MongoDB Sharding: A Comprehensive Guide

Sep 28, 2023
MongoDB sharding


It is a data-driven society in which the quantity and quantity of data are increasing at an unprecedented rate and therefore the need for secure and flexible databases is a must. Based on estimates, 180 zettabytes of data are expected to become available by 2025. These are huge numbers that are hard to grasp.

This entire guide will lead you through the maze of MongoDB Sharding. We'll discuss its advantages and weaknesses, its components, best practices, most frequent errors and the best place to start.

What does it mean to Database Sharding?

The technique of sharding databases is an approach to managing data that involves splitting the increasing data base horizontally into smaller, easier to manage pieces known as "shards. ".

As your database expands then you are able to break it down into smaller pieces and keep them on their own computers. Smaller pieces, commonly referred to as"shards," are the distinct elements of the database. The method of breaking down and dispersing information from databases is called the sharding procedure of databases.

If you're thinking of making use of the sharded model to bring your thoughts to life. are two main options to consider: designing customized software to use to shard or purchasing an existing model. There is a possibility of building the sharded software or buying one from a seller is the ideal choice.

When making your choice ensure that you are taking into consideration the expenses of companies who aren't third parties. Consider the following aspects:

  • The capacity to learn knowledge and skills for developers Learn curves are developed from software, and it is related to the knowledge and skills that developers have.
  • refers to an  Data Model as well as the API accessible to people who use this system. The data system has a distinct method of representing the information it holds. The ease of use as well as the speed at which you can connect your application to the system are essential to think about.
  • Customer support and online documentation When you have issues or require help throughout your process, quality and quantity of support the client provides and the detailed documents available online are crucial.
  • cloud-based software when increasing numbers of companies move to cloud computing. It is essential to know the ways that third-party software can be use in the cloud setup.

After you've weighed all these aspects After weighing these factors, the next task is create a plan to shard or buy the machines that can lift of heavy objects.

What exactly is Sharding? MongoDB?

One of the main reasons for the use of NoSQL database is that NoSQL database is able to handle the demands for storage and computation to store massive amounts of data.

It's generally recommended to be aware about the MongoDB database has a wide array of collections. Every collection is comprised of numerous documents containing information which are key-value pair. This lets you split the huge structure of documents into smaller groups using MongoDB Sharding. This lets MongoDB manage requests and not burden hosting databases servers.

In this particular instance, Telefonica Tech manages over 30 million IoT devices all over the world. In order to keep pace with the increasing demand of IoT devices, they need an application able to increase to meet the changing needs of customers as well as manage the growing information infrastructure. Sharding was a great option for MongoDB since it was the most suitable selection given their budget as well as needs regarding capacity.

With MongoDB being shut down, Telefonica Tech runs well over 15,000 transactions every second. That's 30,000 database records every second, in milliseconds!

The benefits of MongoDB Sharding

It is among the many benefits of the MongoDB Sharding service to help in the processing of massive amounts of data. Users will benefit from:

Storage Capacity

A method known as"sharding" is a method of distributing data across each of the shards in the cluster. Each shard will only hold a small portion of the information in the cluster. Each additional shard increases the storage capacity for the cluster that is built on the increasing database.


MongoDB is a shared workload that allows data to be shared and access data across multiple shreds which form an array. Each shard can be able to perform a specific job that is linked to the cluster. The two functions can be done horizontally within a cluster through the addition of further Shards.

Accessibility for the most difficult

Shards can also be used to serve as configuration servers for replicating sets provides more reliability. Should one of the replica sets stop operating, the set that has been sharded is capable of reading and writing insufficient details.

Prepare yourself for disruptions

A majority of users are affected whenever their systems go out of commission because of an outage that happens unexpectedly. If the system hasn't destroyed due to an event in which databases were closed, the consequences can be huge. The impact of this adverse impact on users can be reduced by MongoDB shredding.

Geo-Distribution and Performance

Shards that have duplicates possess the capacity of crossing over zones. The result is that clients gain access to their data sooner i.e. customers can direct their queries to the Shard most close to their location. Based on the guidelines which govern the information of an area, specific Shards can be constructed to represent various regions within.

