Isolated container technology: All you have to be aware of (r)

Mar 20, 2024


What is a container?

Before diving into containers that are not isolated first, it's important to know what containers are. Containers are standalone software comprising everything necessary to run an application which includes the program running time along with the runtime, as well as software for libraries and system.

As opposed to traditional virtualization, in which every virtual machine (VM) operates its operating system in its own, containers are able to share their host OS kernel. This is why they are light and powerful.

The benefits of technology for containers

There are numerous benefits of the use of containers in hosting sites, such as:

  1. portability: containers encapsulate applications along with its dependencies. This allows them to be extremely mobile. It is easy to move a container from one hosting environment from one environment to the next (like the laptop belonging to the developer, first to test environment and then back to production) without needing to fret about inconsistent settings or compatibility problems.
  2. Consistency and efficiency: Containers enhance web hosting with the efficient utilization of resources, and ensure the smooth operation of applications across every environment, from development to production.
  3. The security and isolating Containers provide an isolated environment for every application or service. Isolation of containers ensures that activities within the container do not impact other containers as well as hosts systems. This increases security since problems within a specific container can be separated and will not affect other.

Container technology: challenges and opportunities

While there are many good things about using containers in web hosting however, there are some drawbacks.

  1. Security concerns: In web hosting it is essential to ensure the protection of containers is essential since they're in the host's OS kernel. A container's vulnerability could compromise the security of all servers which is the reason it's essential to establish a solid isolation as well as security practices.
  2. complexity: Managing multiple containers that host websites can be a challenge. Management of the deployment of these containers along with their growth and maintaining requires expert knowledge, particularly when using tools like Kubernetes to manage larger configurations.
  3. Storage issues: Containers are stateless and present challenges for persisting information in web hosting situations. It is essential to have effective strategies in place to ensure data from apps and websites are kept in tact regardless of whether containers stopped or re-opened.
  4. Networking Setting up and managing the network configurations of containers that are used for web hosting is not easy. It is essential to ensure that containers will be in a position to effectively communicate with each other and external networks as well as ensuring security is in place, and making sure that performance is maintained.
  5. Probleme in compatibility The ability to make sure that programs work in sync across platforms is an issue. Different operating systems and dependencies can create compatibility issues, which require the careful monitoring and testing of images for containers.

It is essential to isolate

Although containers offer a number of advantages over conventional techniques for software deployment however, they do have their limits.

One of the biggest issues is the security weaknesses that could be exposed by running several containers on the same host. If one of the containers is impacted, there's a risk that attackers could be able to gain access to other containers running on that host.

In addition, containers frequently have to compete to use resources within the system, such as CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. This competition can lead to unsteady performance as well as resource-constrained problems if containers aren't well separate.

Container isolation refers to the process of restricting the interactions and communications among containers within a containerized. This ensures that every container operates completely independently and in a secure method, free of interference from containers located on the same host.

The isolation of containers in technology depends in large part on two factors:

  1. Namespaces Namespaces are used by containers in order to create distinct instances of resources in the system such as networks, processes, as well as filesystems. The namespaces prevent the container from altering or accessing resources of a container.
  2. Control Groups (cgroups): cgroups can be used in conjunction with namespaces by restricting and prioritizing the resources (CPU memory, memory networks, etc.) that the processes of namespaces can access. It ensures that one container does not take over system resources, and also ensures general performance and stability.

Isolated container technology vs shared hosting

Shared hosting is a more typical form of hosting, where multiple sites are able to share resources across the same server. It's an affordable and popular choice for smaller businesses, bloggers, as well as individuals with limited budgets.

The majority of shared hosting companies offer simple control panels for users as well as simple setup methods, which decreases the barriers to entry on technical grounds. But, sharing of resources also implies that the high usage of resources or traffic by one website can impact the performance of all other sites on one server.

Furthermore sharing hosting poses more security threats. For instance, if a single website gets compromised, others hosting within the same hosting server may be affected.

The selection between isolated container technology and shared hosting will depend on the demands and capacity of customers. The isolated containers are ideal for those prioritizing security, stability and flexibility, however they are greater expense and demand higher technical knowledge.

Sharing hosting, although less expensive and more accessible for users, is also secured, has limits on speed and flexibility that make it suitable for small, resource-efficient websites.

Learning how to utilize isolated container technology is a way to be utilized

The application, database as well as its application, database, and WordPress hosting plans don't fall in the traditional categories of hosting. As opposed to other hosts which are generally less costly and less secure, our architecture is optimized to be fast. Our hosting platform is custom designed and container-based hosting platform that doesn't compromise the quality of our services.

A diagram of ’s WordPress Hosting infrastructure
Illustration of WordPress Hosting architecture.
A diagram of ’s Application Hosting and Database Hosting infrastructure
Diagram of the Application Hosting and Database Hosting infrastructure.

Our platform guarantees that every site runs in a dedicated, separate software container equipped with all necessary physical resources (Linux, NGINX, PHP, MySQL), guaranteeing complete privacy and no shared resources. This does not even include those shared between websites.

Additionally, we have designed a custom Dashboard ( My) that makes development and maintenance of your website and without the requirement of an external setup. The dashboard provides access to vital details as well as tools such as extensive analytics, logs and backups, and more.

My dashboard tools and features that helps create and manage your sites
My dashboard includes a variety of instruments and functions that can help create and maintain the websites you have.

The application and database hosting service helps you simplify your task by taking burden of managing deployments, containers, as well as maintenance. The user-friendly dashboard makes it is easy to build databases, and later deploy your applications.

Configure your application’s build environment with 's application hosting
Create your own build environment for your application with the help of Application Hosting.


Now that you understand what is meant by isolated container technology and what it does along with the benefits it has to offer, as well as its benefits and drawbacks, it is easy to determine if your website needs it.

If you're in search of safety and security and an encrypting host for your WordPress websites, we recommend making use of this managed WordPress hosting service, which includes each WordPress website within its own container.

Joel Olawanle

Joel has a job title of Joel is Joel is a Frontend developer at the position of Technical Editor. Joel is a passionate teacher with love for open source software and has written more than 200 technical documents, mainly focused on JavaScript as well as its frameworks.

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