How to Write an Online Business Plan

Jul 29, 2023

You've made the commitment to turn your online or e-commerce business idea into something real. Your business is destined generate revenue and alter your outlook on life What's the initial step in realizing your dream? Developing a plan. If you're not certain how to draft an online business plan You're at the right place.

One of the main aspects of beginning any type of enterprise is the creation of a business plan. The online business plan will not look that different from a traditional business plan and it will contain many of the same elements.

In this post, we'll show you how to create an online business plan, comprising all of the elements and sections. Then, we'll explain ways to assist you in putting your plan to action and achieve your business goals.

Why write a business plan?

Beginning your own business can be an exciting experience can shape your future, fill you with self-confidence and autonomy, and also encourage others who are around you. Starting a business from scratch is an extremely risky venture that is likely to take time, money, tears, many decisions as well as a certain amount of danger.

A traditional business plan template will help you record and keep track of your business goals, challenges, opportunities as well as the various actions and procedures that go into the process of making your plan work. It will help you conduct an exhaustive market study and prepare you to be successful.

woman working on a laptop at a table

The document outlines all the steps you will need to do in order to successfully launch and expand your business and may include revenue projections as well as timelines for goals specific to your business, concept art for products and architectural designs to cover all bricks and mortar aspects of your business.

Business plans provide the framework for your company's development and keep you grounded in the real world, focused and free of distractions from more important issues.

If there's several people helping to manage the company, the business plan also ensures that everyone is working towards an identical set of goals and objectives.

Another reason to write your business plan is situations where you are presenting your business idea to someone other than yourself and requesting the person to make an investment. If that is the case, your business plan is an additional selling document. It explains what your business's idea is good enough and thoughtful that investors should wish to be a part of it.

Even if you're self financing the entire operation (which is becoming more typical for online companies- you still want to create a plans for the reasons mentioned previously.

The benefits of running an online business

A business that is online or an eCommerce store provides numerous of the same benefits of any other type of business with the same benefits, however without the risk. If you're considering beginning a new company, this is why having it's a great option:

It is low-cost to start.

With no storefront, you eliminate so numerous expenses associated with managing an enterprise. In addition to the costs associated with owning a property -- like rental, parking, furniture and décor and so on. -- there's a much higher investment required to start a brick-and-mortar-based business. Online businesses still have startup costs, but they have a lower cost of starting.

It gives you freedom over the time you work

When you run an online business, you have more freedom to set your own schedule, as there is no requirement to operate during usual times. You can build your business in accordance with the life that you prefer. Set up your schedule to complete tasks efficiently and take time off when you're in need of it.

Start small

If you've got a place, it's yours, and you have to get it to work. With an online business, you can start very small, offering just a few products or even just one service. It is easier to test the waters without making large commitments to inventory and other physical investments.

It's easier to pivot

If your online or e-commerce business doesn't do better than you had hoped for and you're not sure how to change your strategy, it's simpler to change direction and adjust to new ideas because you're not committed as heavily to making the original idea work. There are several success stories from businesses in which the owner of the company adjusted their idea after gaining some experience, and then it went off. It's a lot easier to achieve this in a situation where you don't have to be tied to the physical location.

However, there's one thing online businesses share with other type of business It's that you need to have a strong plan of action to take your concept from a sketch to a successful realisation that generates income and fulfills your dreams and ambitions.

So, let's get into business planning.

two people working at a whiteboard

How do I write my own business plan for my online venture?

Business plans that are formal and templates for business plans include seven sections. There's also an executive outline. You'll need to keep in mind who you're writing your business plan for. If you're presenting this to potential investors or are in search of a business loan your business plan needs to promote your business as a great investment and showcase the expertise, experience and passion you personally bring to the table.

The following are the main elements of the traditional form of business plan:

  1. Executive summary
  2. Company description
  3. Market analysis
  4. Organization and management
  5. Line of products and services
  6. Sales and marketing
  7. Financial projections
  8. Funding request (if cooperating in partnership with investors or other partners)

Here's a brief look at each step of creating an online business plan:

The executive summary is a draft

In the executive summary, which is the beginning section in almost every template for business plans the plan will outline your goals and work to create excitement. If your business plan is a sales piece then the executive summary will be the main point of contact. It keeps the reader interested and eager to learn more.

Your executive summary must accomplish two goals:

  1. Give the essential details about your company
  2. Encourage readers to continue reading and make them enthusiastic by your concept

What are the most important facts to include? Anything that helps readers understand the business concept. The industry or niche you are describing. Name the market you intend to target. Briefly state the needs or issues your product and solutions will solve. Discuss the possibility of growth in terms of sales and customers.

