More SaaS Pricing Methods to combat Stagflation

May 27, 2023

     The presentation was made in the past on SaaS costs pricing and packaging, in order to end inflation by 2022. This article, however, is based on the presentation, which was updated in the month of March 2023 by David Vogelpohl. To learn more about the presentation or look over the previous presentation look over the extra details in the final section of this blog post.

Pricing your software as an service (SaaS) isn't an easy task even in a good time. Finding out what is the optimal price for generating additional revenue during periods that are sluggish is also complicated.

This article provides tips on how to get the best value out of packaging and pricing of your SaaS products even in a low economy:

What is the definition of Stagflation?

Simply put, stagflation is an economic concern that is influenced by three main elements:

  • A low rate of growth.
  • Inflation rates are quite high.
  • The unemployment rate is extremely high.

There is more pressure like never before for:

  • The wallets of potential customers are people you'd like to draw your attention.
  • You'd like to see customers' wallets that you would like to see upgrade.

That's why taking the into consideration the SaaS pricing structure is essential for ensuring that you will be able to build your company in a the financial market.

Using Your SaaS Pricing Model to Fight Stagflation

It's the simplest method for costing you more until you realize it's normal to do this.

Over a third SaaS software and digital products customers saw increases in rates in the past 12 months.

Graphs showing that over a third of  companies raised prices recently.

Amazingly, SaaS firms tend to boost cost in excess of inflation.

The force of this lever -- which is not a surprise -- typically helps increase revenues However, it's not an easy option to take at the midst of consumers not receiving as much for spending in a depressed economic environment.

However, rethinking price and package is just one of the few options that are not optimized in SaaS.

What is the reason for raising prices? There is a valid reason avoid trying something different?

There are many other options you can pull to make extra money, even during times of low market activity and also to increase costs.

The ability to increase acquisition, boost the conversion rate, and cutting down on turnover are just a few of the alternatives.

All of those options take quite a bit of time, and energy to implement them.

Take into account the time and investment required for increasing acquisition and reducing churn through strategies such as PLG or Product-led Growth (PLG) or better strategies to enhance customer service, it could be an overwhelming and challenging process such as the larger and medium sized shirts:

Table with headers Strategy, Acquisition, and Churn, then rows labeled PLG, Customer Success, and Pricing and Packaging. Each cell includes a t-shirt of Small, Medium, or Large.

The large or medium-sized t-shirts represent time, effort and the money. The process requires the development of PLG and strategies for client satisfaction, in order to increase the retention of customers as well as reduce churn.

However, changes to pricing for products require only a few minutes and are completed quickly, as signified by the t-shirt, which has an incredibly small size higher.

According to Patrick McKenzie points out, it can be as simple to change a number by a greater one:

A screenshot of a tweet quoting Patrick McKenzie.

When you're done with the day, changing the price could be the most simple, easy change to implement when you are trying to grow its revenue fast.

Optimization of your SaaS Pricing strategies to reach New MRR as compared to. Net Revenue Retention: The Needle of Growth

If you're thinking about implementing various pricing techniques, a second factor to think about is whether you'd prefer to boost your efficiency for the all-new MRR and net income retention -- or both.

Then there's"the "growth mustache."

A graphic of a sideways bracket with Growth at the top and New MRR and NRR at the bottom.

The mustache that grows can be described as a"bracket" which is slanting, and a ex-CFO who I used to work with was often referred to. (I added the "mustache" description since it looks as if it's a mustache.)

Growth is driven by growth in monthly recurring revenues (MRR) as well as new customers coming in and also the Net Retention Ratio (NRR) that is the measure of the percentage of your existing customers have an ARR and MRR you're keeping or increasing.

If your NRR is higher than 100%, it would become the foundation of a multiplier that will be applied to the amount of your income. But, it will enhance the value of your assets.

It is common to create leverage for operations by changing pricing and packaging. However it's equally important to be aware that you're in a setting where people aren't coming to the shop and spending more. What you do to alter the price of your product may impact the capacity of your business to attract new customers. Also, it could impact the capacity of your business to retain and increase the amount of existing customers and you should think about this prior to making changes.

Test a Different Pricing Model for SaaS which is based on Creative Combinations that increase the possibility to earn revenue

If you've decided that changing your pricing plans could be the option you have a variety of options for you to try. Per-feature pricing, pay-as-you go plans and even cost-free pricing plans. Pricing at a flat rate, use-based pricing, and the per-user pricing - which is the best option for your SaaS company?

There are a variety of possibilities as a starting point:

  • SKUs:
  • Platform tiered plans
  • Product(s) tiered plans
  • Persona tiered plans
  • Single add-ons
  • Bundles of accessories
  • Entitlements:
  • Features
  • Usage
  • Need Help?
  • Pricing:
  • Price
  • Recurrence
  • Geography
  • Methods of payment
  • Discounts
  • Free trials for trial

Look within those options in order to boost the leverage of your operation.

In certain situations, this formula could require you to determine the price of a purchase based on the persona of at a slightly higher average the revenue for each user (ARPU).

Others, it is adding new features which allows them to boost the cost.

Others have the chance changing to a flat rate pricing system or one dependent on user utilization to an more sophisticated model that's based on specific features or the usage.

Monitor the effects of any changes to your SaaS Pricing Strategy

The same is true in the case of a client's base is not drastically reduced when there's an increase in the price however, the active customers are able to pay more and make greater profits, and some businesses might be able to take advantage of the price increase.

