How to Improve Your Net Promoter Score (NPS): Actionable Tips, Processes and Free Templates

Jan 19, 2024

This is one of the simplest questions you could ask your clients If you would like to suggest us to friends?

The word-of-mouth recommendation is still among the most effective ways consumers learn about new items and products and.

In actual fact, 88% of consumers claim that they trust advice from those they trust more than other forms of marketing.

If your customers wouldn't recommend them to others, that's an indication that your company could profit by implementing strategies that engage in a positive, supportive, and satisfying way with your clients throughout their entire experience with your company. It will increase the Net Promoter Score (also called NPS) as well as gain more customer loyalty.

Here's how to improve your NPS score in 7 steps. Also, there are top tips to help you get started.

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Use our comprehensive NPS Score Strategy Template that will help you analyze, track, and boost your Net Promoter Score for steady business growth in the long-term.

What exactly is Net Promoter Score (NPS) and what is its significance?

Net Promoter Score, also known as NPS is among the best measures of satisfaction with customers. It provides information about the customers' likeliness to refer products and services to other customers and is a sign of brand loyalty and support.

If you're not convinced by the power of word-of-mouth referrals Here are some important facts you'll need to be aware of:

  • 95 percent of consumers claim to trust referrals or recommendations from people whom they have met personally.
  • Referral leads are able to achieve an average of 30% more conversion rate on average compared to leads generated from other channels for marketing.
  • In the average, referral customers have a 37% higher retention rates than those who have benefited via other channels.
  • Word-of mouth marketing has been proven as being between two and ten times more effective than advertisements.
  • 82% of Gen Z trust their friends and family for advice about products more than any other source.

How do you calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated by using the following survey questions:

      How likely is it that you'd recommend the organization to a friend or friend?    

The responses are rated using a sliding scale. The respondents to the survey rate their response on a scale of zero (not even remotely probably) or 10, which is the most likely number (extremely likely ).

According to their answers the respondents are divided into 3 groups to determine the NPS score.

from 0 to 6. Detractors
7 or 8 Passives
9 or 10 Promoters

For calculating your NPS You use the number of Promoters less the number Detractors to compute your score.

NPS = the percentage of promoters ( -+ ) % of Detractors

The score of your company's NPS is a range of 100-100.

What are the characteristics of a high Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

If you've got a Net Promoter Score of near -100, it shows your organization has more Detractors than Promoters. If you have a score of closer to 100, and you're averaging more Promoters than Detractors.

An NPS higher than 30 indicates that the company is operating well and has a higher number of happy, satisfied customers than dissatisfied ones.

If you can achieve a score of 50 or more then it's a great sign of the health of your company, indicating that your clients are content with your product and services. If you score 70 or more it means that you're really exceptional and your customers love your company. This means that you'll get more brand advocates as well as receive more referrals from word of mouth.

If you have an organization who have an NPS of between -100 and zero, then you're in trouble territory with more dissatisfied customers than satisfied ones. This is a clear indication that you need to take more time to listen to your clients to figure out how you can improve to make improvements to bring the NPS up.

The best part is, your NPS can always be improved with the right method.

What should you do if your Net Promoter Score (NPS) isn't high?

The NPS, also known as Net Promoter Score (NPS) is key to understand customer satisfaction. A satisfied customer is loyal customers, who are more likely to buy from you again and also recommend your business to their friends.

But NPS is about more than just measuring customer satisfaction. In reality, NPS can shape cultural changes in your company and build stronger, longer-lasting relationships with your customers.

Below are seven steps you can take to boost your NPS score - plus best tips to assist you develop your own NPS improvement plan.

How to improve the score of your Net Promoter Score (NPS) in 7 steps

Establish your baseline Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The first step for knowing what you can do to increase the quality of your NPS score is to determine what your baseline NPS is.

Start by conducting an NPS survey among your customers base in order to determine your current NPS score. This way you know where you're starting from.

Here's the Net Promoter Score (NPS) formula once more:

      NPS = % of Promoters ( -- )  Percentage of Detractors    

Make sure to incorporate the survey into the customer experience by making the time and distribution of the survey feel seamless, such as when you finish an initial trial.

This baseline Net Promoter Score (NPS) will allow you to measure and understand the impact of your NPS improvements strategy for the future.

Complete customer survey

In order to improve your NPS, should be regularly conducting NPS surveys and tracking results across your entire customer base to help you identify the long-term NPS trends.

In order to help you obtain more thorough results from your surveys, try these three suggestions:

  • Use open feedback: Utilize open-ended survey questions to gather more detailed information from your clients, as well as from Detractors and Promoters to find out the things that are working well and what needs to be improved.
  • Follow up with clients: Develop an automated flow of emails for following up with detractors after their initial survey to find out more about their opinion and determine the root cause of their poor scores.
  • Give them a call: To get additional detailed feedback from your clients, call Detractors to conduct one-to-one customer interviews. They will also discuss the experiences they had with your company and why they're dissatisfied.

It's crucial to comprehend the reasoning behind both positive and negative feedback by your customers so that you'll be able to better comprehend what you're doing right and what areas you should work on.

Make a Improved Net Promoter Score plan

If you've had the chance to collate customer feedback and learn more about the feedback from your customers and colleagues, you'll be able to use the information to formulate an NPS improvement plan.

