Net Promoter Score (NPS) Net Promoter Score (NPS) The Ultimate Guide as well as Email Templates for Free

Jan 7, 2024

If you're a frequent user of software, odds are you've gotten emails from a business to ask you if you would recommend the product or app to someone else (on the scale from zero to ten). For business purposes, this is referred to in the context of the Net Promoter Score (NPS) query.

In this guide, we will look at:

Introduction to Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty based on the simple question: "How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?"

The majority of customers answer this question by utilizing a scale of 0-10. In based on the answers they're classified into three distinct categories:

  1. (score 9-10) Promoters (score 9-10) Promoters (score 9-10) Highly satisfied customers who are likely to refer the business to their friends.
  2. The Passives (7 8) Customers are happy, but not happy. Although they're not likely to talk negatively about the business however, they aren't likely to actively advertise it.
  3. The detractors (0 - 6) (0 - 6) (0 - 6): These customers are dissatisfied and could be spreading negative perceptions about the company.

Net Promoter Score is the concept was conceived by Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain & Company, in a 2003 Harvard Business Review article titled"The number you must increase. As a strategist for business, Reichheld was unhappy with having to shell out a huge amount of cash and effort in sophisticated tools for customer satisfaction that don't generate useful statistics. He set out to figure out a method to reduce the process of conducting surveys but still provide useful data.

Following two years of studies, Reichheld realized that the most effective method was to determine the proportion of clients are ready to endorse a particular product or service to others. The result is what we call the Net Promoter Score.

Since its inception, NPS has gained widespread use across the industry as a valuable tool for businesses to assess and improve the customer experience. The following are the motives:

  1. Easy and fast measurement The simple nature of the NPS question makes it simple to make use of and easy for the user to be able to answer. This increases the chances of participating customers, and provides businesses with a steady stream of feedback that will help them improve their process continually.
  2. Customer loyalty measurement: NPS provides a clear and straightforward method of evaluating the level of customer loyalty. Through categorizing clients into Passives, Promoters and Detractors, organizations can gauge the mood of customers and the likelihood of their customers being willing to recommend their goods or services.
  3. Finding areas of improvement Analyzing NPS feedback helps you determine areas in which a company can improve upon. Understanding the reason for why people are either favored or dissuaded allows businesses to take specific actions, improving the satisfaction of all customers.
  4. Measurement of business growth: NPS helps a company to determine how quickly it's expanding. Promoters, for instance, are more likely to make repeated purchases, and also suggest the company to acquaintances and relatives which may lead to organic growth with the need for a significant marketing investment.
  5. Benchmark comparison NPS lets businesses compare their performance against industry benchmarks. This benchmarking helps businesses set achievable goals to improve as well as to determine how they compare to the competition in regards to customer satisfaction.
  6. Employee engagement: Since NPS is directly linked to the customer experience It can be used as a measure of the level of satisfaction among employees. Happy employees are often an element of a positive customer service which is why NPS could be considered indicator of the health of internal employees of a company.

How to figure out NPS

Here's a step-by-step guide to calculating your Net Promoter score (NPS):

  1. Send out a survey to your customers asking the NPS question: "How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague? " On a scale of 1 to 10.
  2. Once you've received the responses, group the participants into three categories, based upon the scores they scored:
  • Promoters (score 9 - 10)
  • Passives (score 8 to 7))
  • Detractors (score 0 - 6)
  1. Determine the percentage of people who responded to each question. It is calculated as follows: (Number of respondents for each category / Total total number of participants) * 100.

Also, if you asked 250 respondents to give an average of 9 to 10, the percentage of those who promoted would be (100 250) (100 100) equals 40 percent.

  1. Subtract the percentages of detractors from the percentages of Promoters in order to determine your NPS. If, for instance, 40% of respondents exhibit an attitude of Promoting, while 20% of them are detractors the NPS would be 40 x 20 = 20.
  2. The resultant NPS results in a numerical value (as as shown in the 4th paragraph) and can either positive or negative or even zero. The score is interpreted based on the scale of improvement:
  • Positive scores (i.e. above 50) It indicates the highest trust in the customer and positive reviews.
  • The low-positive range (i.e. 30-50) It's a sign of an acceptable however not extraordinary customer loyalties.
  • negative (below 30): This signals the possibility of issues with customer satisfaction and the need to enhance.

NPS benchmarks in the industries

NPS benchmarks are the net promoter score average of an industry or industry in the range of 100 to -100. They provide an opportunity to examine the effectiveness of their Net Promoter Scores in relation to benchmarks in the industry or against other competitors.

Certain industries have naturally higher than average for NPS scores. Technologies companies, for example may have better average scores than cable providers. Analyzing NPS benchmarks can provide you with insights into how your company ranks in your sector and the ways you can do to improve.

