How to Start a successful podcast (Step By Step Instructions)

Sep 10, 2023

An easy to follow guide for how you can start an effective podcast, build your audience as well as to spread your expertise and passion with everyone in the public at large.

Although podcasts have existed for almost two decades and in the recent five years, they've made a comeback. At the close of the year the year, 62% of US users who were 12+ were listening to podcasts. This is an increase of 57% the year prior!

What can you do to profit from this trend, and start the initial podcast you've created? This article will guide you through the necessary steps to creating the foundation of a podcast.


Benefits of Podcasting

Make your mark in a niche

One of the hardest aspects about being a thought leader or being an entrepreneur is creating your name in the field you've chosen to focus on. By launching a podcast, it is possible to provide listeners with immediate access to your knowledge. It is also possible to invite other people with a reputation for being thought-leaders in your niche as guests onto the podcast to complement your own knowledge and also help boost your popularity among listeners!

Optional monetization scaleable

As a creator you could be searching for innovative methods to generate revenue this year. Podcasting is a great source of monetization since once an podcast is up and running, it doesn't take any effort to keep it running! It's a simple process to start the process of starting a podcast and maintaining it up is a very profitable job if you're dedicated and will to put in effort to create quality content that can be engaging to the audience. There is the possibility of getting more revenue from advertisements and sponsorships, but we'll get to these later in this section!

Creates networking opportunities

You may be looking to make connections with your audience, grow your business, or just meet people exactly like you, podcasting could be an excellent way to build connections with your community. There are many podcasts that feature discussion groups in which listeners meet regularly over issues related to recent episodes.

Planning your podcast

Decide on your niche

The subject matter of your podcast is the area you'd like to explore. To determine your area of expertise, take a look at your talents and interests that you already have. Be sure to research the market to see what podcasts might already exist within that particular niche, in order to be sure that it's not oversaturated already.

The subjects you discuss should also be based on a goal. Choose what you wish people to learn through your podcast and apply that knowledge in creating your unique specialization.

Research your target audience

Determine the function that hosts serve.

In your role as the host of your podcast, you're expected to tell others' stories and instruct viewers. However, there's a possibility of having a co-host on the show too. You'll want to consider the amount of involvement you'd like to have when it comes to things like editing episodes or planning and also promotion. If you're starting by yourself it's likely that you'll need to assume those roles early on. If you're a part of a group, be sure that each member is informed of their roles before you dive further into the process of planning your podcast.

Choose a podcast name

The choice of a name for your podcast may be a lengthy process. It must be short and is easily recognizable and in line to your branding and the topics you're planning to cover.

Here are some suggestions to use when developing an effective name for your podcast

  • Simple is best.
  • Search for any possible rivals or names that might be a mistake for your podcast.
  • Make it easy to recall
  • Consider how it would be displayed as a graphic design for your podcast.
  • Find something that fits with your specific niche

Artwork for the cover created

For a logo, the design for your covers will distinguish you as a podcast and the other content. The design of your cover should reflect the tone, look, and feel that your show has. It should also be readily identifiable since it's the artwork that listeners will be able to identify your podcast. Use tools such as Canva or you can even send your design to a freelancer through a service such as Fiverr as well as Upwork.

Outline your podcast's format

For podcasting, there are many types to choose from depending on your needs. there are certain styles that might be more suitable for your specific needs over other formats. You must now decide on the length for each episode to run, along with the frequency the episode will air, as well as the frequency you'd prefer for your episode to be interrupted for advertisements or other updates.

Podcast styles include:

  • Podcasts with interviews: The podcasts feature one host that interviews individuals in specific fields or within an overall theme.
  • Non-fiction that is scripted: Typically, they are podcasts that have the format of serials that feature one theme that runs through the entire season.
  • Scripted fiction: They have an identical structure to radio dramas. They're often written. News summary: A type of communication that summarizes the latest news in the particular field.
  • Podcasts for education composed non-fiction specifically designed to inform their listeners.

Begin to build the foundations

Select the right podcasting tools

If you are thinking about what you should do to begin your podcast, equipment should be the top priority on your agenda. The most important aspects to consider when choosing equipment are usability, sound quality and compatibility.

