This the default. It which means that everything that runs on WordPress is compatible with WildApricot too, even though is only a few native integrations.

UX: 3.0 out of 5.0. The backend of WildApricot may not be as easy to use like other applications, but customers are generally content with the functions. The updated interface for users and better navigation should definitely improve this score.

Customer Support: 2.5 out of 5.0. Hours of support are not a lot  and inquiries regarding billing can only be handled through emails.

scale: 2.0 out of 5.0. Having a free tier is helpful, however the pricing system dependent on the number of participants can put owners of businesses in debt while they grow their business as they try to control their cash flow.

Marketing: 3.5 out of 5.0. Events registration, the management of contact -- i.e. marketing through email, and web development provide this membership software which has a solid performance for marketing.

Price: $40-$350 monthly, contingent on the amount of guests you host.

While this may not be an appropriate choice for web-based companies, it's an option for organizations which be offline, as well as online.


Customers such as that of the New York Times , AccessAlly can be nothing but impressive to see from front to back end (no no pun meant).

There are a lot of positives about AccessAlly's Corner.

Like AccessAlly , AccessAlly offers more than a membership platform. It's also a fully featured learning management system and could be used for advertising online courses.

An array of automatized marketing tools allow someone to polish their promotion with no prior expertise.

It integrates to WordPress and provides built-in gamification tools that allow customers to participate directly, rewarding users with credits.

The cons aren't great, but they could make you think twice:

Pricing tiers provide single-site licences If you wish to operate multiple membership plans then you'll need to pay the higher price.

The accessibility of HTML0 is extremely limited  so you might have to compete to get your place. Although this exclusivity has certain appeal, it's certainly not suitable for a small enterprise owner who is trying to get their way to the top of the market.

AccessAlly deals

Integrations: 2.5 out of 5.0. AccessAlly integrates with helpful programs, such as Drip ActiveCampaign in addition to InfusionSoft  however, they aren't the only native integrations available. Like WildApricot it's also possible to integrate with WordPress.

User-Friendliness: 4.5 out of 5.0. This suite is nothing if not pleasing to use and lets you quickly create beautiful forms. If you're used to working at the back-end of WordPress, you'll be comfortable using this one.

Help: 1.0 out of 5.0. There are none of the support options apart from email as well as a limited timeframe. It is the one area that AccessAlly isn't quite up to par. Phone or live chat could be an improvement.

Scalability: 3.5 out of 5.0. Since AccessAlly is priced by features rather than by members, it is able to expand with a growing enterprise.

marketing: 4.0 out of 5.0. Affiliate tracking, ecommerce management capabilities, cross-selling capability and integration with the top platform for email marketing are certainly the highlights of AccessAlly's portfolio.

Cost: $99-$5,000 per month, each tier providing higher quality features than previous.

There's a lot to love about AccessAlly however, the lack of support is a significant barrier to adoption for this program. Additionally, it's geared specifically to be used for education-related memberships. However, it is compatible with any kind of web site.

For our final review today look at the best DIY solution.


WooCommerce is one of the products which are so popularly used in the field of eCommerce that it's usually the first choice when people want to start an online company. While the base plugin is completely free, you'll require two extensions that are packaged together along with " WooMembers " for you to run the subscription-based website.

Unlike the past three solutions for membership websites WooMembers offers a straightforward DIY hack-it-yourself alternative.

And there are some benefits associated with this:

The control freak inside your head will smile when you see WooMembers. Since it's only a plugin and it can be integrated with nearly every WordPress themes and styles choices, the possibilities for the design are virtually limitless.

One-time fees. This is positive and disadvantage since it forces you to invest more money upfront in some undefined business plan, however it will make the money that you make per month less. It's a good thing in the aspect that members are a part of it at the very least.

As it's an WooCommerce extension, it has access to numerous payment gateways . Users can pay whatever they like, and most of the major gateways are accessible for you to use without cost.

But they're quite serious.

This is far from user-friendly for people with a lack of an understanding of technology. This is definitely a possibility, but it's got an arduous learning curve that might put off entrepreneurs who are just starting out.

Just like in the past Let's look at how it ranks up for aspects, albeit with the caveat that some of our measures are harder to measure particularly integrationas WooMembers does not offer additional features other than an option to charge the cost of a membership.

WooMembers provides

Integrations: 3.5 out of 5.0. The compatibility with every WordPress theme is a major advantage for WooCommerce. Even though it's not technologically compatible, there's an number of plugins that can provide additional functionality that work with WooMembers but with a cost.

Utilizability: 2.5 out of 5.0. In the context of business and membership, WooCommerce can't compete with the other options on the list because it's not built to. It's a plug-in that's effective. however, the added challenge of managing the rest of your membership plan puts the burden of managing your membership program on your shoulders.

Assistance: 2.0 out of 5.0. Although email can be used as the main method of communication, WooCommerce keeps some of its benefits because the support team is located all over the world and the time zones won't be any more an issue.

Scalability: 5.0 out of 5.0. The reason WooCommerce is able to stand out as a user-friendly platform is what also gives it full marks for its capacity. It costs you a fee for the license, and all other costs are at your discretion. Scale your membership program in accordance with your preferences The only limit is your imagination.

Marketing: 2.0 out of 5.0. The thing to note is that WooCommerce has pages and pages of extensions for marketing to include. On the other hand they each come at a price. Drip, for example, is going to cost you $79.00 to add to WooCommerce.

Price: $299.00 annually, however with the caveat that you can expect to pay more than you do in the process of putting together your marketing equipment.

A plugin-based system like this isn't suitable for the majority of business owners, when they're not willing to handle the other twenty items that could be managed using a platform configuration like and WildApricot, or an extensive collection of services like AccessAlly.

However, if you're willing to acknowledge those limitations and value autonomy above any other thing then this might be the right choice for you.

What do you need from your website for membership?

The best membership software will improve the performance of your business and will help you realize your dreams of a sustainable income. The wrong choice could cause you to be feeling frustrated (at at the very minimum) and in debt (at worst). This is how the cards ended up as we analyzed them:

WildApricot is perfect for membership-based organizations that need to work across the digital divide, and also run offline, especially non-profit organizations. In addition, although WildApricot is affordable for the most basic tier however, costs rise when you add members.

AccessAlly's like a coffee: costly but enjoyable, and adorned with the latest eye candy. However, your support options are bottlenecked in a way that is significant, especially when it's your money being held by wires.

WooMembers is the perfect option for anyone seeking a complete solution. It's perfect for people with more experience in technical matters and time to the management of all moving components, but definitely not a good option if you're looking for a way to reduce costs or time.

At the end of the day, understanding which aspects are most important for you as a business leader isn't something you're able to use a manual However, this can be a good start. The odds are always favoring you!

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