The parts and pieces which make up MongoDB Sharded Clusters

The concept of an MongoDB along with sharded clusters. One can take a examine the various components that make up the clusters.

1. Shard

Each shard represents a unique segment of data that is split into the shards. In order to use MongoDB version 3.6 Shards have to be stored within a replicate set, which will provide high redundancy and availability.

Every database within the shard cluster is built upon an initial one that houses all databases that are not sharded in the. This shard has no connection to the primary group of replicas.

In order to change the primary shard of the database, use of movePrimary command. movePrimary command. The transfer of the primary shard may take a long time before being finished.

It's not allowed to be accessed or the databases that are connected to it until the transfer process is complete. This could impact the efficiency of the cluster, based on the amount of data that needs to be moved.

There's an option to make use of mongosh's sh.status() method within mongosh to gain a full overview of the whole group. This technique returns the principal shred of data and also the number of pieces distributed across different shreds.

2. Config Servers

Utilizing config servers to group the shards of replica sets may improve the consistency among servers setting. This is due to the fact that the server to MongoDB permits you to utilize the most popular protocols used by replica sets, which allows you to access and store configuration information.

If you're considering setting up servers to serve as replica sets, you'll be able to get accessibility to WiredTiger. WiredTiger storage device. WiredTiger utilizes the concept of concurrency at the document level when editing. It means that several users are able to edit several documents within a collection at the same time.

Config servers save the data from a cluster sharded inside the database used for configuration. If you'd like to connect to the config database, make use of this command inside mongo's shell.

makes use of the configuration

These are some rules to remember:

  • An replica-set configuration that is used to create servers must contain no arbitrators. Arbiters are the ones who participate in a vote to become the principal. They do not have duplicates of voting records, and thus can't be considered primary.
  • The replica set is not utilized to contain members that have been delayed. Delay members can duplicate the set of data from the data set. The data set that is delayed includes an earlier or later version of the data.
  • It is crucial to establish indexes on servers in order to be capable of enabling. Simply put, no member should have members[n].buildIndexes setting set to false.

In the event that the replicas from the server config are unable to find the primary member within the set, and is incapable of selecting an alternative member which is accessible, information regarding the cluster is only accessible to read. The cluster is able to read and write to the shards but there won't any division of chunks, or the transfer of chunks to the point that replicas can choose an alternative.

3. Request Routers

MongoDB mongos instances are able to act as a query route router, allowing clients and clusters that are connected through Sharding establish connections fast.

The latest version of MongoDB 4.4 The edition is MongoDB 4.4 Mongos instances are equipped to handle reading via hedged reading. This could lower the latency. In reading using the hedged reading approach, Mongos instances are able to relay read commands to the two other participants of the replica set every shred requested. After that, it will report the results of the first respondent for every shred.

Three pieces are interconnected within the Sharded Shard.

Mongos instances Mongos instances may route an query to a particular group using:

  1. Looking through shards to determine the ones that need to be reached in order for the query in a position to be run.
  2. Look over every glass piece you're watching.

Mongos are later joined to the data of shards before returning the resultant document. Certain query modifiers, like sorting for example, is performed on each Shard prior to mongo's processing of data.

If keys to the Shards or the prefix used for separating the keys to shards is an element of an investigation mongos has the capability to implement a plan-of-action process by making queries that are focused on cluster's shards inside a certain type of cluster.

On the production cluster, make sure that all the information you've backed to has been restored and that your system works. The goal for this configuration is to make each cluster on the basis of the layout of the production-sharded cluster.

  • Each shard must be placed in three-member sets
  • Set up servers for deployment as replica sets with three members
  • Install either one or both Mongos routers

If you're trying to set up an operation in the cluster that's not yet operational, you can deploy the sharded cluster by making use of these components:

  • A single shard replica set
  • A replica set configuration server
  • One mongos instance

What is the procedure it will be adhering to? MongoDB Sharding: How Does It Do It?

