Run Competitions to Market Your Member Site

Oct 8, 2023

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If you're seeking methods to market your membership website to boost your visibility hosting contests might be the best solution. There are a variety of options to boost your numbers of fans, however giveaways and contests may perform very well.

Contents are toggled

In this post we'll discuss the advantages of having a competition set up to help your website to grow its visitors. Additionally, we'll offer recommendations for how to get up enough to launch.

The advantages of contests as well as competitions

Rafflecoptor Giveaway Tool

Before you begin the application that will help you to run an event on your website to participate, let's a examine some advantages to hosting an event.

Increase your reach and reach your message to a wider group of people

In the event that entry to the contest relies on participants sharing the contest via social media or other platforms, reaching out to a wider range of participants is the main purpose behind the contest.

Certain software for managing contests allows you to choose accepting contest entries via social media. This includes the sharing and tweeting of your contest entries. Participants will be offered the chance to win.

Every post you share through social media can expose your website and products for membership into the eyes of potential new customers or members, so it's a great idea to add some type of social media aspect in your contests.

Boost Social Media Following

Gaining more people to follow on social media could be a primary goal on it's own. If you are making use of social media to announce participants of the contest, letting people sign up on your account to participate is a good method to boost the number of people following you.

For the purpose of increasing traffic on websites

An event that is successful will be sure will increase the traffic on your site. Contest organizers could invite contestants to take part in the contest and also offer some promotional opportunities for contestants. The other option is for having a contest that has a dazzling prize could be a reputable media event by itself. An event that's generous offers you a chance to connect to influencers and blogs with a strong follower base, in addition to others who are important participants in your industry in order to market something that your followers may find interesting.

The latest publicity may increase Internet traffic and provide an opportunity to turn new customers to subscribers or customers.

Include More Emails in Your Contact List

Membership Site Contests

If the new members have joined your email list to be part of your contest and you have a winner, then you'll be able to put the email marketing strategy into motion, and begin with the delivery of valuable information to new customers. If your leads behave in a positive way, they'll be able to advertise your membership plans to new subscribers.

Encourage discussion

An alternative method to run contests is to choose users who send an email to your site. As comments could trigger discussions about your site and membership service, it's worthwhile of involving your members to express their opinion.

Promote the products of your member

Not to be left out, a competition helps in promoting the benefits and promotion of membership. When you organize a contest which is newsworthy, others who are in your area are likely to be inclined to spread the word the contest with friends. You should there is an entry method using social media platforms to spread information about the benefits of becoming a member.

One of the primary factors to be considered before planning events is the significance of incorporating

If you're looking to start your first contest, there are several things to think about. Before starting take a moment to sit down and think about the prize you'll win.

Are you planning to award just one prize? or offer prizes for runners-up? A free or limited access to membership services is a good alternative. If you're looking for methods of promoting the contest to members already in your program, it is important to look outside the box.

You must ensure that the prize is appropriate for the people you want to reach, and also ensure that it's something that they'll be able to share on social media, and leave an impact on. Make sure that the prize amount is compatible with your actual expectations for the event and the outcome.

I'm hoping that your competitor is going to bring greater traffic to your site. If this happens then you must ensure that you've set up procedures to handle this fresh traffic, but benefit the most from this.

Load Impact Testings

In addition, it's essential to set up your website analytics that can monitor the progress of competitors. An absolutely free tool like Google Analytics lets you to easily determine the extent to which your website's traffic has grown, and where people come from and the actions they've taken for your site.

What's the best method to organize A Contest for Your Website

If you're making use of WordPress to run your own Membership site, it's more simple than you'd expect to manage on the other end of the spectrum. There's a wide variety of free and paid plugins and paid specifically designed specifically for this purpose but the main thing to pick is an application that can meet the requirements of your company. Below is a quick description of a number of popular WordPress Contest and competition plugins.

Prizes and Contests from Fatcat Apps

Fatcat Contests Plugin

The free Prizes and Contests module is an excellent instrument to design and run an award-winning giveaway that requires the participants to submit an email address to be eligible. After the deadline of your contest is over and the plugin is done with its work, it will choose a winner at random. Thanks to IP tracking, and the use of cookies in the software, it for contests will be able to safeguard itself from fraudulent activities associated with contests.

If you're searching for an easy and simple method to evaluate competitors on your WordPress site, the plugin you pick is a great choice.

Comment Contest

The cost-free Comment Contest plugin will assist in the creation of discussion about your blog's post. When enabled, the plugin lets you decide which of your comments are an element of the contest, prior to picking the winner. Since leaving a comment is necessary to be eligible for participating in the contest you can be sure that you'll receive lots of comments from your followers.

It's the No Frills Prize Draw Competitions

The Free plugin will allow you to start hosting competitions on your WordPress site for no charge, but you can upgrade to a paid version and gain access to additional options.

If you decide on the option to select, you will be able to select the requirements contestants have to meet for participation in the competition. In the case of contestants, for instance, they may require an email address, respond to multiple choice questions, or press enter. The winner will be chosen in a way by the plugin. You are then capable of reaching the winner, and give them the cash prize.

If you're trying to get past one of the toughest contests, then the KingSumo Giveaways plugin is going to cost you much, but it's packed with choices.

Final Reflections

If all goes according to plans, competition may result in increased traffic to your website, greater reach on social media platforms, and a greater number of people who are interested in your organization.

     Do you have any questions concerning running a contest, or a promotion for your site to visitors? We would love to hear from you through our comment box below.

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