For motivation, describe your objectives and the values that you have set for your business. What distinguishes you from the competition? What's your unique selling point? What is it that makes you unique? Remember to keep this short. We'll go into more detail later.

It may be a wise idea to outline all of other sections in the beginning, then finish with the executive summary, so that it will be the most succinct and most accurate version of what you want to convey about your business.

team of women working around a table

Write a company description

This is where you'll present an outline of your company. What do you have to offer in terms of strengths, talents, and areas of expertise that will position you for successful growth? If you've got a compelling motivation for creating your company, you can include that as well.

Do a SWOT assessment

If you're not sure where to start, consider doing an SWOT assessment, which is a diagram outlining what your strengths are, how weak you are potential threats, and opportunities.

It's an integral part of many business plans. They will create a clear idea of what you will achieve and what stands in the direction. You won't include everything in your business description, however your assets and potentials could fit in here.

Develop a mission statement and a vision statement

The description of the company is the ideal location to develop an mission statement as well as a vision statement. What is the distinction between them?

A vision is where you're going and the mission is the way to arrive there. A vision statement creates the picture of a possible reality for your customers as well as the world at large, as a result of the influence of your business. A mission statement describes what you plan to accomplish.

The description of your company can go into detail on the vision and purpose of your business over a short paragraph, and later you can refine what you wrote into succinct statements. Feeling some writer's block? Check out the templates for company descriptions from industry for some inspiration.

Incorporate any distinctive characteristics

If your firm will be involved in specific aspects like production, supply chain dropshipping, affiliates, consulting or coaching, on-line courses, or other relevant specifics, you should include it in the description of your business too.

State your business location or location, your industry, niche as well as other information.

Additionally, you should mention the place of your firm regardless of whether it's located in a physical location. Indicate your business's industry and your market, and define the characteristics of your firm. In other words, is it an e-commerce company or a consultancy firm distribution service, wholesale or an ad-based site? There are numerous types of business structures.

You may also want to include whether your business is in any specific category that might position it in a unique loan or grant opportunities like women-owned businesses or businesses owned by veterans.

After reading your summary, your readers should be able to be able to comprehend the business's purpose, why it exists and the way it operates. A detailed review of company descriptions, with an example.

Perform a market analysis

A market analysis uses industry research to assess the extent of your business's target market and describe the present competition within your industry. It will help you determine the potential for success and prepare for the challenges to be prepared for in the beginning of your own online business or e-commerce shop.

Conducting the necessary research and including it your business plan, can aid you:

  • Find out the latest trends in the industry
  • Pinpoint opportunities
  • Minimize risk and lower expenses
  • Develop new ideas to create products and services
  • Take lessons from the mistakes as well as the shortcomings of your competitors
  • Discover ways to differentiate yourself against your competition
  • Explore new markets
  • Improve your marketing concepts

Let's look at what's involved in an in-depth market analysis.

Understand your audience

Provide your most important customer demographics, psychographics, and their interests. Who will you be serving? Why do they choose them?

What are their values? If your product, service, or personal brand will be appealing to a segment of customers with a set of beliefs, it's a positive that is not weakness and it's a great opportunity to win them over.

Perform customer segmentation

Divide the categories into different types of potential customers your company intends to reach. A possible category is age. Another might be life situations including parents, retirees divorcees or those who live with relatives who are older. There is a possibility of creating a segment of people with specific health issues and/or who follow certain life styles.

woman hiking with a backpack

You can be much more precise in this regard. The runners are distinct from the those who hike, and are distinct from those who bike, are yoga fans as well as gym-goers. Diverse supplements, different philosophies on nutrition, and motivations to eat diverse food items -- all of them offer a myriad of possibilities for more narrowly defining your customers' segments. All in the general category of 'health. It is possible to provide multiple customers.

The more customers segments you are aware of, the more effectively you can market to them. For an online shop, good product descriptions call on the different segments of customers that product is designed for.

Also, you can conduct a survey of some kind such as an online test or a survey, then use it to highlight the requirements the potential clients have that do not currently meet.

Perform a competitive analysis

Examine your competitors. What is their strength? Are they serving the right areas? Which areas do they perform poorly? Make note of what others in your field struggle or fail at so that you can provide something better and increase your competitive edge.

The reason could be the quality of their product as well as customer service or the selection. It could be that their online website isn't well-designed and is difficult to use. Maybe there's an business that serves the general public However, those with special tastes or preferences do not get service from the big firms. They might be spending more on something that delivers exactly what they need.

Your key competitor may have been shattered by scandal. It could be that a company was shut down, was sold, or shut down because of retirement. There's an opportunity in the market you want to take advantage of.