Three things to remember when making your plans:

  1. Engage with the Detractors: Develop a strategy to engage with Detractors to solve the issues they face and enhance the quality of your products and services. This will turn them into Pro-Promoters later on.
  2. Leverage Promoters' feedback: Use feedback from Promoters to inform your sales and marketing strategies and gather testimonials to use as social proof. It is also possible to identify ways to increase sales and reconvert to Promoters in your customer base.
  3. Convert Passives: While Passives aren't your priority, they can be converted into Promoters with the right approach to engagement. Make use of the survey results from Promoters for helping you engage with the Passive survey respondents, and impress them with key product features to improve the use of your product and their general satisfaction with your company.

To boost your NPS You must ensure you're interacting with the detractors of your existing customer base. You should be keeping the trust of the Promoters you already have - and ideally winning over Passives too..

Use strategies to boost survey engagement

Work on making your Net Surveys on Promoter Score as simple and easy in order to boost engagement rates and help you gather valuable data from your customers.

Here are three tips to help improve survey engagement:

  • It is important to send NPS surveys at the right time: Only sending out surveys when a customer unsubscribes or discontinues using your product isn't enough. In order to improve your NPS it is essential to conduct customer surveys at regular intervals throughout the customer experience and to time these surveys so they feel natural for your customers for increased engagement with surveys. Customer satisfaction is likely to change at different points - you need to know the time and date it happens, as well as why.
  • Create personalized invitations to surveys: Your customers like to feel appreciated, especially in the case of answering survey questions. Personalize your survey invites and questions to make sure they're pertinent to your customer base particularly when it comes to particular products or services. Segment your customer base to provide a more personalized customer experience.
  • Make your surveys user-friendly In order to get clients to take part in your surveys, you need ensure that they're brief as well as user-friendly. Beware of too many questions that are open ended or edit the questions in order to make the language as simple as possible. Be sure that the survey tool you choose is straightforward and easy-to-use too for a minimum of digital friction.

Focus on the customer experience

The customer experience is the most important aspect of Net Promoter Score. In order to improve the quality of your NPS score, you must focus on providing top-quality customer service to your customers to help to make them feel appreciated. After all, who doesn't love friendly, informed prompt customer service?

Here are three ways to enhance customer experience across your organization:

  • Empower employees with training: Improve your employee training to empower frontline workers, to help them understand how to best assist customers and provide top customer service at every interaction. Employee training can help to reduce response times, improve the speed of responses, accelerate case resolution, and so on.
  • Train your customers help them understand how they can make the most of your service or product throughout the customer experience with online training. Offering education to customers can assist in reducing customer losses and increase product acceptance and speed onboarding and much more.
  • Customize customer journeys: Utilize customer information to create personalized experiences to customers. This includes individual product recommendations, freebies, as well as other resources that they might be interested in.
  • Take into consideration live support. When you're looking for customer support it's hard to beat an actual person-to-person conversation for making customers feel loved and cared for. If you're trying to improve your NPS, consider implementing live-streamed customer service, such as video chat to boost the level of satisfaction with your customers.

The specific strategies that is right for you depend on your organization however, if you're looking to boost your NPS you need to find ways to enhance the customers' experience during the entire journey to ensure that customers are happy and satisfied.

Empower customers with internet-based resources

Alongside increasing customer service through technological training for employees enable your customers to solve themselves by using online resources like courses as well as webinars, FAQs, and even webinars.

Web-based resources offer numerous advantages, including the ability to:

  • Give proactive support for your customers
  • Make your personal Customer Education Academy to allow clients to learn about the product or service you offer at their own speed
  • Help customers find the data they require to address issues
  • Increase customer service and understanding
  • Get your customers off of assistance teams

Here are 3 strategies to help you improve customer satisfaction and increase customer awareness and understanding

  • Build a knowledge base: A Knowledge Base is a great way to build greater customer loyalty, by providing your clients the knowledge they require to resolve their problems in their own time and without needing to engage with live customer support.
  • Create online courses to educate clients on a large scale using online courses that enhance customer satisfaction, which includes assistance for certain use cases and common challenges.

By making important details available to clients online, you will be able to aid customers to make themselves more informed without having for a conversation with the person in your business, helping to boost the efficiency of your business and improve customer satisfaction.

Develop a culture of constant feedback

If you want to be a positive influencer in your company, you must create a strategy to continuously evaluate your NPS in the course of time, to determine which strategies are working - and to determine where there's more room for improvement.

Your NPS is only useful in the event that it's accurate and shows the true opinions of your clients. A single survey isn't enough. Create a strategy for periodic NPS surveys. Then, you can create a continual NPS improvement plan to assist keep customers loyal and boost word-of-mouth recommendations as time passes.

Do you want to boost the NPS of your score?

For a better NPS and improve customer satisfaction, focus on gaining feedback from your customers and optimizing support throughout the customer journey. Happy customers are loyal customers. Make sure you understand the requirements of your clients in order to increase your NPS score and transform the more loyal customers to your brand.

To find out how to utilize Plus to increase NPS within your organization and get the perfect plan tailored to your specific requirements, book a free solutions call .