Repurposing your videos How do you turn the length of your videos into bite-sized videos

Aug 12, 2023

The use of video with long form in order to create smaller videos that is able to be utilized on different platforms takes more resources than a majority of viewers will be willing to commit.

The key to the most popular video repurposing engines relies on a tiny team and smart devices that create the right, relevant media for each platform, which optimizes the time spent making videos with a long time. Fortunately, the tools are now more readily available than ever before, which allows individual creators or teams that are smaller may appear larger than they actually are in the top video streaming platforms.

Let's see the way Justin Moore, Sponsorship Coach and the Founder Creator Wizard The Sponsorship Coach, as well as the Creator Wizard Creator Wizard uses his live stream and lengthy videos to write blog entries and short video clips for TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

We've also gotten insights from the'repurposing champion' Alexis Nash about how she makes the most of lengthy videos (think possible uses for interviews, virtual events, masterclasses along with video podcasts).

But first, lets learn the basics of HTML0 in the previous.

Before you begin using long-form video as your parent source to produce more content, you must know:

   1. It's not just about copy-pasting parts of your video script

One of the easiest ways to produce content from a lengthy source material is to break it into short videos.

"Content being copied and pasted from a different platform isn't always a bad issue," notes Alexis Nash of the company's Social Media Lead. Particularly if you're trying to increase your followers on one particular social media platform.

For instance, the company utilizes Twitter to cross-promote its TikToks in an effort to increase their visibility

Find out how to become a professional video editor, and how you can earn money doing it. Elise And don't be forgetting to follow Elise to TikTok! #FreelanceVideoEditor #VideoEditingTips

-- (@) May 25, 2023,

It's not the the only option to reuse video content. A lot of effective repurposing involves writing, or revising, the film's script in addition to setting up a new perspective.

For example, turning the script of your video into an article for your blog will require the development of fresh narratives for instance, through either expanding the idea further or hiring additional experts that can help explain the fundamental concept in greater detail.

   2. Utilize a combination of CTAs in your repurposed content

Instead of sticking to a 'watch full video' CTA', try out different CTAs.

Yes, CTAs for a video's parent boost traffic to the film, but it's also possible to experiment with CTAs that stimulate discussion on social networks. In this case, for instance perhaps, makers end their videos by asking 'what are your thoughts on this subject CTA'. This is a fantastic way of getting the message to the viewers.

Alexis recommends asking yourself: "What are you trying to communicate, who's it, and what action do you want to trigger? The answers to these questions will likely form your majority of the processes you follow to take your decisions."

   3. Determine the best channel-content match as far as you are capable.

If you're planning to recycle content for various channels, you should consider whether it's going to be appreciated by those who watch it and in what format it'll work most effectively.

Ask you:

  • What is the most effective method to display this type of question on a social media platform for publishing?

Review whether a text-based post will do better or simply an audio-only clip. "Repackaging the content in new inventive formats and making it suitable for a specific gadget is essential," says Alexis.

  • Is this an idea that the audience on a specific platform would like?

Focus on your target audience on each platform and also the "unmet needs," Alexis advises.

In order to do this, Alexis reviews videos she hopes to transform "through [the platform-specific audience's] eyes" and then asks herself whether this particular video benefit to them, or is it simply an advertisement or self-serving? Do they care about the message? Do they find this story relevant to their own personal experience?"

  • Does this subject align with our branding tone in a particular medium?

As an example, Instagram is a film-based platform and highly artistic. That's why "a extremely corporate thought-leadership video can undermine the spirit of our Instagram site and frustrate our the users" Alexis explains.

Repurposing your content across every publishing channel will mean that, over time you'll be able to discern which content works well across all channels, so that you're in a better position to serve the target audience while keeping it current all over the board.

What are the areas you'll need to consider repurposing the workflow?

Repurposing can be a good fit in both pre-production and post-production stage.

For instance that you've already released a collection of video assets you can start to repurpose it as an element of your post-production workflow. But, if you're making plans for future content that falls within the world of video, consider making repurposing an integral part of the process.

Most appealing? It is possible to utilize these techniques also. Let's explain how they work:

The videos can be reused videos without taking them.

This process is a bit of a commitment in your writing and the recordings. However, it is extremely effective for Justin who is able to create up to four small videos with 10-minute long video recordings.

Two main action points here:

  • Include additional sentences and words while recording the video.

Thus, when Justin creates scripts for his lengthy-form video with his team, they make earmarks of videos they'll reuse. "We incorporate a part in the lower part of the scriptthat lets us determine the areas where we could make changes to editors."

And by the time Justin has finished recording the video, the video is shared "Usually I'll also record a few extra tracks that will only be used to record a repurposed word, so it's logical in the case you're recording the Short loops returning to the starting point or using a different hook to the top, so it is clear that I'm speaking about."

Recycling the parent video asset after you've created it

This is how: "I have my assistant download the replay, and then chop it up into smaller segments for. In most cases we could make about 12-15 minutes of videos taken from the live stream before we trim only the top audio videos.

9 ways to create more content with your most-loved asset

Smaller teams can develop the entire strategy of an online platform that uses recycled content. Additionally, you could add some net-new content in the event that you're able to spare some time.

