Introduce humanity into your advertisements by creating a custom video

Nov 25, 2022

If you think that video fuels improving sales, then marketing personalization is the next step , and the turbo-charged rocket fuel.

Take it directly from 77% of those who have experienced positive results by using video advertisements, including the growth of leads, traffic and brand recognition. Regarding personalized video, 81% also affirm that custom-made videos are increasing their sales.

Actually, they are more likely to be 13 percent more likely recall the message contained via an email with video rather than an email that contains text.

If you're contemplating making use of video customization to boost your bottom line We'll guide you on the right path to success with this article. This guide will highlight the advantages of creating personalized videos, as well as the handoff techniques for making videos that bring in an ROI.

The top 4 advantages of video personalization

Human-centered marketing

Making videos that are personalized can be a great way of standing apart in the crowded world of marketing and sales.

Think of it, really. Do a thumbnail video of a happy facesmiling and waving hello grab your attention more than a dull, text-based email that appears to suggest that the sender mass sent the email to all those on their outreach list? If you're paying attention, then the video email is probably worth your time, don't you think?

Video personalization not only grabs the attention of viewers, but also allows you to showcase your personal fashion to win the respect of your potential clients.

70 percent of sales representatives

The concept of time saving is applicable to everyone.

Making preparations for meetings, creating captivating presentation slides, and planning time for demonstrations of products each takes a lot amount of effort.

Once you're able to master the technique of video prospecting, you can easily record personal videos to save yourself as well as the viewers' time.

Internally, recorded videos are super helpful for fighting the case of this-meeting-could-have-been-an-email minus the boring part of having to write and read long emails.

Externally, customized video is amazing for efficiently (and humans) offering new ideas, prospecting better, and providing new customers and users with information about your offerings.

It is a part of your ABM strategy.

Account-based marketing is targeted at businesses that provide personalized information to keep them in the loop and assist them in moving into the funnel of sales.

The key to nailing your ABM strategy though? Customized content that addresses particular issues that your customers have.

It is a good thing that video content created by a custom creator is the most effective way to nurture these crucial objectives.

Oneis that personalization makes a statement from the sea of writing It can also help get a customer's attention without taking up a significant amount of time.

In addition, because personalized videos have a range of uses, you can utilize it to enhance your sales or marketing funnel. It is possible to, for example use customized videos to mail out announcement messages, reply to queries from customers regarding support, and establish relationships with folks who are on specific accounts.

It helps make work easier

In addition, personalized videos help to overcome confusions and miscommunications due to rushed or poorly written documents can result in.

Sometimes we fail to stay connected--we forget that each person has their own way of sharing and working.

Plus, you can auto-generate your screen recorded video's transcript for a written record of the contents of the video. This makes the entire dialogue searchable with the CTRL-F key and able as well as easy to refer back later.

9 proven tips for making a personalized video

Are you confident that it's time to start using personalized videos for making pitching or prospecting, as well as joining with people from other organizations or assigning work, etc? Get started creating. Trust us that recording your own videos is easy.

We've got the tips as well as the software for video personalization to make it easier for you to start. introduce these suggestions:

1. Make an informal plan that will help you stay in the right direction

There's no need to make detailed plans but you don't have to make a thorough one. Make a listing of everything you'll need to list in a notebook and you're good to go. Reference this list as you create the video, to make sure that the message you're delivering is on the appropriate topics so that it won't be missed.

2. Simple and short.

Videos that are long and rambling fail quickly and frequently. Simple, straightforward videos are better at generating and maintaining viewers' attention. Actually, more than 60 percent of people stay watching an advertisement until its close when it's under 60 minutes.

Writing your video will remind you to make use of the easiest language possible and stay with the message you are trying to communicate, which, in turn, ensures your videos are brief.

Some other useful suggestions that you can use today include:

  • Make sure you speak to the camera just as you would talk to someone else! While you're creating an advertisement video does not mean that you have to make use of elaborate phrases or words for a professional sound.
  • Be authentic. You are who you are! Employers and potential coworkers will like to see you in your video. They don't want a highly edited version so you can be comfortable if your flawless video has a minor flaw because you're an individual after all.

3. Do not be content with your first shot.

If you're making your first video-based attempt, it's best to start with a few prospects. It is recommended to begin with some first efforts, recording the video a handful of times prior to making a decision on the first take.

Why is that? Each time you record, you'll learn new things like:

  • Your delivery style
  • Optimizing the lighting and sound

Additionally, you'll come up with ways to display your personal style and connect more effectively with your audience.

4. Be sure to add your face

The reason: showing yourself is by far the most effective method to engage with the people you want to reach. It's the very first step towards making your prospecting videos more personal and a surefire way to earn your targeted clients' confidence.

In the case of marketing videos, too, the presence of your face can be helpful for more than gaining confidence -- it can help create brand awareness. the explanation video of SparkToro which he posts on social networks, for instance, aids in the recognition of your company's name, on top of the educational value of the product and also connecting to viewers:

5. Sprinkle some pepper into your character

Do your best and be yourself are the most important tips to remember in this post. However, there are other ways to show your personality. Examples:

  • Create your own "uniquely-you" video making space. Without clutter in the background and adding items that are unique to your personality. You might want to consider adding books for people who enjoy reading (they're a great conversation starter too!) along with antique works of art if you love the look of. Even your wall art could showcase the things you like.
  • Bring a distinctive item to your wardrobe. This could be something as simple as a specific-colored scarf, a t-shirt that features your logo, or an appropriate cap to all of your video clips.

All these tips not only help you to showcase your individual fashion but will also build brand awareness also.

6. Find out about potential customers in order to make your videos more targeted for your audience.

The concept of personalization typically can be defined as taking your customer's name. But, it's much more than that. If you wish to create a a lasting impression and drive good results with your video , you must create your video in the correct manner.

How can you bring personalization to the next step?

In researching the problems of your prospective customer. This will help you make videos that address the individual's specific issue in providing them with the solution they truly would like. This, in turn, guarantees positive response.

7. Include a short review of the occasion or a summary of the information you'll be discussing.

Depending on who the video will be aimed at as well as the length of your video using text-based slides which outline the topics you'll be discussing or the topic you've been discussing can be beneficial.

In the case of internal video production, we recommend making an outline of the content that to be included during the video . include it when you talk about the information you'll present in the video.

When you upload videos to other websites like sales pitches, add an overview slide or recap explaining how the tool will help users. It should be placed prior to calling-to-action (CTA).

8. Take it up a notch with interactivity

The video you create uses such options as hotspots, overlays, triggers for time, and branches that encourage viewers to interact with your video.

Check it out:


9. Give the viewer a next step (aka CTA). CTA)

In the end, you must guide your viewers towards the next step they must take after watching your personalized video.

In the case of sending out outreach emails for outreach, you could ask readers to reply to your email, to receive a demonstration of the service. For marketing emails, your CTA may be a small-scale conversion for example, like joining your newsletter, or asking readers to download the free version of the tool.

If you are making internal team videos, be sure to make your request explicit. In other words, you can tell the person watching to go through the instructions and come back to you with questions you may have for you.

Start creating your personal videos now!

To summarize, customized videos:

  • Are easy to make
  • Speed things up and support an async remote for work
  • Can be a good strategy to make yourself stand out in the midst of an overwhelming world

What's the most thrilling thing? They can be created at absolutely no cost with Record.

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