How to Increase WordPress Website Performance: Tips and Techniques for Lightning Load Times - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites

Nov 2, 2023

How to Increase WordPress Site Speed: Tricks and Resources to help Lightning Load Times

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                 Take a jog to the floor! Learn the most effective methods, techniques, and best practices to boost your WordPress website speed within a matter of minutes. Enhance user experience, improve conversion rates, and add the power of your site's search engine rankings.        

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It's not a secret that speed is a huge need for consumers who shop online. In this day and age of TikTok and Amazon Prime, a fast site is a must.

In the end, for better or worse it's a fact that our patience was shattered by dial-up as well as Limewire. Now if your site takes longer than two seconds to load, then you're probably getting into trouble.

No one likes waiting around. Not your visitors, not search engines and certainly not you.

We've loaded the blog with helpful tips and tricks on how to boost your WordPress site's performance.

We'll walk you through the reasons why Member is your go-to for a speed-optimized site and pair it with some amazing tools to send your site hyper-fast!

Let's get going!

Kid dressed as Evel Knievel speeding off on his scooter

Why Site Speed is Important

Welcome to the speed track! Let's cut the chase speed can be a deciding factor for your website for two reasons.

1. Fast Loading is Critical For User Engagement

Do you feel the angst that sets in the moment you go to a site and - ugh the site is taking its sweet time? It's not just you.

53 percent from mobile visitors are likely to leave a website when the site takes more than 3 seconds to load. That's over half your audience who will say "thanks however, no thanks."

You're still unsure? How about this: a one-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7 percent loss in conversion loss of 7. Ouch! Short version: If your website is dragging its feet, you're watching money walk out through the window.

2. The speed of SEO's Impact on SEO

It's not just humans you have to worry about - search engines can be picky as well. Google has been utilizing the speed of your website as a factor in ranking since 2010, and has been using it since. If you're a bit late to the celebration, you'll find yourself at the end of a long sequence of search results.

Consider this: speedier websites result in happier users and Google is about user experience. If you're wondering what's wrong with your website and it's on the 10th page of search results, maybe it's an opportunity to examine the hood and get things working efficiently.


How to Measure Your WordPress Website's Performance: Be aware of Where You Stand

Before you get to work in boosting your website's speed, you've got to know where you're starting at. This is like calculating your first 5k run You need to establish a baseline to measure your progress.

Keep in mind that 3 seconds is the point at which mobile users leave your site. However, Google has set this number a little smaller, at 2.5 seconds.

Whatever your current speed you're at, there's always room for improvements. Each 100 millisecond that is removed from a website's loading speed, bounce rates drop and conversion rates increase.

What's the current status of your website? now stand?

Below are some free, go-to tools to aid you in understanding whether your website is hare or a tortoise:

Google PageSpeed Information

Straight out of the mouth of a horse. Google's tool provides you with an in-depth analysis of your website's speed on both desktop and mobile devices. It even offers suggestions for improvement.

Google PageSpeed Insights Screenshot


This is another excellent program that goes far beyond the loading speed. It offers a full performance report and tips on aspects like optimizing images as well as leveraging cached browsers.

GTmetrix screenshot

Run these tests to get the idea of what's hindering your performance. With this information then you can focus the areas where speed-boosting strategies will have the most impact.

Basic Tips for Speeding Up WordPress - No Rocket Science required

Before we get into the ways Member can rev up your website, let's cover some foundational speed-boosting hacks. These are the fruit that is low-hanging simple to apply, but with an undeniable effect on the speed of your site.

1. Image Optimization

Let's start simple: those pretty pictures? They're heavy.

Make use of tools such as ShortPixelor Smush to compress and optimize your images without sacrificing quality.

The image you upload can be cut in size by half, making the images faster to load and keep your customers content.

ShortPixel image optimization homepage screenshot

2. Caching

Browser caching saves static pages locally, so returning visitors do not have to refresh the entire webpage. Plug-ins like WP Super Cache can automate this for you.

WP Super Cache WordPress Download

3. Minification

Ever look at a website's code? It's like reading a foreign code with extra characters and spaces. Minification eliminates all irrelevant stuff and makes your site faster and lighter.

There are several great free plugins that will do the job for you, so no excuses! Autoptimize is one of the most popular options.

Autoptimize WordPress

4. Reducing Server Requests - Select a sleek theme

The more components on a page - like images, scripts and CSS files - the more server calls are needed to load it.

A quick and easy step to consider is to Choose a sleek and streamlined web design.

