Passive is Passe : Making Online courses requires active participation

Sep 5, 2024

The majority of service-based companies that are passive or leveraged to generate income solutions sound like a good concept, however there's plenty of psychological and mental issues that may arise while making the leap into this area. First, there's the misconception that this is the sole source of revenue. Sure, you get to make money in your sleep and take a trip to the ocean. It's true, you don't have to sell it to me.

What if you actually care about your customers who purchase your products? What if heaven forbid, you didn't want to go out into the sea, but rather, you'd prefer to stick around, hold several hands, reply to complaints, and assist your customers with the program?

Do you consider yourself an non-professional business person?

Do you think that means that you're simplyleveraging but you're not earning any passive income, so it's an utter failure?


Here's what I'm going to say to do: say leverage is the new black.

In addition to the passive income, it makes up a significant portion of this year.

The most successful online course creators stay connected to their customers

Gorgeous, heart-centered entrepreneurs are coming up with BRILLIANT programs that leverage technology, all while keeping in touch with their tribe which is enjoying them.

In the present, where clients have already registered for various online courses but never to finish their education, a self-study programme can be considered a hollow idea.

It is a period that we are pity on being pushed by automated systems as lead generators, and required to jump through hoops for information about what amount of money you'd like, and how to pay for the price that Online customers get pushed towards. The majority of them are not. Delaying the decision until they have the opportunity to collaborate on a one-on-one basis, or to participate in high-touch group programs which requires lots of face-to-face time.

Connected course creators to connect course creators. This is GREAT news.

Personally, I'm not sure that my genes are able to create truly passive income. My first passive income item was a year-long planner specifically designed for entrepreneurs. It was a bargain, as it cost just $19.98. In the course of the first time I launched it, I was able to sell 170 copies. That was awe-inspiring. I began to contact people who had bought it, to see if they'd been filling it in for the first time, and to determine whether they had found it useful as well as to give suggestions on how to maintain it throughout the year.

This was not an purchase that could generate passive income. Actually, I spent over 10 hours CHASING the people who purchased it to learn what they thought about it and then assist the purchase process!

One year later, I launched my Heart and Soul planner again in the latter half of the year 2015. It was this time with two group workshop sessions, one in which I led everyone through the page-by-page planner page by answering their questions and offering suggestions, and a second session in which I helped participants in coming in with their own plans for implementation to ensure it wasn't simply a dust collector.

When I transformed my product which was a passive product into a leveraged one I saw a range of benefits for both buyers and sellers:

  1. I felt more CONNECTED with the customers who bought I was able to make sure the customers got a great deal and I was happy, and also good to them.
  2. I came up with a Tribe. we were all on the live call together and the participants were in constant communication to one another, yelling the other on and sharing comments and ideas. The focus was not on fighting for dominance - the focus was to connect and unite.
  3. People could KNOW my name, which in turn, my KLT (know that you love me, trust in me, and respect my feelings) score soared.
  4. The switch to premium quality products was amazing - among the 256 women who bought at this time 3 are now VIP customers. Fourteen of them have signed up for one of my classes and at the very least, twenty have signed up to my business academy in just only six months. This conversion is expected throughout the year. I am confident.

When you're planning and scheming the next program, course or product, it's a good idea to give thought to designing something that is more connected and more dynamic. It might be necessary to attend to your work a bit more consistently.

However that you may be able to appreciate the concept.

Tash Corbin is a skilled business coach and mentor to people who are heart-centered, soul-driven entrepreneurs. She is a lean startup expert and assists women in establishing their own businesses in creating passive income and leveraged earnings. Her community on Facebook, Heart-Centred Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs has more than 10,000 members active and is growing quickly.

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