It's over! Unofficially, we've awarded our 2023 jury at the Sundance Film Festival

Feb 3, 2023

Oh, Sundance Film Festival - a cloud nine mental state for film makers and filmmakers. It is an occasion where will inspire you with its innovative filmmaking methods as well as the higher altitudes are sure to leave you amazed. The main reason behind the "Sundance sickness" is that inexplicably intense need to attend all the celebrations at once and also the chance of getting a viral infection that can be a problem for your body as a result of the shaking of your hands when you chat around with other people in noisy rooms as well as sleeping to sleep.

This is a report of team members' non-officialaward winner...

   Grand Jury Prize  

"A Folded Ocean" by Ben Brewer

U.S Fiction

"Troy" by Mike Donahue

International Fiction International Fiction

"Simo" can be described as a track by Aziz Zoromba


"Will You Have a Second look at Me" written by Shuli Huang


"Christopher At Sea" by Tom CJ Brown

The Special Jury Prize - Acting

Lena Papaligoura in "AirHostess-737," directed by Thanasis Neofotistos

   The Special Jury Prize - Directing  

Ben Brewer for "A Folded Ocean"

We hope to see you at events in the next few months. We're thrilled to introduce the brand new shorts collection Sundance 2024!

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