After we've gone over the many parts of a shreded or sharded collection, now is time to get into the specifics of the process.

In order to break down the data into smaller bits of data across several servers, you can use mongos. After you've connected, send your request to MongoDB it will search for and determine which server that the data is. It will then retrieve it from the right server, and join the data if the data is distributed across multiple servers.

What can I do to set up MongoDB Instructions step-by-step for Sharding?

Setup of MongoDB Sharding, an procedure that involves a number of steps to set up a secure and stable database cluster. This article will guide you through the necessary steps to set up MongoDB Sharding.

Prior to beginning, ensure that you enable sharding in MongoDB It is required to create at least three servers. There should be one server that hosts the configuration server, another dedicated to mongos and also as a server to host the Shards.

1. Create Directory On Config Server Directory Config Server Directory Config Server

First, we'll set up an archive directory to store the configuration information to the server. This process can be completed using this command on the server you are establishing:


2. Start MongoDB in Configuration Mode

The next step is we'll begin MongoDB by turning off the configuration mode of one server using the following command:

mongod --configsvr --dbpath /data/configdb --port 27019

The server that handles configuration is situated on the 2719 port and store its data within the directory data/configdb directory. It is running on the --configsvr option in order to display its role as a administrator server.

3. Start Mongos Instance

The following step is to open the mongos application. It broadcasts messages to the correct Shards in accordance with the keys utilized to shard. For the Mongos instances to start, you must start with this command:

mongos --configdb :27019

Change the hostname and IP address for the hostname on the device on which the config server is situated.

4. Connect To Mongos Instance

If you're able to connect to mongos, the Mongos server, you will be capable of connecting via the mongoDB shell. It is possible to do this using the following commands

mongo --host --port 27017

If you're running this script, it will require you to alter your mongos-server parameters. This parameter will be changed to the hostname and hostname or the IP address of the server that hosts Mongos and the mongodb instance linked to it. The command starts mongodb's shell. It allows us to access the MongoDB server as well as connecting servers in the Cluster.

Edit "mongos-server>>" with the IP hostname or address of the server mongos is running on.

5. Add Servers To Clusters

Once we have connected with Mongos server Mongos server, we're able join the mongos server to this group by using this command


This command is able to be substituted with the IP address or hostname of the server that is hosting the cluster. The command links the shard and the cluster and will make the shard accessible to users.

Repeat the process for each piece of shred you'd like to be part of the group.

6. Make Sharding available for databases.

The final stage of this procedure, you can allow sharding in the database through the usage of these commands:


When you've finished this process the name of the database will be changed to the name of the database that you wish to destroy. This will allow sharding to be operational in the database you choose to utilize and lets users disperse their information across multiple shreds.

The time has come to leave! If you follow these suggestions then you'll have a working MongoDB cluster. You can split the cluster to permit the horizontal scale, as well as handle high-traffic loads.

A Efficacious Method to Learn MongoDB Sharding

1. Learn the most efficient Shard Key

The Shard Key can be described as an essential element of MongoDB Sharding. It determines the way the data is broken down into Shards. Selecting a key for shards that is uniformly distributed across various shards and accommodates the most commonly requested questions is crucial. Take care not to choose one that may cause hotspots, or problems when it comes to the way data is distributed. It could cause issues in terms of performance.

When choosing the best key to your shard, it's crucial to glance through your records and determine what kinds of questions you'll be asking in order to select one that meets those specifications.

2. Data Plan Growth Data Plan Growth

If your plan to have the sharding of your cluster, you should plan to expand it in the future. Start with enough shards that can cope with the demands that we face the present. Then, you can look at increasing the number Shards in line with your requirements. You must ensure that the hardware that is used to construct the network's infrastructure as in the devices are able to handle the volume of shards will be required along with the amount of data required to be maintained over the next few years.

3. Use a device specially designed to hold Shards

Utilize special hardware specially designed to be compatible with every Shard to ensure the highest security and performance. Each Shard has its own server virtual in order to make the most out of every resource with no interruption.

