Install Microlearning Modules on Your LMS: 4 Easy Steps

Sep 13, 2024

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If you find that users are leaving your courses at the halfway point, it could be an indication that your classes aren't easy to grasp. A solution to this issue is to introduce microlearning programs to your LMS.

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Microlearning is a method which breaks complex subjects down into small, easily digestible bits.

Lessons that are bite-sized typically last only a couple of minutes, and concentrate on a specific goal, which makes it easier for your learners to retain and absorb knowledge.

Keep reading to learn more about microlearning module and how you can create them to use in your classes.

What are Microlearning Modules?

A method of teaching that breaks down difficult material into small, manageable pieces to help students reach specific learning objectives.

The lessons tend to be brief, ranging between a couple of minutes and less than ten or fifteen minutes.

Given their short duration They are ideal for modern learners with short attention spans as well as busy schedules. They are perfect for learning on the go.

The benefits of microlearning modules

These days, people's attention spans have dwindled to sub-goldfish levels - if you think that's a joke, there's research to support it.

Though you won't be able to increase their attention spans however, you can keep the attention of your audience for longer.

Breaking your course up into microlearning units in your LMS and it won't longer seem like a mammoth task to your users.

And with the help of interactive materials, your courses become less of a hassle and could even be an enjoyable experience for your students!

Consider the little joy of completing tasks from your to-do list. This is the same concept applies to the students you teach will be motivated with the pleasure they receive by completing their courses easily.

These are some of the key advantages of microlearning modules that back up why microlearning modules are so important.

  • Enhances Retention Short, focused sessions increase memory retention and improve recall.
  • Increased Engagement: Interactive and diverse formats keep learners interested and engaged.
  • Flexible: Learners can access the content easily, integrating learning into busy schedules.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces training costs due to the shorter development cycle and reuse of resource.
  • Just-in-Time Learning It provides specific data right when it's needed, supporting the immediate application.
  • Scalability Easy to update and expand with new information or modify for various audience.

Tips to Take into Account When Designing Microlearning Modules for your LMS

If you're excited to play with microlearning features within your LMS Hold your breath! We've conducted some study and have put together a list of the things you must be aware of to ensure your microlearning modules as efficient as possible.

Content Relevance

Check that your module is as lean as possible and only contain relevant content.

This can be trickier than you imagine, particularly when you're a passionate person about the subject you're studying - for example, you might want to sing on every aspect related to your topic.

But, not everybody wants this level of detail, so it's better to reserve all of the unnecessary information to another, more advanced course.

If your course is beefed up with a lot of content that doesn't directly relate to the topic of the course You could demoralize or overwhelm a bulk of your participants.

Relevance is the key to engagement and motivate, allowing your users to take the course they had been trying to complete.

Here are a few things you can do to ensure that your content is relevant.

  • Learners are asked to take a survey to learn about their preferences and requirements.
  • align content to actual-world applications for greater relevance.
  • Customize scenarios to reflect the learners their work environments or daily challenges.
  • Regularly update content to ensure it is current and applicable.

If you structure your micro-content in this manner it will be much easier for your users to understand. The relevance will also lure people to finish one part following the next.

Clarify the Learning Objectives

Insufficient clarity regarding a course's objectives is often why many users lose interest in a hefty course.

One of your principal goals for the tiny modules is to provide some clarity on what your learners are learning.

The student should understand the subject matter they'll be learning before beginning the program by giving them an understanding of why it's relevant for the individual. This could help increase their determination through the challenging parts up to the point of course complete.

Here are some helpful tips to help you provide clarity about your learning goals.

  • Set concise goals in the first paragraph of each module.
  • Make use of action verbs in order to make goals feasible and dynamic. As an example rather than saying "Understand the fundamentals of programming," say "Write a basic program using Python." This strategy makes objectives more actionable and provides learners with a specific direction to follow.
  • Align assessment to these goals in order for a precise assessment of student success.
  • Be sure to communicate expectations in a clear manner to the learners from the beginning.

Through these methods it is possible to get people enthralled with the micro-lessons you offer.

Engaging and interactive content

A well-known technique used by in-person teachers to maintain student attention is frequently asking questions.

Even the most dedicated students can sometimes let their focus drift. If you make your class interactive, you provide the students with an incentive to stay engaged with the material.

Interactive content also has the same effect in online courses. Each microlearning lesson is concluded with a quiz or assignment requires students to demonstrate their knowledge of the content.

Feedback immediately from these quizzes helps keep students motivated to continue or highlights the areas they need to work on before they can proceed.