Take note of adjustments which could affect the business model you are operating. A well-established SaaS company might have different objectives than one those who are just starting.

The word "success" is written with three letters.

When we consider pricing and packaging as a whole, we imagine combining the potential to make more money with the ability to create something original.

Think about the Innovation curve that we create and as it gets more well-known; it plateaus. It's easy to get trapped in the idea that the only way to create a completely innovative source of revenue is to develop a completely innovative product.

Then, we're free to think about it and focus on what we can create new earnings S curves could be made by altering the program as well as add-ons to plan and plans and by offering users innovative ways to shop with you and make use of your services.

In the event that we take into consideration the use measure that is dependent on the value measurement that has a longer-term horizon Changes and plans may increase ARPU in the process of the course of.

SaaS Prices and Packaging Extras

The add-ons can be a straightforward option to increase the revenue per user. This applies to existing and new clients on the tightest budgets as they're able to have the luxury of choosing the items they purchase from you instead of spending, for example, flat rate prices to purchase an entire package with many features they don't need or require.

As an example, do you have an existing set of entitlements which you could use as an added option without needing to develop additional engineering efforts? Could one of those functions be eliminated for creating an entirely distinct SKU without the need to create an entirely new product?

Add-ons come in a variety of formats, meaning there are a myriad of options or bundles.

There is a risk involved as they may lower the upgraded MRR should there are fewer people who have purchased a newer version -- however accessories can become a key driver of NRR.

To reduce the chance of an accident. To minimize the possibility of an accident, ensure you take the time to review your upgrade and downgrade rates before making any adjustments to your add-on and packages products.

You can however hold off introducing add-ons after your customers have registered to your main product. Once they've tried your product and liked the experience -- and as a result of all purchases they've made can be considered upsells that improve your sales retention rates and increase your revenue by offering additional features that will enhance the user experience using your product.

Customers are able to purchase the SaaS product at a lower price, then it will aid in building your MRR and ARPU with discounts.

Lower costs can provide an opportunity to expand sales, especially when you are able to lower the costs of your rivals only a little.

Create a new Pricing Tier to achieve the objective of reaching the goal of A.R.P. User (ARPU)

Perhaps your ARPU-boosting requirement is not in your plans?

If you are using tiered pricing structure that offers the options of $30, $150, and $300 prices, the best pricing level to generate higher revenue could be located between three and 75 dollars.

Segmenting SaaS Plans will help you identify the worth of your product and boost its ARPU.

Another option is to tear your package according to particular customer needs.

In this case, WP Engine is a managed WordPress platform that manages every kind of website However, they recognized that they had the chance to target WooCommerce clients specifically. This is why they developed this package specifically for that special customer.

A screenshot of the WP Engine pricing page for a segmented pricing plan for WooCommerce users.

WP Engine was able to highlight the needs of their customers in the particular area to attract their attention and to increase the number of sign-ups. With time, WP Engine was able deliver more value for users who used it, and this led to an increase in the profits of WP Engine.

Pay Frequency Boosts The Potential

The annualized pricing method gives purchasers the benefits of discount rates by paying throughout the year prior to the year's end, but it also offers you the benefit of reducing the percentage of customers who churn, and increasing the life-time value of your client (or LTV.

For even greater benefit from this approach, it's feasible to provide discounts on annual memberships which are cheaper for new customers or subscribers that are ready to move from monthly charges and annual costs.

The duration of the price could allow consumers to accept the price more easily.

Tips When you're offering the Enterprise plan, and it gets a bit more expensive in the event of a year-long payment and you want to make sure that the amount is kept under $5000. Many procurement departments follow a process which requires employees to obtain the approval of any purchase over that, and when you reduce costs to a certain amount, and let users pay for that payments using credit cards without going through any internal obstacles within the business's hierarchy. The procedure can be different and doesn't have the same as a standard procedure, however it's an excellent suggestion to experiment with.

You can't be flat. Adjust your Strategy

When you are considering making adjustments to the way you manage your SaaS business's pricing policy decision-making, the potential customer's willingness to spend money on your service is not the only sole aspect to take into consideration. The rate of inflation could be drastically different in a short amount of time. the change may vary across the globe, or within one particular region.

An inflation graph of the annual percent change in consumer price index in Brazil, US, India, Germany, and China from 2008 to 2022.

Financial headwinds related to various geographical regions could indicate the importance of localization when you offer the saas service globally.

Eliminate Unnecessary Purchase Friction Using the Localization

The process of localization usually involves several elements that may be included, but definitely not the final:

  • You must accept the preferred payment option for the region that you're selling to.
  • The expense is local.
  • The currency is localized.

Every one has each with their own benefits, and this is not just for purchasers but also for the profit margin also.

The conversion rate for localized pricing is 2x in B2C SaaS companies. Be sure to provide an adequate reason for the pricing that differs across regions or countries, for instance, if a buyer is presented with prices that differ from one region to another.

Local currency is a lot easier to obtain approval and also to customers in looking for it, to understand. New customers will be capable of seeing your SaaS charges in the currency they're used for, allowing customers to shop without any hassle associated with buying an item. Math before investing.

How Can help?

The data contained in this article was discussed by David Vogelpohl in a webinar presented by Watch the live stream through their channel on YouTube.

David Vogelpohl Over the past 25 years, David Vogelpohl has led teams to develop high-growth engines as well as applications for top brands such as WP Engine, Genesis, AWS, Cloudflare, and numerous others. David is an actionable deep-dive specialist who can share practical strategies that you can apply to accelerate development.

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