The primary goal of a competition analysis is to convince the investors there is an untapped market that your business plans to cater to. You must be able to offer something no one has ever done. Otherwise, why would your business exist? Relax them through demonstrating the proper conduct of market research.

Check out your SWOT report and discuss any possible dangers from competitors here, too.

Organizational structure and Outline Management

Present the legal and management structure of your company. Does your business operate as an LLC or sole proprietorship, a partnerships, S-corporation or another arrangement? Who's responsible for what? If you've got different departments, list out the leadership for each one. If relevant, you might add some details about the expertise of your leaders concerning the areas under their control and what tasks they'll be performing.

Keep in mind that, If your business plan is going to serve to convince investors to help fund your venture, this sort of information will assure them that your company has strong and efficient management.

If there's a chain of command, make use of diagrams or any other technique of defining who reports to who.

bars of soap lined on a shelf

Include your services and products

What are you selling? We'll discuss this in earlier parts however here's where you'll elaborate on the particulars. If you have an array of comparable products like food flavorings or variations on clothing, include as many as seem pertinent. But focus on the spirit of the plan for business -- you're simply communicating the purpose of your company rather than listing every item in your projected inventory.

Additionally, provide information on your product, including duration, quality as well as expiration dates, patents, and whatever else provides a clear understanding of the products you're selling.

Memberships and service companies which may comprise multiple packages, bundles, or tiers, describe the details of each one so that your readers get a sense of the way you'll be able to appeal to different types of customers and at different price points.

Design a sales and marketing strategy

The idea of having products is wonderful, but how do you plan to market the products? How will people find your company? What will people know that your existence? And once they know why should they choose to purchase from you instead of your competitors? What is your distinct advantage or the feature that distinguishes you from the competition?

You'll need to develop the initial plan of marketing that will help you promote your company, products, and services to your target customers.

And remember, competition isn't limited just to the other companies. In some cases, it's against your customers' time or their budget or simply indifference -- the conflict between doing something and doing nothing. Your SWOT analysis should touch upon a few of the potential obstacles to the growth of your online company.

The marketing strategy you create will evolve over time. However, it is important to provide your potential and future investors an idea of how you plan to launch and grow your business.

Google ad for a blue shirt

Also, include a sense of your budget for marketing. If you be working with a specific marketing group or real sales people using a particular process or sales script, discuss that as well.

charts showing business growth

Make budgets and financial forecasts

There are a number of statements in your business plans, but how will the investors you have enlisted be convinced of your future success? In the end you'll need to prove your investors the cash.

If it's a start-up with no revenue Where will your cash flow originate for your first year? Provide realistic projections of financial results to estimate the expected losses and profits along with growth expectations for the first five years. Include financial documents If you've got them which include profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flows. Incorporate costs of employment manufacturing, and other investments that are ongoing and one-time.

Your financial projections should reference your

  • market analysis
  • Products
  • pricing
  • anticipated sales volume

Your financial projections will feel based in reality, when you are able to demonstrate prior results, be it in previous ventures you've previously launched and test audiences, or local sales you made, prior experience, or other data from different businesses.

Please explain your request for funding -if you have one.

If you intend to ask investors to fund your venture, you should include your request in the final major section of your plan. If you've secured funds from other sources, include that here as well. Investors will be more comfortable that they're not the only one that is convinced of the potential of your venture.

Your request for funding be only for one time installment, per month, or annually or at an other period? What is your plan for how you will pay back the investment? Are you willing to charge the interest? How much ROI will you be able to guarantee them?

What are the best ways to assist?

 homepage launch info

Here are just some advantages your company can enjoy when choosing to construct your shop with :

  • Sell absolutely anything you can imagine. Everything from physical products and digital downloads to memberships, subscriptions, bookings, courses, and affiliate products, provides all the information you require. Are you interested in running your own wholesale business? It's possible, as well!
  • Utilize the capabilities that is WordPress. Since is a plugin specifically created for WordPress it allows you to benefit from powerful functions such as the block editor and blogging capabilities.
  • Connect to your social media accounts. Utilize extensions to connect your shop with social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. You could even offer sales on those platforms alongside your online store, without having the task of updating inventory and other information manually.

It is evident that is well-equipped to handle any kind of store online and support you as you grow. Below are some additional advantages that you should consider as your go-to choice for implementing the eCommerce aspect of your business plan online:

It's completely free

creating a page with the Block Editor

You have full control over your shop

 extension store

Thousands of free and premium extensions


Great support and a large network of users

It is utilized by more than 3.9 millions of stores -more than 3.9 million stores - 23% of all internet-based stores around the world. Support is always available to answer questions and the documentation library is large and comprehensive. There are many online resources that can help you learn to make use of WordPress as well as .