Here are two tables filled with NPS benchmarks for different industries, which are based off a 2023 study conducted by Retently.

Table 1: To be used by B2B (B2B) businesses

Industry Median Net Promoter Score
consulting 67
Technology & Services 64
Construction 60
Digital Marketing Agency 53
B2B Software, as well as SaaS 41
Logistics and Transportation 41
Cloud & Hosting 39

Table 2: For Business-to-Consumer (B2C) companies

Industry A Net Promoter Score
The Insurance 74
Financial Services 71
Retail 61
eCommerce 50
Healthcare 45
Communication & Media 29
Internet Software & Services 9

Strategies to boost your NPS

If you're seeking to improve the Net Promoter Score (NPS) of your company, here are a few methods you could try:

Be sure to inform your clients

In educating your customers you're improving their knowledge of the product. They can solve problems by themselves, which improves their experience as a user by reducing the number of support inquiries, as well as providing additional benefits that differentiate you from your rivals and build brand loyalty.

Ways to educate your customers is to involve them in

  • Product-specific training that includes tutorials video tutorials, step-by-step guides
  • Onboarding programs to help the new customer get familiar with your company or product;
  • Guides, written documents and documentation such as the user's manual, FAQs and knowledge base articles to provide answers to common questions and help troubleshooting difficulties;
  • Seminars and webinars that provide in-depth information about products' features, applications as well as best practices.

Help improve your customer experience, and also help

A great customer experience is a key factor to customer loyalty and satisfaction. Make sure that your support staff is trained, effective, and responsive and adept at resolving customer issues quickly. Implementing a more customer-focused approach to your support operations will result in a better degree of satisfaction, and consequently, a better NPS.

Customer interactions can be personalized

Based on McKinsey's Next in Personalization 2021 study 70 percent of people expect personalized interactions with the customer service department, and 76% are likely to be more interested in shopping with brands that are personalized.

To improve the personalization of your marketing, examine your clients' preferences, information along with the past of your brand, if applicable. Knowing your customers in a way that is more personal helps you tailor your communication with them, their offers, and other recommendations in order to meet the specific needs of your customers.

A personalized experience can make customers feel valued and increase their loyalty, which improves the likelihood of receiving positive NPS ratings.

Streamline your processes

Assist in resolving issues in a a proactive manner

Don't let your clients wait to make complaints before you can resolve the problem. Instead, look for potential problems which could be related to your service or product before they get out of hand and address problems promptly. Your proactive approach shows your commitment to customer service and stops people from writing negative reviews of your business on the internet.

Engage in and respond to feedback

Regularly seek feedback from clients regularly. This doesn't just happen by way of NPS surveys, but also via other avenues like review websites, social media as in forums for customers. Listen to the opinions of your customers and use the information to implement tangible changes.

Responding swiftly to feedback can let your customers know that you're eager to hear what they have to say which will improve the likelihood of them recommending your company to friends and family.

Make sure your employees are properly trained

The employees play an important role in creating the experience for customers. So, it is important to invest in education courses that stress customers' capabilities to serve in addition to empathy and problem-solving. People who are enthusiastic and understand the significance of making sure that their clients are happy will be more likely to provide excellent customer service, which will lead to the improvement of NPS.

Profit from customer satisfaction

Customers who are currently using your product to write favorable reviews about the product or service on the review websites. If you are able, ask that they create a short video of how beneficial your offer(s) have been to them. Use these reviews as testimonials on your website and the social media channels, along with other marketing channels that you utilize.

Promoters are your brand endorsers, and their positive word-of-mouth could attract new customers as well as contribute to an increase in number of NPS.

NPS and customer satisfaction

As of this article, the terms "customer satisfaction" and "NPS" were used closely with each other. It's because, although customer satisfaction and NPS are distinct, they're closely linked.

A general gauge of how content or happy the client is regarding a product, service, or the overall level of satisfaction. Satisfaction of customers can be assessed using a myriad of techniques including survey forms, feedback forms and even customer reviews.

Satisfaction with your customers doesn't reveal whether your customers have the potential to advertise your brand in a positive manner.

However, it could also increase the possibility of a person being promoted in the NPS system. Happy customers are more likely to refer a business, and thus will positively affect NPS -- which, in addition to the measurement of satisfaction with customers, it additionally, it measures brand advocacy in addition to its potential effect on business growth.

Use NPS to increase the customer experience and service. The steps you can take are:

Reviews received by NPS

Start by analyzing thoroughly the feedback you get through NPS surveys. Discover what people who are Promoters love and do not like and also why they are on the fence while identifying where detractors have concerns. Look for common patterns and common themes that are shared by those who react.

Segment of feedback

Then, you are able to then segment the NPS feedback based on user demographics, the use of the product and other aspects that are relevant. This provides you with a greater understanding into the customer experience in different categories. It makes it much easier for you to pinpoint where you can improve.