Other equipment that you'll need is:

  • An audio device which provides crystal clear audio, and blocks background disturbances
  • A high-quality video camera is required if you intend to film and share the video on video platforms
  • A tripod that can hold up the camera and microphone when working on your own
  • A laptop computer that can handle a huge amount of audio and video content USB storage devices or cloud storage to keep a lot of data
  • Editing software
  • Software to perform transcription
  • Soundproofing or sound treatment equipment (see the section below for additional information! )

In order to choose the best tool for your needs, make sure to take into consideration the accessibility to budgets, their usability and the capability to expand. If the idea is one that you don't intend to be sustainable in the long run, it's not wise to purchase the most costly version of everything. It's also a great idea to check that your tools can work together to ensure that you don't purchase unrelated tools.

Get audio elements

Any successful podcast will need music as well as a professional intro to have at the start of each episode. It's a visible feature of your podcast and needs to reflect the overall style and tone of the production. The voiceover that you introduce helps to put listeners in the right mindset to enjoy your show while explaining the new viewers of your show the content of your show. about. If you're a podcast with sponsors, then the intro is an excellent way to highlight that sponsorship by including whom the show is associated with.

If you are considering making use of music, make sure the music isn't legally licensed. It could be used for reasons of a podcast.

Be sure to have a recording space

Soundproofing and treatment for sound are two terms that most podcasters are confused by. "Sonicproofing" a space means that you have isolated your room from the noise of from other areas of the structure. "Sound treat" of a space means creating a more relaxing environment for it sounds.

It is important to be aware of that can aid you in purchasing the right audio components for your home:

  • Reverb and Acoustics. Reverb that's too strong or echoes on your voice can create an unnatural sounding performance. When you're in a space with lots of bare and hard surfaces, it could make your voice spin around in the manner of a pinball machine.
  • Spaces are usually constructed. There are many reasons that it cannot be possible to designate a whole area to be a broadcast studio. It is possible to utilize the space already equipped with furniture or install a localized sound system around the recording space.
  • Semi-permanent setups. If you're fortunate enough own a larger area in your home and you want to create an audio recording studio, it can nevertheless be utilized for reasons that aren't related to audio. It is possible to purchase or build audio-treated baffling boards or partitions mounted on a stand. These can be set up in a way to create an enviable "dead space" around your recording location. A different option is using Acoustic blankets or curtains that can be put up on the rails or on hooks.
  • Noise issues from the outside or inside. Are the walls in the space exterior? Are they connected to the neighbor's home? Do your neighbors drum and watch TV at a high volume or even have an animal that is constantly barking? Be aware of these things before you begin recording.

Choose your podcast hosting platform

The podcast must be stored somewhere in order to be accessible to people who listen to it. Similar to hosting websites Your podcast hosting service is then able to connect with podcast search engines, like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

The things to be looking for in your podcast hosting service are storage, usability and analytics. Some will even offer web plugins to allow you to upload your podcast to your site and the platform will handle the podcast upload and sharing directly from your website.

Design a website

If you're not posting your podcast on your existing site You may want to create a new website or create an extra one, where all details regarding your podcast will be found.

This site will feature information about the podcast and also your contact details, along with the episodes for people to watch and perhaps guides to the episodes, and the most important lessons we've learned.

Discover your best strategy to make money

Start promotion efforts

It is easy for your guests to participate with your podcast using familiar methods, including the automated scheduling software, and also providing details of discussions in advance.

Book podcast guests

Inviting guests to your podcast can help you to increase your audience reach through leveraging the popularity and audience of the guest. If you're looking to have guests appear on your podcast it is important to contact the guests in advance to ensure they'll be available during your recording time.

If you're thinking about podcast guests, be aware of the below

  • The overall consistency to ensure their expertise and ideas are in line with your viewers and interesting for your viewers.
  • Their standing and their community. Do they have a reputation as an expert in their field? Will they have the ability to draw people who are not familiar with them in order to increase your reach?

Get a sponsor

The host may choose not to have sponsors to their podcast or it could be possible to add sponsors after your podcast has built an audience.

The function of a sponsor is to provide the funds for the placement. It could be a sponsor for your show, or you can have a regular or one-time appearance on your program or be the sponsor of an entire show.