Spend time and money to put your business online strategy into action

A business plan that is successful will empower and guides the business owner to launch their online or ecommerce business as well as possibly to secure funds. However, it is only effective if you use the right strategy.

One advantage of starting an e-commerce or online business is that you aren't restricted by deadlines. If you have a physical store, once you start renting it is essential to have a business plan ready to implement.

However, the benefit of having an online presence is that it gives you more flexibility on the front end. Even though you're able to play around to work with the timelines you have set but you must continue to keep the momentum moving forward. Maintaining focus on your business projects and goals is the key for achieving greater profitability and turning your business plans into reality. A few quick tips:

  • Plan your schedule. Block out hours and days that you will work for your company.
  • Treat it like a job, not a hobby. Build on your momentum each week.
  • Never stop learning. Learn about your competition, industry the target audience and potential customers. Learn marketing -- you can never know enough.
  • Try stuff! Take risks, take calls, design campaigns, create content.

Your business plan template should give you a concrete set of business objectives. When you have written a business plan, then you are able to implement it.

Commonly asked questions regarding writing an online business plan

What are the seven pillars of a plan for business?

The seven key components of a business plan include the executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management, services and products, marketing plans, and financial projections. If you're making a funding request, that would be the eighth part.

Where can I get template business plans?

You can find a free business plan template on the internet, to help you with general business plans as well as for specific industries. It is important to note that every business is different and the business plan should be unique and specific to your company -- a business plan template can only help you get started.

If you are looking for design ideas to create your personal business plan template, or you want to start by using a pre-designed template that you can customize and purchase for a relatively low cost through a stock resources site such as Envato Market and Creative Market.

downloads available from Creative Market

Do I require a business plan even if I'm already running an online business or ecommerce shop?

The business plan isn't limited to those who want to start new businesses. You can create an enterprise plan at any time to help you maintain or change the direction of your store or simply to have a better picture of the overall health of your company. Below are a few different kinds of business plans could be worth considering to help your existing online business:

  • Operational business plans. Outlines the structure of your operations in the business including staffing, logistics, and personnel.
  • Feasibility plan. Feasibility plans are kind of mini-business plans that cover new business ideas and provide steps to implement them.
  • Business plan for growth. This plan is intended for those who wish to showcase their plans and opportunities for growth to attract investors.
  • Maturing business plan. This plan is intended for those who want to merge with, or purchase other companies either significantly grow or to go to the public market.
  • Business plan for strategic planning. Any time your firm is planning to alter its strategy regarding products or marketing or any other major adjustments to your current plan of business, you'll need to develop a strategic plan for your business to reflect your new goals and the methods to reach the goals.

What software should I use for my online business plan?

The business plan you write should contain certain graphs, images, and graphic elements in the layout, so you'll have to utilize word processing software in order to put your business plan together. If you have access to Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Canva, or Adobe Creative Cloud You'll be able to choose some other options that might result in a more professional design.

business plan templates from Canva

Below is a list of no-cost and paid software that can aid you with putting together your online business plan sketch:

Free Paid
Libre Office: Writer Microsoft Word
Libre Office: Impress Powerpoint
Google Docs (free when you have a google account) Adobe InDesign
Google Slides (free with google account)
Canva (also has premium option)
Figma (also offers a premium version)

What are investors looking to see in a business plan?

One of the most vital pieces of information to show the investors you have a business plan is potential for profitability. Investors aren't looking to invest money at a sinking ship, no matter how cool and thrilling the company sounds.

Most investors also want to be sure they'll earn a reasonable ROI on their investments in the shortest amount of time which is likely to be around 5-7 years. How much of a return you can expect to earn will be contingent on the type of business you're in as well as the type of investor they are.

Investors also need to see that you clearly understand your company, sector, and have specific, concrete actions for achieving, maintaining, and increasing profitability. It is important to make sure that the most important people who are on your team understand your business and the roles they're playing. Additionally, they'll need to know that every person has a good amount of expertise in their respective field and has the skills required for their jobs If not, they'll want to go over and over.

Any details you can include which highlight the uniqueness of your company will be crucial. Any area where you have a competitive edge, are providing an exclusive or unique solution, have established any celebrity endorsements, have an investor backing, or have secured special grant funding will be of great interest to investors.

Create your plan for success

If you've a better understanding of the process of making a business plan that is formal, it's time to write one! Take the time to plan the various aspects of the plan that's included in this piece then you'll be on your way to finding success.