Prioritize areas for improvement

When you've analyzed and classified your feedback you'll probably come across a range of concerns that your critics can help you pinpoint. Next, you must determine what areas to improve which need to be prioritized based on the frequency and extent of the issues that are raised in your feedback. Prioritize the areas that will have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction as well as loyalty.

End the feedback loop

Establish a closed loop feedback process to keep in touch with the people who've provided low scores. Interact with them, discuss their concerns and let them know the steps you're taking to improve their experience. Make them aware that you appreciate their input and are committed to improvement.

Incorporate feedback into product development

Customer satisfaction and experience is mostly about providing customers with what they want and the manner they'd like it. While you are working to improve your product or service ensure that you ensure that you keep NPS feedback in the forefront. Find out what issues people are facing with your service, and then modify it so that it functions as they'd like it to -- not in the manner you think you ought to.

Be aware of your NPS continuously.

The expectations of customers and their preferences may alter over time. Therefore, you should take note of NPS and customer feedback regularly to gauge the efficacy of your improvements and keep up-to-date with the ever-changing demands. Use this information to make improvements and deliver a consistently excellent customer service.

NPS email templates

Although some businesses are able to ask for questions about the NPS survey on their mobile apps or on their websites Most will send the survey via email. If you're considering sending an NPS survey, here's guidelines to keep in your mind:

  • It should be simple. Your NPS questions should be easy to understand and easy to understand. If this isn't the case, people could get confused that could impact the quality of their answers.
  • Make use of a standard scale. Certain companies employ scales of 0 to 100. However, it's best to keep the standard scale of 0-10 answers. It's not just more straightforward for clients to grasp, but it also helps in the uniformity of the benchmarking process and.
  • Ask a follow-up question. Don't stop at answering the NPS question. Instead, include an open-ended, question asking those who responded to give reasons for how they came up with their score. This feedback is qualitative and gives the necessary context to improve.
  • It is important to send NPS surveys with the correct time. There isn't a specific time when you should mail the NPS survey. You're more likely to get responses if you send one following an order, contact with a customer service representative, or particular point in the customers' journey.
  • Inform employees about the results. Communicate results internally. NPS findings and data throughout the company. This helps ensure that sales and marketing teams and customer service and teams are aware of customer expectations and can come up with strategies to meet their requirements. '

If you're planning to send an NPS survey by email, then this is an excellent NPS E-mail Templates Pack that you could use.

Incorporating NPS into business strategy

Implementing NPS in your company's strategy involves more than simply collecting scores. It requires the determination to utilize feedback from customers to determine the orientation of your business and help drive improvement. This involves creating strategies to tackle specific concerns identified by feedback from customers, and communicating plans to employees and externally.

Through fostering a culture of being responsive to feedback from customers and making tangible progress over time, you are not just increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, while also enhancing your standing as a player in the market.

Consider the possibility of using Customer Education as a method to improve your NPS score. Take a look at Plus for a start.

Furthermore, Plus can scale to satisfy the requirements of your clients as their base grows and your customer educational plans change.


What's the best NPS score?

What makes a great NPS score could differ across different the different sectors. A score that is at least 50 is usually the ideal, some industries can have NPS scores that are lower than 50. Benchmarking the NPS score against industry standards or against your competition will give additional information regarding your score.

How often will you have to calculate the NPS?

The frequency with which the calculation of your NPS needs to be based on elements like the nature of your company sector, the type of business you are in and the nature of your customer interaction. However, a general standard is to send out NPS surveys twice a week or at least once every annually. It is a reliable measurement of your customer's satisfaction and allows you to track changes across the span of.

In addition, you may send NPS surveys at the time of feature or product launches or after specific customer interaction, such as the onboarding process, transaction, a contact with a customer or the conclusion of a project or at the conclusion of a subscription.

Can NPS assist in forecasting the future growth of businesses?

NPS has been shown to be an effective measure and predictor of company expansion. Its basic premise is that those who are loyal and happy, also known as Promoters in the NPS framework, are more likely to purchase from the same store again and eventually become loyal customers and as well, actively promote their business to their friends and colleagues.

What can we do to improve the response rates for NPS surveys?

In order to get higher response rates from NPS surveys, optimize the satisfaction of respondents. The survey should be brief with the NPS questions, as well as the follow-up questions are brief to make it simpler for respondents to provide feedback. Conduct surveys at the right times to gather insights while the experience is fresh in the brain of your customer.

Make sure you personalize your surveys, explain why you are conducting the survey and inform that respondents are protected from their feedback. It is also possible to use multiple methods, like email, texts and even surveys in apps, to reach a broader public as well as offer incentives for customers who take part.

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