How to Price Your Online Course (with Calculator) --

Aug 11, 2022

It's been an extended, laborious process of creating your own online courses. Now you're ready to price the online courses you've created.

The best pricing for your product can be an arduous job. There are many variables to think about, such as the type of item you're offering on marketplace or on your own site, whether it's a go-at-your-own-pace or a live class with the duration of several weeks and many other variables.

It is, however, a typical method of pricing the online course that we'll discuss in this post.

In addition, we'll provide an easy calculator to aid you to determine the most suitable pricing for the product you're looking to purchase.

Find links quickly to the topics we'll cover:

Price factors for an Online Course

1. The location where it's hosted

There are a variety of locations in which you can hold online courses. Each platform is different and rates must be considered in relation to the price.

You can offer your course online in market places, like Udemy or use an online course maker like to create an online course on your own website.

When hosting your website on marketplaces, it is possible to be paid a percentage for all the revenue you earn. You're also subjected to their Terms of Service, promotion dates, and many more. You don't have the sole say over how your course is priced and you won't own the marketing information you collect. This is because the majority of online course creators prefer to host their course on their own site.

It's possible to create an online course and host it on your personal website. There is an Free Forever plan that only costs an amount of 5% per transaction. Customer's data will remain the sole property of you. You can decide the prices you want for your class, and your website can be a resource that you control. When you use an online hosting service, you will can set your price for your online class. You also do not have to be in price wars against other instructors on the same field.

It also offers other services , including options to:

  • Bundle online courses which include electronic downloads (e.g. ebooks, printables, etc)
  • Learners can upload lessons in various formats such as video, tests or text-based assignments, survey embedding files, downloads or quizzes
  • Make money selling your online course using  its variety of Marketing tools including affiliate programs Coupons, coupon codes and many more.
  • Develop drip content to release specific sections of the online course at the time at the
  • Give your students a variety of payment options , including one-time fees or payment plans, subscriptions, and more
  • Offer customizable certificates of accomplishment

2. Live vs. Anytime

Pricing for online courses also differs based upon whether it is in live mode or how long you are able to take the course any time you want in your own pace.

Live classes require the instructor's presence and can be held during regular classes. It is a fantastic opportunity to interact with your students as it permits you to communicate with them live and in real time. But, it could also result in you spending more time and money in teaching. You should consider this when you are pricing your courses. The courses of these types might be more costly in the $1000+ range.

Alternatively, you can make use of drip lessons to control the pace of your instruction. The drip lessons let you instruct your students in an organized way, and you're able to release classes at a certain time. It keeps students interested and engaged , as they have a good reason to keep returning to the class.

An online course that can be taken and started at any time generally will be less expensive however, you are likely to be able to manage an higher numbers of students. There is no issue with the ability to scale your courses since they are available to unlimited numbers of students. Courses that are taught according to your personal schedule could cost anything between $1 and $500 based on the content of the class.

3. The popularity of a topic

4. What is the value of your course

What makes you an expert teacher of online classes? If you've been in this field for over more than a decade, then the cost of your courses ought to reflect that. If you design courses with the help of with professionals, the possibility that you collaborate to complete a project may boost the value of your course.

If you're available to mark assignments, respond to questions, etc. this will be more beneficial. Think about how much time and effort is required to create the course. It's not just about the creation of it. Once it's enrolled, it is possible to rate it on the basis of the time required and efforts.

5. Concurrence

Study your competition in your niche. It is not recommended to set your price point solely on the prices your competition is selling. Instead your focus should be upon cost-based pricing.

However, it's crucial to be aware of the deficiency of knowledge within your area. If you're in the midst of a shortage of professionals in your area it is likely that you'll have the ability to make your online courses higher.

If you're in a very competitive field, be aware that you could tailor your approach to specific certain niches. In particular, specific countries, specific languages, specific demographic and so on.

What is the average cost of an online class?

The cost of an online class can range from $100 to $5,000.

A $100 price for a course is typical for online course marketplaces such as Udemy, Skillshare, and other sites. But, the top range will typically be the price of an online course on topics which can assist individuals in starting their career.

There is a possibility of finding an online course that costs $5,000 which will cover the fundamentals of web development, marketing or another subject that allows the student to make money. In addition, a typical five-figure course comprises assignments, certificates and with live instructors. This means that the value which is perceived as such by the price of $5,500 is higher than the price you'd see on the market for course.

How do You Price An Online Course

We've already discussed the price of your online course determined by a range of aspects. If you're trying to reach a niche market or trying to attract new customers, the number of sales you make through your course could be different. If you're seeking tips on how you can price your course in relation to your desired market, you can use our online price calculator is provided below to get the exact amount you can price your course for in addition to the number of sales you could make with that price.

