Secrets of the Membership Community - Develop to earn a six-figure Income

Jun 13, 2024

The membership community has seen its members disappear and change during the past 10 years. There are those who began as small businesses and then became 7-, 6- and 8-figure companies. There are countless inspiring stories of community involvement, but we'll present one of the biggest successes we've witnessed recently:

  • The entrepreneurship group has earned $30,00 in just two weeks. The group also has 5000 members.
  • The health-oriented membership recently has added 100 premium members (and the equivalent of $40,000 in ARR).
  • An author and speaker who produced $30,000 of revenue for their member community during an advertising period lasting 4 weeks.

We are always amazed by these achievements however, there are many wonderful stories of membership and community from communities in all shapes and sizes.

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In this blog, we'll discuss the magic of a members' community. This article will show you how you can build a member of a community and also give you a strategy to take your business from where you're involved in an endeavor that can create six figures.

It's not possible to guarantee it however these are the known and tested methods that have proven to work repeatedly.

This is the step-by-step guide to join a 6-figure organization.


1. Get a razor-sharp niche

It's already a cliche to this point, and we'll repeat it over and over. Opportunities with the highest returns are located in the areas of.

Communities that have too many aspects.

If you're new to hosting It's tempting to make an expansive web. Aren't you hoping to reach as many people as possible to reach your area?


If there's a huge collection of individuals with no common preference, it could be difficult to establish connections among them all. It's also unlikely to be that they'll get involved neither.

Your community will become an uninviting messy mess.

The distinctiveness of the market is what is the reason it thrives. The communities of members are based upon everything including German ballet to anime. From public talking for finance professionals, to newsletters that are intended for use by people who are not professionals.

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The niche is your superpower. When you develop an online membership website then you are able to explore the globe to locate those who are in the field you are in.

Star has a vast concept of a community for members prior to setting your sights in a higher level than you are required to.

Go to this Community Name Generator

Our AI engine is available to help you create an identity for your community which can be described as magical. You just need to write a few lines about the people in your community and we'll put your wheels moving.


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Ask for Ideas

The names generated by the Mighty Co-Host(tm) are just one of the many examples that can be utilized by different companies or are subject to rights of third parties. For more information, check our Terms.

2. Serve a significant goal

In the classroom, when we instruct community Design(tm) on Mighty We always begin by having students design The Big Goal.

A big reason can be the basis for your community's existence.

The traditional company has an objective definition. The membership community that is successful serve a big objective.

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We are so passionate in helping communities develop the Big Purpose that we've integrated the idea into our community engine. Every community that joins us will be asked to identify a Big Purpose.

Do it!

     Start Free Trial Free Trial

3. Find the right person

There is a need for specificization. However, it's essential to identify the Ideal members. A perfect member is one you can serve with only one purpose or concern which is clearly defined.

Do you want to learn about one of the best practices you can do to find the ideal candidate? Ask them for an interview!

If you've got a clear idea of the goals you'd like to achieve, set a time to speak with some of the ideal people. If the task is daunting, you'll be able to have the most amazing experience you've ever had it.

Ask them questions like:


  • How do you deal with it?
  • What kind of assistance do you require?
  • What would you be willing to be willing to pay for what you want?

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The conduct of these conversations could help you take the first step towards creating an effective members-only group. It helps get the thought out of your head and into conversations.

Pay at your chosen members.


  • If everyone expresses an interest but no one is ready to make the investment. may have to change your plan.
  • If the issue you've chosen isn't the same as those that you'd prefer hearing from your members, then it may be time to change your focus.

It's market research, therefore, you must adhere to the rules.

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4. Begin with the basics

A few membership associations have many members that join. The average monthly membership is $50,000 within membership organizations. The following are in the back of the piece.

We're not going to let you down. We'd love to help you accomplish your objectives!

But, even if you've only begun to get started to get started, it's worthwhile starting with a small amount.

Communities with less people can have much more affluent relationships. These communities are more intimate with other members of the community. This can be difficult to do with a crowd of thousands.

When you've met the needs of those 10-15 people who are in the initial group It's time to grow and increase to the thousands.

     Be aware that there's no need to have millions of people make a successful community. Our average community on Mighty cost $48 a month. You can have the capacity of a six-figure community with more than 174 members. It's not even taking into consideration the products that most communities sell for upsells such as events, private coach masterminds as well as courses and activities. There is a possibility of earning 6 figures when you've got more than thirty members when you're doing it correctly.

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5. Sell something

If this isn't your first time across when you're creating the website for membership or selling something you should consider selling some product.

Simply breathe and remove the Band-Aid. Make your own landing page and invite the first participants. It could be a live course or an event that opens the doors. The promotion of a item, or even the pre-selling of it, will help you prove the membership model for a community.

6. Consider the screen

Your well-being is dependent upon the health of all those who are part of it. Screening can be used to make sure you get only the highest quality members.

It's not exactly logical. Are you planning to cut off anyone? It's more challenging for anyone who wants to join your group. an integral part of your organization? Add more friction?

Sometimes is that these "negatives" could be countered by a positive aspect that is due to the fact that residents of your region are actually eager to be part of the community.

It's hard to deny new members, screening may increase the worth of your group to the people who do decide to become members. This is certainly worth the price in gold.