Sharing hardware can create resource conflicts, and the loss of performance which could impact the performance of your entire system.

4. Make use of Replica Sets for connecting Shard Servers

Making use of replica sets to serve as shard servers gives an extremely high level of security as well as the ability to address issues within the MongoDB Sharded Cluster. Every replica set must have at least three members. Each member should be put in the same computer. This is to ensure that the system is hard-sharded and will be able to withstand the threat of losing any member or server.

5. Monitor Shard Performance

Monitoring the performance of servers it is vital to spot issues prior to them becoming issues. Examine the memory of your processor and disk I/O as well as the network I/O for each server shard in order to be sure that the server you have can meet specifications.

Tools for monitoring are available for mongostat and mongotop when used in conjunction with the third-party monitoring tools like Datadog, Dynatrace, and Zabbix to maximize the efficacy of the Shards.

6. To Disaster Recovery Plan to implement a Disaster Recovery Plan for Disaster Recovery

Preparing for the possibility of being able to recover from an event is crucial to protect you and your MongoDB broken Cluster. There should be an emergency recovery plan that includes regular backups, testing of backups to ensure their validity, as well as how to recover backups in case of loss of backup.

7. Make use of Hashed-Based Sharding only when you need to.

If your software utilizes queries utilizing ranges, splitting using the range can be useful as the procedure is only limited to a single shard. You must be conscious of the data you are using and the format of the query so that you are able to use this.

A way to shard hashed is a way to ensure an even distribution of reads and reads. This is however not the most efficient method to determine the limits.

Which are some of the commonly done mistakes to stay clear of while sharding your data in Your MongoDB Database?

MongoDB Sharding is an efficient technique that lets you expand the size of your database horizontally and distribute data across several servers. However, there are several mistakes you must avoid when slicing your database's data inside your MongoDB database. Below are the most frequently done mistakes, as well as the best way to stay clear of these.

1. A key that is not right for the Sharding

One of the primary decisions that you'll have to make when creating databases within the MongoDB database is deciding on the appropriate key that will divide the database. The key you use in sharding your database will affect the method by which data is distributed among the shards. If you select the wrong key, it could create unbalanced distributions of data hotspots, a unbalanced distribution or inefficiency.

The most common mistake is using a shard-key that is only enhanced with the publication of new documents that have the range of the sharding itself that is removed. It is also that day-time stamp (naturally) and all other documents that have the element of time as the main component such as ObjectID (the first four bytes in the document constitute the time stamp).

If you opt to make use of the shard keys after you have inserted an entire block of data you wrote, all of it is stored on the shard that has the biggest space. In the event that, in the opposite, you insert new shards the computing capacity will not increase.

If you're seeking to improve the writing capacity You might think about using the hash-based shard key, which allows you to use the same area while offering sufficient space for writing.

2. There is a possibility to alter values of Shard Key

The keys to the shred cannot be changed into an existing document This means that it's not possible to change the keys. Certain changes are possible prior to the shredding. It is not possible to do this following. If you try to change the shard keys in the document you're currently working on, it may cause the following error message:

There isn't any change to Shard key's value field ID. Value field ID for Shard key is the name of the collection.

The user is allowed to delete the file, then put it back on the disk in order to make a replacement for the shard that is the key, instead of attempt to alter the shard.

3. It's impossible to track the whole cluster.

The sharding process can create more complexity in the database. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the cluster. When the system isn't maintained, it may lead to performance issues or even data loss in addition to many different issues.

In order to avoid this error and to prevent this mistake from occurring to prevent this from happening use a software program to check key metrics, such as the usage of memory and the capacity of CPUs' storage on disks, as well as the use of internet. In addition, you should make alerts each time certain requirements meet.

4. It's been way too long for the release of an New Shard (Overloaded)

The most common mistakes that you can make while setting up a shard in your MongoDB database is waiting too long to start with this new shard. If a shard is overwhelmed by data or queries the result could be issues in terms of speed or, even more importantly, it can slow down the whole cluster.