There is a chance that you will need to identify an individual to talk to them, and provide the listener's profile as well as the number of listeners, then outline the benefits of what's to be gained for the listener. It's important to locate someone who's compatible with the theme of your podcast and its purpose, will work well with you and can relate to your target audience. It needs to be a partnership mutually advantageous. You should can have fair pricing agreements as well. Prices for ads on podcasts can vary a lot depending on the type of business, industry of advertising, and the market position.

Make sure you have a marketing strategy

It is important to think about the ways in which the people who listen to your show are exposed the latest information. This might be on platforms that allow podcasts for example, Spotify as well as Apple Music, but it might alternatively be on some websites for social media or news website such as an online search engine, or through face-to-face communications. The research you do about your target audience is crucial here!

Create a strategy for the way you'll market your podcast every time a new episode launches. It is possible to use a few strategies like:

  • Paid ads
  • Email marketing
  • Brochures
  • In-person events
  • Social media posts

It's getting close! Record and edit now!

Develop an episode strategy

You must have a recorded day

When you're recording your very first show, make sure you've planned your steps and the goals you're aiming for. Also, it's helpful to allow ample time to do an additional run, or to address any technical problems.

If you're recording with a guest or sponsor, be sure you've answered any final questions or issues they might have before you begin recording. Make sure you test all your equipment and make sure your audio and video are working well. Remember to also record your video!

Audio editing

After you've recorded your podcast, it will require editing. The process of editing connects elements like the introduction voiceover, theme music and also the actual content of the podcast. This also permits smoothing out issues such as filler words and repeated phrases.

Find transcriptions

Podcast transcripts are the ideal way to transform conversations in the podcast to a more user-friendly and accessible format.

There are several free options that permit you to convert audio to text such as as well as Trint.

When you've got a HTML0 transcription, you can make use of it in a variety of different ways. An instance:

  • The entire transcript can be uploaded as well as the complete episode
  • Use it to show notes.
  • Get the top quotations and use them to promote your podcast through social media or email newsletter
  • Create a blog post in the TV show

Make show notes

Show notes let listeners learn more about the podcast with a glance. These notes highlight the main points of the episode and might also then dive a little deeper into what was said so people are equipped with a guideline and ways to proceed.

Additionally, it's a good idea to include any websites or other sources you've listed in the show notes of your podcast.

Get it out in the universe!

Upload your first episode

You've chosen a platform for podcast hosting, which allows the simple uploading of MP3 file. You'll also need to input the title of the episode as well as a description and the date for publication of your summary and the episode's number.

For an idea you can consider, it's great to compose your script for the podcast in advance of the time by using a text file that you can then upload into the portion of each episode's upload.

Submission of HTML0 to the major platforms

Once you've recorded your first podcast It's now time to start submitting it to the big name podcasting platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The process involves is identical for each, involving:

  • The RSS URL for your podcast onto your host platform (it's simple URL).
  • Upload it to podcast directories where you want your show to appear.
  • Once you've saved the RSS link from the first episode, there's no reason to do so again. Each episode airing will be downloaded via your feed.
  • Be patient. There may be a delay until the initial episode is ready on air (up to a couple of weeks) Once that episode airs, each program will be aired within one day.
  • Each time you publish an episode, the data you input on the hosting platform will effortlessly transfer to

Create reviews and ratings

For your podcast to grow fast, you should take advantage of the positive reviews left by other users! Make sure your platform is able to accumulate reviews. Make use of positive reviews in your marketing to ensure that potential listeners understand the value that your show provides to people working in your specific field. There is also the option to use less-than-perfect ratings as feedback points for improving your podcast if you feel they're relevant.

Tips and tricks for the last time after launch

Podcasts can be a fantastic way to showcase your knowledge and building an following. It's very popular type of media that anybody can follow wherever they are. As you learn to create your own podcast prior to launching it, remember that research as well as consistency as well as high-quality are among the most important factors to make sure you're gaining a following.

Once you have launched your show You should regularly get feedback from the people who watched your show by conducting online polls, writing reviews and chatting with one another. This will help to identify topics relevant to people's interests within the field you're in. Additionally, it is important to consider the reaction of your audience to your monetization or sponsorship options you've taken. This feedback may give you important insights as well as the possibility for earning more revenue also!

In depth look into each of these steps, and much more in the P's of the Podcasting course which is outlined in this article straight from the start .

The article was first published in April 2021, the article was revised in September 2023.

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