Screening can mean:


  • Create an automated survey on your checkout process.
  • A process for preparing a list of the criteria for members to satisfy in order in order to become a member.
  • One-on-one interviews or group discussions with prospective members.

This could even be a way of saying that the people you meet do not have a personal relationship for your company. Once you've created an authentic community you'll be happy that you decided to take the step.

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7. Know the numbers

In order to fully be a member of a group, one should be aware of certain crucial numbers.

There's nothing more vibrant than a community that has all-inclusive participation during the day.

None. Zilch.

Each community is home to individuals we will call super-members, often called "supers". They are 5-10 percent of the people who are very engaged and dedicate their full effort to anything you decide to.

50% of members can get to see at least once a month. Some members you won't have the privilege of meeting, yet they pay the fee for membership.

These figures are fairly normal. Be sure not to let them dissuade you. Don't cause it to impact you at all!

If members have joined your group, they will appreciate the benefits. Particularly, when they're paying for the per-month membership fees.

The community you belong to may represent an idea they've considered, but aren't able to commit 100 percent to it at the moment. Your membership could be that push needed to get tiny progress each month.

In short, don't advertise yourself on the near term. Be punctual and perform the task and don't worry over it for too long.

     Keep in mind that communities that are designed to accommodate busy people may exhibit low participation. The community focused on executives may result in an itch however it doesn't necessarily mean they're less active. You can trust that they will show up and take part when they are ready.

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8. Recognize the importance of membership fees.

It's easy to imagine an annual cost for membership in terms of a financial perspective. Cash flow will come in the final.

You must also be aware of the significance in the costs of membership for your members too. Cost of membership could assist members in committing. The members who pay for membership are more committed. Because those who pay are more focused.

The numbers reveal that a dues-to-membership fee does not influence the willingness of customers to purchase additional products. Seventy percent of websites that are free are selling upsells of paid items. Yet, 90 percent of paywalled companies offer an upsell!

It suggests that customers don't only require a membership fee however, they are ready to pay more to get additional advantages. Consider this when you price your website for membership.

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9. Do not bother with the no-cost trial

Online sellers generally give a 30-day trial free of charge. However, it's not necessarily mandatory. There are only 27 % of most successful 250 businesses that offer the opportunity to try a free trial.

Trials aren't negative. They also change the dynamics of communities. When people leave meeting, and are not taking action, it can impact the unity of your community.

For a range of reasons, it's better to do the work ahead of time to ensure that only the best applicant is on the premises. Make sure that the people walk in the door willing to commit to the entire process.

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10. Additional offers are available.

In the communities with the highest earnings most effective method to boost the amount of money earned is to join those currently preparing to join.

It's commonplace to say, "I'm already charging them so I don't need to pay for something different," we find that people who are members usually are looking for more. It's possible to have an an extremely involved mastermind group as well as 1:1 coaching, or an amazing live or online gathering.

We're not saying to charge more just for the sake of making more money.

Review your customers who are currently with you and make sure that you're providing them with the greatest value likely to offer, even though it requires an offer that's not yet been made!

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11. Make sure all members are connected

Communities that have succeeded. They have one thing all share: one thing they all have to be in common.

Successful communities have members who are friends (that's not the host). Members join communities to access education-related content, events or for special events. However, they stay in communities because of friendships that they make.

This is an indication it is one of the most important things for any Host to accomplish is providing the possibility for its members to get together and create bonds. This can happen by synchronization, such as an invitation to discussion or in a posting. Additionally, it can be simultaneously at work, in the course of the live events or in structured break-out groups, or networking sessions.

Get them out of the way and let them to participate.

The community you live in is bound to grow stronger due to it.

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12. Use the assistance offered by the "supers" in order to help

Super members of yours provide vast amount of info. Most Hosts aren't using the super-members to the fullest. The members who are the most involved are those who want to connect with others. Also, it is possible to encourage them to take part by collaborating in different ways. These activities go beyond what's expected from a member:


There are some supers that may not accept our advice, but most supers are waiting to hear for more. Make sure you ask for the assistance of your supers.

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13. Choose the best platform

In the end, the biggest boost to membership of your community could be the software to build the community you decide to join. If you pick a platform that allows mixing any kind of class information, community and live events along with a powerful online business platform it will allow you to build the necessary elements for an effective community-based company.

When we designed our platform for community, our team took into account all the things you might need for a functioning members-only group.

This refers to:


  • Ability to make any kind of content you'd like to create, such as articles, lengthy content, discussions, polls, in addition to streaming live .
  • Sell memberships, pre-recorded or live courses online Mastermind sessions for group coaching, virtual or otherwise. You can also bundle the entire package in your own home currency.
  • Connectivity tools that are unlike others like discussion starters, chat & messaging, AI profiles, text enhancements as well as extensive member directory and profile pages with conversations integrated in each stage.
  • Make your brand's personal branding using color, personalized Spaces and create an app with a name .
  • Create your own sales engine using landing pages that automatically land, customized screening questions, as well as other options for welcoming visitors.

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Are you ready to start? Join us today and create communities on Mighty! One of the best community platforms from G2 that includes everything that you need to make an efficient change from 0-6 numbers. Test it for free during 14 days. There is no credit card necessary.

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