How You Can improve the speed of your WordPress Site Speed (5 Easy Ways)

Sep 9, 2023

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A slow loading website will hurt your company. A constantly flooded with data has reduced the concentration of human beings, resulting in the fact that people become bored quicker than they ever were previously.

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If your website takes too long to load, your potential customers may simply navigate to your competitor's site and leave.

There are several successful ways to increase the efficiency of your WordPress website's performance. Utilizing plugins, and following the best practices will increase the speed at which your website is loading, and will keep the visitors to your website.

In this guide we'll go over five ways to boost the speed of your WordPress website's speed. In addition, we'll discuss how to speed up your website and the reason why speedy loading times are essential. Let's begin!

What's the reason for slowing your WordPress site's performance? (And the reason why speed is important)

The amount of time required for a website to load is the amount of the time it takes your website to display all of the content completely. The content could include pictures, video, text, or other elements.

The most likely to make your site slow are:

  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • Slow plugins
  • Lack of caching
  • External scripts

The algorithm punishes websites that aren't performing well, and ranks them near the bottom of page results, which creates a challenge for potential customers to identify the organization they represent.

It is possible to make use of free tools such as IsItWP speed tests. IsItWP speed tests to determine the efficiency of your WordPress website's performance.

After you've established the base for your site then you can alter the settings to speed up loading times. In addition, you may use this tool to test your site as you update your site to determine which strategies are most effective for your site.

What can you do to increase the speed of your WordPress website's speed? (5 Easy Ways)

If you're aware of the important it is to improve your WordPress website's speed is, then we'll go over ways to improve the speed of loading for your website.

1. Pick your themes and plugins be careful

Themes and plugins are among the primary components used in WordPress websites. Themes and plugins are essential aspects of WordPress. But, poorly-designed themes or plugins could make your website non-responsive.

If you're deciding on an appropriate theme or plugin for your site, be sure to think about:

  • Reviewer reviews and comments. This can give an insight into what a theme can perform for users.
  • Check if the plugin or theme was last updated. Tools that receive regular updates from designers are more stable and likely to be improved.
  • You can test the effectiveness of the staging area before and after putting in the latest equipment and determine if there are any notable changes.

2. Design your own Images

In order to minimize the effects on the media files you have, it is advised to utilize an image optimization program comparable to ShortPixel application.:

The plugin is integrated into WordPress. The plugin is integrated into WordPress website. It is able to optimize images from the majority of file formats, including PNG and JPEG. It's extremely user-friendly and can make the images on your website with just pressing one button.

It's possible to use ShortPixel to build a ShortPixel plugin to enhance photographs by utilizing the the media tab. After that, you could use large quantities of ShortPixel and then begin optimizing:

The tool for bulk optimization can reduce all the images within your WordPress library at once.

You can also utilize "lazy loading". It will prevent your website from showing pictures until a user scrolls down and reaches the images. This speeds up the initial loading time.

It is possible to allow lazy loading with an application, such as Smush:

When you've installed the plugin having installed the plugin All you need to do is go to the menu of Smush, select lazy load, and to enable:

If you choose to enable lazy loading, it is possible to alter various settings such as media types, exclusions, and even the position in which the script is located. Smush is also a good alternative to compress or shrink images, even if you don't have a ShortPixel.

3. Use an Caching Plugin (or Host with built-in Caching)

Caching is an essential method for making your site run faster. It stores duplicates of your site in an area known as a cache. The website does not have to be loaded for each new user. The server can browse the saved information on the website to accommodate new users, meaning that it requires less time to load.

The most straightforward method for making your website cached is using an app like The WP SuperCache. There are many ways it can do this, like simple static files that are designed to be used by all users and "super-cached" static types of files to be used by experts:

It is possible to use WP Super Cache to keep your website's information through the Settings tab, then Super Cache > Caching on:

On this dashboard, users are able to modify the settings of their cache by using an Advancedtab. Users can choose what get of the cached data, and how long caches are able to last, as well as if you wish to make sure your caches have been delivered by an expert.

This hosting platform's internal caching function is one of the strongest features that are currently in use and makes it the most reliable WordPress Web Hosting platform that is accessible.

4. Make use of using Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is the name of an array of servers that are located across the world. Each server stores the information of your website. If a person visits to your website, they will can access the information that is stored on the CDN which is the nearest to the. Thus, your site will be faster to load because there is less geographic distance.

There are a variety of CDN options available, such as Cloudflare. It is possible to sign up with an account with a fee and start using this top CDN to your website in order for bringing it more quickly to customers.

5. Utilize Excerpts

If your website has blogs, you'll probably be looking for ways to showcase your blog posts. But, showing blog posts in their entirety will slow down your site's speed. Instead, consider showing short excerpts of blog articles on your page's landing pages.

It is evident on the blog's home page that the blog doesn't show all articles. The site only shows few paragraphs from each and allows the user to simply select the blog's title to read the rest:

In accordance with your theme, you may alter your settings so that only excerpts are displayed within the menu settings > Read Every blog post in the area, you may include an overview:

Once you have finished, you will be able to modify the excerpts from the new article by selecting post > Add New. On this page it is possible to click Excerpt > Post:

Additionally, you can compose your own personal text to show instead of the entire blog post. In addition, you are capable of inserting excerpts in your blog's existing posts.


Slow loading websites can cause some damage to the business. When visitors go away from your site, they could be wasting an opportunity to turn them into customers. Thus, boosting your WordPress speed is among of the best steps you can make.

In summary, these are the ways you can increase the efficiency of your WordPress performance:

  1. Make smaller photos using the ShortPixel app. Additionally, consider lazy loading.
  2. Utilize a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for example Cloudflare to improve loading times.
  3. Make use of post excerpts in order to boost your loading speed.

Are you concerned about what you can do to increase the performance of your WordPress site's performance? Let us know in your comments in the section below!

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