Imagine a hypothetical cluster comprised of two shreds, which comprise around 20000 parts (5000 are classified as "active") as well as an additional addition, there's one more shred. The third shard is predicted to be comprised of one third of the chunks which are active (and total number of pieces).

It's difficult to determine the moment when a shard is no longer an obstruction and instead becomes an asset. It's crucial to figure out what load the system produces as it transfers the active information pieces onto another shard. Also, we must identify the moment at which the load is low contrasted to the strain the system is putting on itself.

It's not hard to imagine that the process of migration will take longer if there's a high number of Shards. It will take more time that the new shard to attain the level of zero return. This will bring about an overall increase. It is therefore suggested to be proactive approach to increase capacity prior to the moment when it becomes vital.

There are several ways to mitigate this. They involve monitoring your cluster as well as making new shards during low activity times to ensure no resources are competing. Be sure to have set up between these "hot" zones (accessed often than other) in order to transfer the load onto the new shard in a way that is efficient.

5. Under-Provisioning Config Servers

If the servers on the config server aren't adequately filled, the result may be an increase in performance or instability. Over-provisioning may result due to the inability to allocate memory for the CPU, or storage.

The inefficiency could result from the process of processing queries. The inefficiency could cause the potential for delays as well as of a crash. To prevent this from happening be sure there's enough capacity in the server config crucial for huge-scale clusters. Be aware of the usage of your server's configuration every day basis to find any problems result of inadequate provisioning.

Another way of preventing the issue from happening is to make use of specific devices to run the server configuration, instead of utilizing resources shared by various components of the group. This will make sure that the configuration can be able to be run with a sufficient amount of power to satisfy the requirements of a configuring server.

6. You don't have the time Back up and restore your data

Backups are crucial to be assured that the data won't become lost in the event of failure. The loss of data can be result of a myriad of reasons, including the inability of the system to function, or even human error. Loss of data can result in malicious hacking.

7. To test the Sharded Cluster

Prior to deploying your sharded network for production use, ensure that you check the cluster thoroughly to ensure that it will be able to handle the pressure and load. If you fail to verify the sharded networks you have installed, it may result in an inefficient performance or a catastrophic failure.

MongoDB The Sharding feature and. Clustered Indexes: Which one is the best solution for databases of an enormous size?

Two MongoDB Sharding as well as Clustered Indexes are effective ways to manage huge databases. They can be used for many functions. This is contingent upon the specifications of the application.

Sharding can be described as a type of horizontal scaling that distributes information across multiple nodes. This can be a great solution to manage large file and text. The process is accessible to programs and permits people to access MongoDB by using the same manner in order to create one database.

In addition Clustered Indexes enhance the efficiency of queries that find data within large databases due to the fact that they allow MongoDB to discover the data quicker when the query is matched to an index field.

Which one is the most effective for massive databases? It all depends on the goal of the database and what the demands of the job.

If your application requires the highest speed for writing and retrieve data in horizontal scaling along with an horizontal scale MongoDB is the best choice. Clustered indexes can be more effective in the context of software that is read-intensive and require frequently-requested data to be arranged with a method specifically especially to be used.


A cluster that is based with shards provides a solid structure that can handle huge amounts of data. Additionally, it is capable of growing horizontally to meet the increasing requirements of the applications. It is composed of mongos configuration servers the shards mongos processing software and the client software. Data is segregated according to the primary shard, which is chosen with care in order to guarantee an even distribution of data, as well as the capacity to search for data.

By utilizing the power of sharding software They can increase speed, availability and efficiency of the hardware resource. Making sure you select the appropriate key for sharding is vital for ensuring that information is distributed equally. information.

     What do you think about MongoDB and the method of sharding your databases? Are you worried about the process of sharding which you believe should have been addressed? We would love to talk with you. Please contact us by posting an update!

Jeremy Holcombe

The editor of Content and Marketing WordPress web developer and Content writer. Apart from all the other things associated with WordPress I enjoy golf and movies as well as beaches, and golf. Also, I've got an issue with my height ;).

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