The majority of themes include sliders, widgets, and flashy elements that are load hogs for servers.

Choose the theme that offers just what you need, and nothing more. This won't just improve the speed of your site, but it will create a more clean, more user-friendly design. When speed is your goal it is best to use less.

5. Leverage Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Want to go global? Use a CDN such as Cloudflare to spread your content all over the world. So, the user in Australia isn't waiting for your server in the U.S. to wake up.

CloudFlare CDN

6. Select optimized hosting

Consider hosting as the house of your site. Would you rather live in a sluggish, crowded home or in a speedy, well-maintained mansion? Services like WP Engine provide specialized hosting specifically designed for WordPress speed.

Here's the deal! These are some straightforward steps you can take today to see an immediate improvement of the speed of your WordPress site's speed.

The reason why Member is the best Speed-Savvy Choice for Membership Sites

Now you've improved your website using a few speed fixes. It's been stripped of unnecessary extraneous.

But running a membership site or a course online often involves adjusting plugins which may slow speed on your website.

 Member Homepage

To keep things zippy Member is one of the best plugins. Let's dive into it.

Regular Updates for Speed Optimization

In the dynamic world of WordPress and web performance being sluggish is a step behind. This is why Member is regularly upgraded.

This ensures that your website's member's area remains optimized for speed and security.

Compatible with Speed-Optimizing plugins

Are you using a speed-boosting tool or two? It's no problem. Member integrates with the speed-optimizing plugins you already have.

No matter if you're using caching services or image optimization tools, Member is designed to fit into the existing system without throwing a wrench in the system.

A Customized Caching Solution for Your Membership Website

Member isn't only relying upon WordPress's caching features; it enhances it. By allowing compatibility with permanent caching plugins such as WordPress Super Cache it provides an additional layer of speed for your website.

While caching can be great information for speedy loading, it can be an unintended benefit for the membership platform.

The Member app offers a clever solution. The caching of logged-in users could provide outdated or inaccurate information, disrupt the user's experience, and even pose security risk. Members has a setting that users can utilize to block the caching of members who are logged in.

It ensures that your customers receive customized, real-time content that is not compromising on speed or security.

Making Content more efficient and Streamlining the Management of Membership

Running a membership site involves lots of moving pieces, and each additional task such as content creation or member management - can potentially slow down your site.

This is why you require the right plugin to streamline these tasks without compromising on speed. You can use Member.

The intuitive dashboard of Member doesn't only make content production easier; it also minimizes the clicks and time needed for administration tasks, resulting in the efficiency of a - and therefore faster - website.

When you spend much less time switching between settings and screens You reduce the load on your server and boost the speed of your website's response.

The user interface is snappy, ensuring that you don't need to be waiting around for performing these crucial modifications.

Furthermore, the capacity to perform multiple membership functions en masse means it's not a burden to make small-scale modifications.

This decreases amount of time and resources that servers spend in admin work, thereby leading to a more efficient, more efficient website.

In conclusion:

Now you're at the speed of all that you have to be aware of! From grasping the essential role of a speed-optimized site with regard to user interaction as well as SEO, to implementing basic yet effective changes, we've covered it all.

And for those running web-based courses or membership websites, Member stands out as an indispensable tool to ensure the speedy and effortless user experience.

Speed isn't just a nice-to-have and is a necessity. Speedy websites don't only impress your customers, it gives your business an advantage in search engine rankings.

Every minute counts and now you're equipped with the skills and information to use every second to your advantage.

Do you want to change to high speed? Sign up today to increase your WordPress Membership site's speed and speed!

Have any suggestions to share with the Member community? Let us know in the comments section below.

Found this blog useful? Follow our blog through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and the best ways to get the most out of your online membership.

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"We've tried a couple of other membership tools that came as part of the packages we'd opted to invest in. However, there's nothing that can beat Membership. There's certainly a lot of cool stuff out there that people have built over the years. When it comes down to customizing, if you use WordPress, you can't touch this. Naturally, I'm biased, however we've earned millions through this software."

Tristan Truscott                        Satori Method                                                                                                                                     I have moved [ Member] onto my top list of options for people. The new Member has a lot to offer! and the cost for Member makes it a fantastic deal.

Chris Lema                        LiquidWeb                                                                                                                                     Member is integrated with tools I'm currently using. It's so easy to connect with the new the new tools coming out. It's amazing how they do it actually. If I had to purchase a membership plugin, this day... I would go with Member. I'd choose Member.

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