Monetize. Monetization. The Mechanism and Examples (2023) |

Sep 24, 2023

Luis von Ahn was the famous person who developed CAPTCHA, you know the tiny words you have to write to prove that you're a human. He came up with one of the most innovative methods of monetizing. The program would select some random phrases from the archives of the New York Times, and the user would type in the text they had seen. The application was never known they were involved in digitizing books and newspapers as well as paying the companies for the service.

This was a creative approach to create a second income stream from the encrypted digital data.

In this article, we'll introduce you to the terms monetize and an monetization strategy. We'll clarify what they mean and then guide you through the different forms of monetization, and the best way to build an monetization plan for your brand.

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What exactly is business monetization?

A process of earning income from activities or items which do not make your income. It's the most common method we use to analyze how individuals or businesses that create software or content get reimbursed for their work. For any service, product or software, there is several ways to market based on the way customers use the product or service.

Sometimes, monetization is a element of digital content- for example an online content gate can encourage people to buy a particular merchandise directly. This occurs when Netflix as well as The New York Times or New York Times or Netflix require subscriptions.

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However, sometimes it is necessary to add extransic materials. When newspapers were in their typical advertising design, the advertisements took up more space and newspapers had to add pages. But, businesses would be able to pay for advertising on areas that people are looking for them, and gave newspapers sufficient income for reporting the information. Television functions in the same way. So do display ads or YouTube advertisements.

Online monetization

When we talk about in the present, we're talking about the different ways that people can earn income online. Examples include an on-line YouTube Channel, a TikTok following, or a website or blog. It's a result that is essentially common words like "Are you earning money?" or "I need to monetize." It's not surprising that we've been told of a blogger or influencer that earns $50,000 per month.

There are many ways of earning money on the internet. For instance, a blogger may monetize his site through advertisements or affiliate products as and a course they offer. Social media businesses monetize customers' personal data, offering users a free experience but charging companies to display advertisements before the users.

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There are a variety of ways to earn money. Monetization is a creative process that requires a lot of thought about ways to monetize things. This is what Luis Ahn came up with in CAPTCHA. The monetization options are all across the globe. For example that the stock market allows investors monetize ownership within corporate entities, while the derivatives market adds even another method of making money from the stock market with the use of options and calls. (If you've watched the film The Big Short, it calls these "side bets" .")

As you contemplate your method of monetization as well as the method you will use, think of ways to be innovative in approaching the issue and determining a monetization method which is suitable for your business.

Monetize means "to convert something to money." When you've got something you've created, like digital products, or content including software or apps, to monetize is turning that item into money. But, of course there's no way to do this in a literal way. The majority of the time you're trying to figure out ways to generate money from the utilization of your item. You're turning uses, views, subscriptions, members, etc. into money.

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What exactly is a method of monetization?

A monetization model describes the process or method by which you can earn money by selling a service or product creation, intellectual property or perhaps your own personal branding. There could be different components that make up your monetization strategy-all are required to function in conjunction to produce the revenue required by you.

For example, if you were creating an app, you could choose to incorporate in-app purchase as well as charge users for downloads. It is also possible to add advertising or any of the previously mentioned options. If the software you wrote was developed, you can select from several monetization options. You are able to "white label" the software, then sell the program to customers using their personal brand. You can sell access to it under your name or brand or provide access for free by using an "freemium" or upsell.

A monetization plan is the method by which single (or several) streams of revenue are put together and make up the total brand's revenues.

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Types of the types of

These are just a few of the most well-known methods of monetization. But they're not the only means to earn cash. Ultimately, there are innovative methods of monetization being created constantly. Be aware that they are not necessarily mutually distinct. A lot of brands utilize several of them (and there's a cross-over ).

Member Mmonetization

Growth driven by members is one of the most effective methods to earn money. The new generation of businesses who are expanding rapidly are likely to be those who can transform members, customers and users, as well as subscribers to members. They'll be able do this on a massive an massive size.

The monetization of membership-led communities is straightforward as creating an annual membership fee for your community. However, doing so generates monthly revenue. In addition, your members produce content, and then share with other members that they are part of your group and allow it to expand on autopilot.

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Here are some examples of how we've observed the work of members-led marketing:


  • An entrepreneurship org. It launched a brand-new app for 5,000 members and generated over $30k in two weeks.
  • The health-oriented launch for 100 participants with premium tickets was also a boost of $40,000 to the annual rate of return.
  • Author and speaker has announced a promotional period of the next four weeks to their local group of friends and received an increase of $30,000 in revenue.
  • The author and podcaster of the day offered 5,000 tickets to the $997 course in 10 days for existing members.
  • A community has launched an added 13-week class that added an extra $100k of revenues in only two months.