Here are some ways to make your lessons more interesting and ensure that your students stay on track for success:

  • for making learning more interactive.
  • Keep your classes interesting and your students on their active.
  • Use multimedia elements like videos, animations, and audio clips for different types of learning.
  • To add excitement and play.
  • Encourage the social aspect of learning by integrating groups or discussion boards.

Bite-Sized Formatting

The primary purpose behind microlearning is to break down your large course into digestible information. Keeping each module concise helps to ensure that learners are focused on the course and helps prevent burnout.

To prepare such bite-size courses it is essential to be aware of the duration, subject selection and other aspects. Here are a few examples for you to easily take a take a look.

  • Limit module duration up to 5-10 minutes.
  • Break complex topics into smaller topics that can be easily digested.
  • Focus on one important idea in each module, to prevent mental overload.
  • Utilize clear bullet points and headers for visual structure of content.

Feedback and Assessment

Another method of customizing your teaching materials is to collect users' opinions or feedback. The creation of your microlearning module based on your students' preferences will increase their interest in taking the classes.

  • Include feedback forms at different stages in the programto gather insights on how things are going and what's not.
  • Create quick polls and questionnaires within the modules to understand learners' preference in real-time.
  • Instruct students to communicate their thoughtsand suggestions directly through the course platform or on discussion forums.

Usability and accessibility

Ensuring that microlearning modules are easy to access and user-friendly will encourage regular involvement. Facilitating access for learners with disabilities, while an excellent user experience enhances learning process.

Make sure you are following them by implementing these tips.

  • Utilize web accessibility guidelines in order to accommodate every student.
  • because a lot of learners access content on their phones.
  • in order to reduce learning curves.
  • Check usability using real-world users to determine and rectify navigational issues.

These factors will allow you to reduce the classes into more manageable units. Your overall course completion rates as well as the satisfaction of your students are likely to increase when they can are able to access the course easily.

Create Microlearning Modules for your courses using

As you're aware of how beneficial microlearning programs can be, and the things to think about when making them, we believe that you're prepared to develop the modules for your customers. We're now left with the question: How do you plan to accomplish it?

That's where the plugin is where it comes into. This plugin for membership can help you easily create microlearning courses and supervise students. There's a lot more with this program however, for the moment we'll get right into making microlearning courses to your students.

Step 1: Download and Install

That means that you can make your courses as granular as you like, breaking the big subjects into digestible courses.

Step 2: Enable the Courses Add-on

Once you've done that, you can make your course!

Step 3: Design A Course!

Step 4: Design The Most Microlearning Modules You'd like

Keep in mind that the most important thing to do with microlearning is to break the lesson into easily manageable modules and lessons.

With Courses you have total flexibility to add the number of modules and lessons as you like in your class which makes it much easier to break down.

To access this, simply select the Curriculum tab on the Course page.

Select to Add Section to create a new section...

...and + Add Lesson to include lessons in the modules.

And rinse and repeat as many times as you want. This is as simple as that!

Step 5: Add Interactive Elements to make the Modules More Engaging

To make your microlearning modules exciting, create a quiz in each module by using . Just click on the + Add Quiz button next to the + Add lessonsbutton.

Why not consider a certification for your students to provide them with the confidence in their abilities? Just switch to the Certificatetab from the courseoption.

Allow the certificate to be displayed on this coursebutton. You can also set up the necessary details for the certificate, including a logo, title, instructor name and footer information.

Start Using Microlearning Modules in Your LMS Today!

The bottom line is that microlearning classes can improve the learning experience and encourage more people to finish the courses on your LMS.

In breaking up difficult subjects into bite-size pieces, you simplify learning and make it more enjoyable for your customers.

Keep in mind that the most important thing to making microlearning modules that work is to keep them relevant, be clear about the learning goals, and make sure it is engaging and fun to utilize.

As we've talked about, keeping these things in mind will allow you to develop lessons that will not just interest students but also meet the needs of learners.

If you're looking for a powerful tool to help you implement these plans, check out . It has everything you need to create and manage microlearning courses that could change how you instruct.

 Let us know in the comment section if you've used microlearning in your classrooms but haven't yet. What are the changes you've seen in how engaged and able students are to understand material in your course?

If you've found this piece useful, please follow our page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn!

S Showrabh       From composing poems and short stories to writing technical stuff regarding WordPress as well as running a membership site, plenty changes have occurred for Showrabh. The one thing that hasn't changed is his love of writing and the time he spends. He loves music, football as well as cricket. He can be found looking at his phone or placing the headphones in and compose for many hours. While he is not doing one of those things frequently, he's able to explain the ways that one can enjoy both football and cricket equally simultaneously.