Here are 14 sources to use to create six channels using the long-form video footage you have. It's possible to employ any or all of these depending upon the sources you've got at hand:

1. Enhance your social media marketing strategy by using repurposed material

Then, you can create the following assets:

  • Instagram posts as well as carousels on LinkedIn in addition to Instagram

Take key quotes and takeaways from the transcript into a design Instagram graphic.

Pro tip: Feed your transcript of your video to your Writer's Reviews. After that, you can automate the creation of key takeaways as well as the speakers' quotes.

Ideas that are presented as steps or insight with respect to a certain subject (think 2023's predictions, or X steps for doing Y), turn them into carousels.

 Tweets as well as Twitter threads

What you learnt in the first place as tweets. Connect them with the same narrative to form the Twitter thread.

Twitter and Twitter audio clippings

Remove the audio from the video. Use it later to find interesting bits of audio that could be utilized as separate clips. After that, you'll be able to create audiograms based on the audio clip using a sound wave visualizer.

This repurposed video post can be a good example of how it mixes the audio of a virtual event, and a visual that is a distinct aspect of the event for an appealing and visually pleasing post for Twitter users. Twitter:

#ICYMI: "It feels good being able to put your job at the front and not have the other things that go with it." The writer Luke Tate, on why he loves for his agency.

Watch the full recording #MarketingWebinar #FutureTech

-- (@) May 12 20, 2023

"The first accompanying video was of a person talking to the camera from his vehicle," Alexis shares.

Here's Semrush doing the same thing in repurposing the main lessons from Christina Garnett's dialogue along with Christina Garnett into an Instagram Reel

Pro tip:Use 's text-based editing tools to make it easier which is involved in finding and creating the most effective footage to reuse. This is the method Alexis uses it: "It used to be so cumbersome for me to be required to look through an hour of footage all the way through to discover little treasures. Nowadays, I'm efficient in scanning videos and immediately turn the sections I enjoy into video clips."

Posts that contain news and text to LinkedIn

The entire collection of lessons gained from the original video in one LinkedIn post.

If the topic resonates with your LinkedIn followers If it is, you are able to create as many new LinkedIn content as possible based on the suggestions you've gathered through expanding the contents of each.

Another way to boost your LinkedIn content strategy using the main asset is to publish your summary of the video in the newsletter you send out to your LinkedIn emails (again, AI can pull your summary to edit and make it available for publication).

You can also combine the primary lessons and incorporate them into your email newsletter. Include an 'watch the full video' CTA. Daniel Huerta, host of the podcast with video "The Modern People Leader does this. This is the most recent of the LinkedIn newsletters that highlight the key takeaways of an episode:


   2. Create content for your community using repurposed content

Learn new concepts, takeaways and models that are shared in your videos and then make them posts in your private community (Facebook group, Slack, Discord, or something similar).

It is generally recommended to look for provocative concepts or controversial views on topics that people are likely to take a position about. They are conversations starters since they encourage your community members to talk about their experiences and opinions.

3. You can reuse content for your newsletters or emails

Take a second look at your lessons learned from your previous video and incorporate them into the copy of your emails to promote the new event or video film, as Superside has done in this article:

After publishing the video, expand on every takeaway in new net-new Newsletter issues.

Try new angles or adding new ideas that you've formulated about the same topic or takeaway or aggregating information from other people who have been involved in the same topic.

   4. Create new content on your blog by repurposing blog posts. Repurposed blog posts

The best way to accomplish this is to modify your video script before publishing the video in a blog article similar to what Justin does.

"We go through the script and then, in the end, we just make a few minor edits to it, and then throw it on We usually add the YouTube video to our site also."

Another alternative is to glance over the film to find the subjects it's studying. If they are aligned to your overall content strategy, you can take them as the starting point for writing three or four new blog posts. Pair

Experts' insights are discussed in the video as well as more research studies that will help to create novel stories.

The UserGems team UserGems has put together two blog posts inspired by the sales manager's interview on thirty Minutes to President's Club podcast.

The first blog post contained the strategies she uses to structure discovery calls (the subject of the interview). In the second post, she shared strategies for career advancement that the strategist shared in the podcast, based on an inquiry about the development of reps as professional which hosts asked their guests.

   5. Advanced tip: Combine information from video clips into a single video

Then, get expert advice which you can share in your video clips on topics similar to those like LinkedIn and Instagram carousels that are tilted X experts on topic The Y.

It's even better if you can make videos in which guests hosts similar questions such as an mistakes they've made, or advice regarding XYZ subject. Combine and group all answers into a blog or carousel thread.

When this blog article that has experts from a range of fields is completed, create a summary of the article to publish within your email newsletter. It is also possible to reduce the information into a short paragraph and publish the summary on a LinkedIn blog post.

Start your video-driven content engine now!

Keep in mind that repurposing video content does more than just give you the content to use in other channels for marketing as well as increases the quality of all lengthy videos you produce.

Begin by cutting up your video into small pieces. Then, slowly however, you should expand your repurposing strategy and implement the methods we've described.

And for the tools needed for translating, cutting, and add elements to your repurposed video, we've got your back.

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