If you've got a product that is based on membership, you often earn money off both your memberships and any other items your customers purchase-a type of business model McKinsey describes as the Flywheel of communities. .

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Digital Subscriptions

Monetizations with subscriptions works a lot like a member model. But your customers don't add any benefit. Instead, they use content or software which you've created or licensed. It's a popular model for companies that make software since businesses like Microsoft and Dropbox have created subscriptions as their mainstays.

It's also a good option for media too. Netflix along with Disney+ have built empires through subscription-based services. The subscriptions have also helped save The New York Times; In 2020, there were 8 million digital and print subscribers.

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Freemium monetization is just one of the models which is very well-liked by software companies, as it allows customers to try a product on a trial basis before signing up. This is because the model of monetization is responsible for the trial period, eliminating the requirement for additional features such as "money back assurances" since the purchase hasn't been made up front. Additionally, it lets users, members, and others to to upgrade after the specified time or gain access to additional options.

Content monetization

There are many methods to earn money through content such as digital subscriptions, memberships as well as digital subscriptions. But for content creators there are endless options. Here are some usual ones:


  • Affiliate marketing: If you post about products on your website or feed to social media sites, and someone clicks on a brand-approved tracking link, you could receive a commission. Many blogs and websites monetize through affiliates.
  • Advertising: Monetizing through advertisements is a different, tried and tested monetization strategy for companies that are content heavy, from TV channels, websites to applications (more on this shortly). Advertising can be paid either per campaign, or per session (usually called RPM, which stands for revenue per Mille ).
  • Sponsorships: The term "sponsored content" is usually means blog posts sponsored by the company. More and more sponsorships are created by influencers.


Social media monetization

Most often, we consider that social media monetization is the method by which people earn money from their social media platforms. The majority of social media owners are able to monetize their platforms using different methods in this list, including advertisements, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.

However, there's also the matter about how social media platforms earn money, and they're extremely creative. Below are two instances of how these giants earn money:


  • Meta: With its flagship brands, such as Facebook as well as Instagram, Meta makes money through selling attention. And with two billion users active each day, it has a lot to give. Meta gathers data from users and provides companies with the ability to present the most relevant ads on their users based on targeted data about characteristics. The result was total of $32 Billion in the fourth third quarter in 2022. Meta's collection of data is such that it has been the focus of controversy (think the efforts by Cambridge Analytica to influence the outcome of elections).
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is much smaller than Meta that has an average of 141 millions users every day. But, it does have its own unique business model to monetize its revenue that fits with the strengths of an internet-based platform. It is a networking and career website, it sells premium plans to job-seekers (giving advantages on job applications) in turn, it offers unique plans to recruiters and employers for a higher price. It lets each type of user access the services they want on the platform. It also offers advertising. LinkedIn has generated over $13 billion in revenue by 2022.

If you look at all social media platforms, you'll find an opportunity to benefit from. The majority of them don't charge users for access to the website in the first place. The goal of these sites is to garner an enormous quantity of interest and engagement, or to convert users to higher-end plans or - more typicalmaking them sell their users the attention of advertisers.

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App monetization

App monetization is a whole world in itself that's why we've developed a guide to it. Let's say there are a variety of ways to earn money from apps, including memberships, subscriptions and ads. What makes apps unique is the category of purchase in-app.

Here are 13 ways that mobile apps could be made monetizable in the near future. ensure you go through our article on mobile app commercialization to take the full information on each.


  1. Freemium
  2. Ads and Premium
  3. For Advertising Purposes Only
  4. Ads + In-App Purchases
  5. Subscriptions
  6. Memberships
  7. Instruction
  8. Events
  9. Products (physical as well as digital)
  10. One-time purchase
  11. Services
  12. Selling user data
  13. Crowdfunding

digital product

The amount of money is based on the product

The most effective way to earn money is through the creation of a product. This could be digital or an item such as a major online course. As an example, we've said that a podcaster and author on Mighty has gotten 5,000 people to sign up for a course worth $997 within 10 days. That's a fantastic way to monetize digital products.

However, selling physical products is a proven and tested way to earn money, and there are some really cool brands who have grasped how to turn digital buzz into real-world results in their offerings.

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Have a look at Peloton the bike manufacturer who has created a physically-based bike that connects the user to workout routines as well as other fitness buffs with real-time updates. In addition, Peleton became a teenager during the disease, and looked for new ways to get fit. Celebrities are also launching physical items and have used their names to market them. This is similar the case of Ryan Reynolds' Aviation Gin brand that he recently sold at a price of $600 million.

