How to use Mini Courses How to use Mini Courses

Aug 25, 2022

The hard part is done. You've made every page of content you've uploaded all videos, published all tests. Your course online is now ready for launch. How do you know who wants to enroll?

Enter mini courses. Mini courses are a focused course that is centered around a specific subject. Typically two to three hours in length A mini-course focuses on helping the audience to solve a specific problem or achieve one result.

A mini-course for free is the ideal tool to create an email list and figure out who's keen on your complete, paid course. Additionally, creating a mini-course isn't a lot of work. It's possible to pull content from your content and create an unpaid mini course that entices users to purchase the full thing.

We've narrowed down the ideal method of launching the course, based upon your requirements: First is when you're looking to create leads. Then, a second approach for when you need to validate a course idea.

Generate leads for a paid course.

A mini course is an effective lead magnet. Offering sample content is one of the best ways to collect email addresses of folks who would like to take your full course.

Think about it: If people aren't willing to hand over an e-mail address to sign up for your mini-course It's likely that they won't purchase a complete course that covers the same issue.

Here are some methods to generate leads by first driving an interest to your mini-course.

  • Make a landing page that includes an opt-in to the mini-course for free. These are tips for creating an outstanding landing page that converts.
  • Include your mini-course with your next newsletter, or in your next product announcement.
  • Make a section of your email list that you already have and then ask them to see if they're interested in learning the mini-course.
  • You can share your mini-course through social media platforms and take part discussions where your mini course is relevant.
  • Create a blog on your site or a guest blog post on a different site that explains a problem that your mini-course can solve. Add a call-to-action to enroll.

When your customers have received a taste of your content through a mini course, they're more likely to be interested in the complete product. By offering a bit at no cost, you'll be able to hook your audience and increase your conversion rate.

Check your course concept.

You can also think of the mini-course in the sense of "testing your waters" for a new course concept.

In the beginning, you could begin by sending out your mini-course to a select group of individuals who are interested. Consider it an "exclusive first glimpse" and ask for opinions prior to the launch. The small-scale launch can also help you to collect testimonials for a future landing page where you can connect with more users.

Don't be shy -- inquire directly with users if they'd pay for the full course. In the end, that's what you get from the mini-course! If the students are enthusiastic and enthusiastic, then you might think about offering a referral coupon and creating a mini-ambassador program for the entire course. Additionally, you could reward learners to take part in mini courses by giving the students an exclusive discount for the entire course.

Create a mini-course using .

There are a few methods to get your mini-course started:

      Build a New Course      

It is possible to design your mini-course into completely different course

  • Go to LMS and click on COURSES.
  • Click on the "Add New" button at the at the top of the page.
  • Click on the "Builder" tab in the top navigation bar.

Mini courses usually only comprise one part, which means you are able to bypass the section builder, and move right along to adding your lesson.

For a repurposed lesson, click the "Lessons" box on the sidebar. Select "View the entire collection" or search bar to search for a specific lesson by title. Click on a lesson within the lesson's box, then click the "Add" option. It will then add the lesson to the mini course.

After adding your lesson plan, you are able to modify the subject and title according to the theme or goal of your mini course. Drag and drop additional topics, or add a question or a test, etc. until your mini course feels completed.

      Utilize the Course Wizard for Creation      

After uploading your video(s) After uploading your video, you are able to alter your settings, and then configure your mini course exactly. Be sure to change your mini course's settings to "free" instead of "open" to require an email registration touchpoint.

Not using yet? Try the demo to discover how a no-cost miniature course can help your strategy for marketing. The demo is available the course as a student and course creator signing up to try the demo.