How to master top-of-the-line marketing to grow your business

Aug 23, 2022

Funnels? We're not discussing offering funnel cakes to get new customers. However, that might be a decent strategy. Instead, we're looking at the marketing funnel, specifically the very top, where you begin to convert potential customers into life-long customers.

In this post we will take a deeper look at the top of funnel approach to marketing is, why it's important, and how to apply this technique to your own business, whether you sell digital products either physical or digital, or both. We'll get started!

  What exactly is top of funnel marketing?

Top of funnel marketing,also known as TOFU (no it's not edible! it), refers to all marketing and promotional activities which entices your ideal customers and keeps them engaged in your world. It focuses on two things:

  • Brand awareness - explaining who you are, what you're about, and the reason it's important
  • Lead generation by providing lead magnets that share valuable information gratis in exchange in exchange for email addresses of prospects

At this stage, you want to give leads enough information that they are interested, to make them follow you to your website, read your posts, and recognize you as an expert in your field.

A good way to do this is by offering an item that is truly appealing to the person who gives you their email address. Much like the salespeople in the shopping malls who offer samples that draw you into their shop. You can either love or dislike them but they yield results. Like those examples, your lead magnet (marketing-speak for the sample) should provide content you can't get anywhere else.

  The phases of a funnel for marketing  


In the first stage, buyers are aware of their issue and begin searching on the Web to find information, as well as products and services that could help them. This is the top page of the funnel.

The second phase, buyers evaluate or consider their options and narrow their choice of options. The buyers can choose to:

  • Utilize the knowledge they have gained in order to tackle their problems themselves.
  • Get a product or service to do it for them.
  • Avoid doing anything.

Naturally, marketers wish to convince customers that purchasingis the best option. The middle of funnel, also known as MOFU.


Every step of the way, you'll lose a percentage of leads. It is your job to block the leaks so that the leads are able to make their way to the end. A way to achieve this is to give buyers all the information they require in each step of the funnel, to help them move into the next stage of the buying process.

In order to do this, you must understand the motivations of your customer, so you can provide them with the data needed to make that next step confidently.

  Which top-of-the-funnel content converts best?  

The type of top-of-the-line marketing content that is most effective in converting your target audience is determined by the type of content they're seeking and the way you intend to resolve their issue. These are the top five of the funnel content suggestions to think about:

  How-to Guides  

When people are needing assistance, the first thought is to figure out how to accomplish the task themselves. They search online for help such as "How do I dye my dog pink."

The people are looking for a step-bystep guide that walks them through the process. However, in many instances after they've seen how difficult it can be (have you ever had the chance to groom dogs that don't like being groomed? ) Then they realise that they're not actually able to take on the task themselves.

If you're the one who gave them a valuable how-to guide, they trust that you will do the same for them. It's the best method to get people moving down the funnel. It's also exactly how you want to engage your audience regardless of whether you color poodles pink or coach those looking to find a job.


As an example, for instance, you could host a webinar on how to get a certain outcome that includes an outline of the resources required.


Checklists can be a great way to get started for potential customers. They're also one of the most simple lead magnets you can make, and they're one of the best for creating leads. Checklists are a great addition to blog posts, websites landing pages as well as any other way it is possible to bring people into your corporate world.

If someone is trying to solve their own problem, you're their hero for giving them the right direction. And if someone just wants the job done, your checklist tells them what to be expecting when working with you.

  Whitepapers and reports and ebooks  

While whitepapers, ebooks and reports have historically been utilized in the tech industry however, they've gained popularity in other niches. They aid in selling your product as the best solution to the problems your prospect is experiencing.

Whitepapers require research as well as other evidence factors to support the claims. They may take a while to write, but it's worthwhile. They are capable in converting passion into actions.

  Tutorials and videos  



This is a case where there is no doubt that more is more. Feel free to add graphics or videos to checklists and whitepapers. Or, create your own blend of formats and tools!

It not only increases interest It also builds credibility and trust, which means that people are keen to move on to learn more about you and what you can provide.

  Making high-quality content for the top of the funnel  

Marketing through the top of the funnel is about qualifying leads and getting customers to move on to the next step of the customer journey. It's not necessary to have a huge list. It's true. Instead, you should build a list of high-quality potential buyers!

In order for that to occur to happen, the most important material you produce must include:

targeted This should be appealing to the intended audience. Not everyone.

Customer-centric - Ask yourself the question: What's your prospective customer looking to learn? What's their end goal? What can you do to help them maximize the value of the things you can say and share?

Snack-sized Content you publish must be easy to understand interesting, informative, and beneficial. Imagine it as a small portion of your entire web-based course, membership website or coaching programit's a way to whet their appetite.

Attractive The goal is not to bore people to tears with complex information or excessive detail in a short amount of time. However you're trying to grab the attention of your viewers and spark the interest of your audience by offering the information that isn't found anywhere else. Make sure your content is educational and enjoyable.

VisualEven the most enthused user isn't likely to hang in a room and learn a plethora of texts or technical diagrams. Through the use of checklists, infographics and videos, you are able to distill the most complicated details into simple to understand details.

  How do you distribute your content that is top of the funnel  

  • Social media
  • Forums (if they let you share your content)
  • Blog posts
  • Guest blog posts
  • Emails to the Outreach

We call this an Omni-channel strategy: appearing on various channels to expand your reach. Different prospects will find your profile on various platforms. If someone comes across your name in multiple place, you seem to be all over the place, making it appear credible and trustworthy.

  The main point of TOFU marketing  

In the world of TOFU marketing, there are a lot of options. The trick is to determine what your ideal customer needs and would like at the beginning of the buying journey, and give it to them.

Be sure to contact previous customers to understand the reasons they picked your company. It can provide valuable information about what prospective customers are looking for.

Ready to attract and nurture prospects from the top of the funnel all the way to the end of? Start today and get a trial for no cost. Sin down below!

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