Incorporation of services requiring internet-based attention is just starting to take off, and we'll see many more of them in the coming years.


It's a method of monetization which is not widely appreciated however, for those who have any kind of intellectual property rights, licensing may be a fantastic method of making money. Essentially, licensing means you have a specific procedure or idea and grant permission to anyone else to make use of the method or design. If you come across someone selling "Trademarked X method to X" The chances are you're thinking about the possibility of licensing.

As an example many experts build their brands on topics such as Op-eds, the TED Talks or other TED Talks. However they might allow the use of their ideas to companies.

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Services and consulting

Similar to licensing, but people who gain expertise in their online content might often be able to sell the use of their material. For LinkedIn, for instance many of the authors are on LinkedIn and YouTube who share their knowledge are able to be hired by both individuals and businesses to use their content in an efficient manner. If you owned a YouTube channel dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build their business there is a good chance that people might be interested in hiring coaches. This is why the use of services and consultation is often a great business model for the monetization of your channel.


A different method of monetizing data is to make data monetizable. In this case the platform gathers information on its users. It then sells this information to advertisers from third parties. This is the norm for social media firms (above) however, these aren't the sole one collecting and selling user information.

In pretty much every industry from health care to finance, firms are collecting and making money from user information. While selling data of users is a monetization model employed by a lot of tech firms but it's not one the many brands and creators that smaller companies employ - and for good reasons. It's complicated, difficult, to implement on large scale, in addition to having many legal implications.

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Which strategy to monetize your business is most effective?

Every model of monetization comes with advantages and disadvantages. Models that are free let users try out a service or product before they purchase it and help in selling faster. Charges upfront require longer selling efforts, but it can result an increased cash flow sooner in the process. Subscription models can result in an increase in revenues month after month, however it will require continuous service to clients. Customers must be loyal enough to be able to recognize the real value of an ongoing earnings.

There are a variety of methods to make money from any work such as a product or service, but especially in the world of technology, and so selecting a model of monetization which allows you to balance the accessibility of users and growth in user numbers, and your personal needs is essential.

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Monetization model examples


  • Vikrim develops the very first web-based community in the year 2000. Vikrim sets the fee in one place at the beginning that grants the user an annual membership and covers everything under that.
  • Ali is the creator of a monthly paid newsletter that includes advice and offers that she mails each month.
  • Charles could be classified as an influencer and offers social tokens that allow those interested in access.
  • James develops an app that is free to download when you purchase in-app items.
  • Jen is an influential writer and a thought-leader. She makes money through books and public speaking.

How do you develop an approach to monetization?

When you decide to make money from it here are some tips for setting up your strategy:


  • Be aware of your strengths. Marketing efforts often don't work because the public doesn't know the advantages of their brand. Consider an instance of a company with a limited number of loyal members. Advertisements aren't necessarily the most effective way of earning money since they demand volume. What you're targeting might be a good fit. On the other hand the case could be different if you have an undefined website topic and an overwhelming amount of users, advertising might seem more sensible. It's impossible to be successful without having a clear market. Choose your strengths and choose the right model for your business.
  • Learn what your customers are looking for If you're thinking about launching a product or a service that can be monetized, you may ask your customers to decide what they want from your business. On a community site, this process is as simple as asking the question.
  • Check that it is appropriate for your target audience: Many marketing efforts fail because they misunderstand their audience. As an example, there's an instance where blogger provided advice to millennials who were unemployed and decided to create a product that was expensive. The product failed badly. The audience were enthusiastic, however, they didn't have a dime (remember they weren't employed! )
  • Align your tech: Monetization-especially done online-usually takes some sort of tech solution. If you're hoping to turn a profit from an online platform, it may be as simple as changing to the membership program or bundle. However, every monetization strategy requires some preparation. Are you considering self-publishing your ebook? There are a few things to consider: how to format your book, cover design and KDP. KDP platform (or employ someone who knows). Are you looking to place ads on your site? The first step is to sign up with an advertising network such as Mediavine or Ezoic and then set the site up.
  • Understand the business side If you conduct business on the internet, earning money is something that the IRS has a very strong opinion about. You must be aware of what you need to do to report the earnings. Visit your local small business center if you are in need of help. They can usually provide the help that you require.
  • Explore, learn and experiment. Test different methods of monetization: The first one you test might not be the best one. Don't be afraid to test different things (and allow things to go) until you have found the most effective solution to your specific needs and the target market.

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As you look for the right monetization model take note of elements that will benefit your brand and your members. Don't force your customers to do it. It is important to do this carefully, to ensure you do not risk losing the trust of your customers and ruin the user experience of your product.

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