Online Course Pricing Calculator

Course Income Goal $
The cost estimate for course creation $
The size of your audience
Estimated Conversion Rate ( percent)
Suggested Course Pricing

$ 0.00

High-end vs. Affordable

If you're looking to sell your course, price points are a factor. Are you more inclined to sell at a premium cost, despite having fewer students, or at a less expensive cost that has greater number of students? What is the best quality in the long run? And is there a better choice for your financial goals?

Those looking to sell at higher prices may include additional content, such as ebooks, digital downloads and the ability to join an unexclusive Facebook group, to demonstrate how beneficial the more expensive course is.

If you're selling your course at a low price, then you'll need a lot of students for your class to ensure it succeeds. This means that you'll need find a way to attract people and a lot of online students to the online courses you offer. If you know the ways to promote your course for free, this price point might be the right one for you.

Think about your revenue goals before deciding on the cost for the online course. Think about the value that you could offer and how much you'd like to achieve by way of sales in addition to the price of the product you create, as well as the prices you feel good to charge. Creators who know how to effectively market their products can market their product well and charge premium prices.

Four Tips to Pricing Strategy

1. One-time cost

One-time payments are a common pricing strategy for your initial online course. If people are willing to take a single payment and you'll receive better prices overall since it's reasonably priced. That means your price could be just a couple hundred dollars or so.

The price of a premium isn't a good idea when it comes to one-time costs since it could be quite an enormous amount to put on the credit card. You'll have to start thinking about the most expensive cost of a one-time charge which is usually about $1000. For this price bracket, you'll be able earn money through passive income that is, this isn't a live-instructional course. This means that you can find a lot of students taking the online course on a regular basis.

2. Payment Plans

Payment plans are the best alternative to price your program if it's on the top of the spectrum ($1,000or higher). Credit cards usually have limits therefore if a tuition cost exceeds the limits of someone's credit card the option of a payment plan could help in breaking down the costs into chunks.

In most cases, companies that charge the cost of their online course can make a charge for the division of the price into multiple payments for the inconvenience for instructors since the vast majority of students would prefer to pay only one time.

If you charge for an online course it is recommended to consider an installment plan for payment in the event that you charge a greater price to accommodate greater numbers of students.

3. Subscriptions

Subscription models are often employed to create online courses marketplaces. For instance in which you've developed many online courses however you'd like to charge a monthly payment for people to have access to all the lessons rather than charging per course. In this case it's possible to choose the subscription model in this case.

If the expense of the program is decided through a subscription system, users would have to pay on a monthly plan. But, you could also make a payment for a whole year in the event that you would prefer to make in one lump sum over a period of time.

Subscription models typically be less expensive. But if you combine it in a period of time, you could charge a higher price with a slight reduction. Your customers will be happy since they'll have access to everything you've got to offer which means you do not have to promote specific courses. Price will be inclusive of all online education that you offer on your site and that means you'll see higher sales for your courses in general.

4. Free

It is possible to develop an online course for free when you're trying to market something unique and you can you can use the course to attract more visitors to your site. Your potential customers will love your course as they won't have to buy it. It means that you'll have higher numbers of students. Additionally, the value of your course will increase because there's no cost to pay for it, which means there's less risk for users.

The process of creating courses can consume quite a long time however, using it in marketing strategies is a common procedure, and could boost the efficiency of your conversion.

There's good news that you are able to charge for the online course in accordance with each of the above methods. If you're offering courses at a lower price in order to attract more students or making a monthly subscription charge for a variety of courses, you'll be able to earn an impressive amount of money using any of these methods. Don't forget that even the free course can bring new clients. Therefore, be sure to set the price accordingly.

Strategies to Enhance the The value of your course

1. Create a Community

Setting up a Facebook group that is private to students can be a fantastic option to remain connected to the students, as well as to boost the value of online classes. The creation of a community will allow you to build genuine interactions between your students where they can assist each other improve their abilities.

2. Coach Opportunities for a 1:1 format

The online courses that permit the student to go at his individual pace might not be suitable for all students. Students may have additional concerns that can be addressed by video chat. When this happens, consider offering individual coaching sessions on a 1:1 basis to your students.

3. Bundle with Downloadables

4. Give a certificate of successful completion

A formal certificate of completion could be an excellent method of providing the student with the satisfaction of a successful course. A certificate of completion could give students the motivation to put in the work and time required to finish all of the class.


What is the cost of the price of an online class?

The calculator is free to try out to estimate the cost of your online course as there are plenty of variables that go into determining an appropriate cost.

How much will it take to promote the online course?

It is important to include the cost of marketing into your price of your course. If you have a pre-existing crowd, you could utilize your personal brand or audience to advertise your course absolutely no cost. But, if it's your first time offering your course you can spend thousands of dollars to promote your course via social media, advertising on Facebook, Facebook groups as well as other methods.

Which is the best method of selling online courses?

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