How To Go From zero to 1000 Students enrolled in online courses with no Budget for Advertising

Sep 12, 2024

You have everything set out. There's an area that's not finished You've created the lessons plan, and you're thrilled and amazed by all of it. You may be done with building the course. However, a problem looms: how do you spread your message to students who may be attracted? What do you need to do to make it easier for your target viewers? Which websites are you supposed to share your link?

This is a great thing for you: this is an easily solved issue. Numerous authors had created online courses covering diverse content. We'll also teach you the most effective practices will allow you to create your online course with students ranging from zero up to 1000. All without spending anything on marketing.

First, however I'll dispel the most common error instructors create when they set out to create their own course. The reason for this is because they pursue a build-first approach rather than an audience-first approach. The reason the "build-first" method is not optimal is due to the fact that you believe that a lot of things are true. It exposes you to a lot of risk in your course. Particularly when it comes to what you should create and what your course structure should be.

However, below are the 4 most important parts in this mini-tutorial for ensuring uninterrupted, consistent traffic at your instructions:

  1. How do you find the best place where your ideal target public hangs out
  2. You can learn to read your listener's thoughts
  3. How do you build trust and respect with your audience
  4. What can you do to share your training with a set of potential customers who would like to purchase your product

 What to Do To Find Your Ideal Audience's Place Out

Imagine that you're a client consultant of mine. You'd like to advertise a class in Marketing Analytics.

First thing I'll state to you is that you'll have to formulate the proper query. You need to start by asking "who do you intend to serve" rather than "what you'd prefer to serve". For in this Marketing Analytics case, you need to then make a choice: do you want to target Marketing Managers, CMOs, Entrepreneurs or marketing newbies?

Imagine that you've made the decision to concentrate on the business owners.

If so your first step is to begin searching for "where people hang out". The best way to achieve this is looking up "online lounges". Online lounges are places on the web where users engage in discussions about their topic of interest. This could include forums, blogs, as well as mailing lists. My way of doing it is to follow the following steps:

  1. Go to your search engine on the web. engine (eg. Google, Bing, Yahoo!)
  2. Make a search using any of the following combinations:

Forum - Profession + forum

* Topic + Profession mailing list

Professional - Theme + Blog

*Professional and an industry forum

Profession + Topic and link-sharing websites (Eg. Reddit, stumbleupon)

- Example: Entrepreneur + Marketing + forum

In the midst I find more than 10 forums I can target.

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The list isn't over. Once you've chosen an online forum, it is necessary to go deeper and create another search with your topic of preference. In this example, we search for discussions revolving around marketing within What you need to keep an eye at in this case is any sign of trouble or discomfort in the original article. In the beginning, there was only "marketing" in the subreddit. It's not working.

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What are the ways we can increase our ability to search for discomfort? We can add "pain indicators" similar to "help" and "advice sought". We'll look at the results. On the first page, we can see several interesting threads.

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If you've found particular forums that have a lot of complaints, you'll know that you're in the right online club to spread information to future generations. If you investigate further and investigate further, you'll see that some forums address certain issues while other forums won't. This will help you focus your efforts in marketing to places where the people you want to attract are most likely to hang out. This is vital to the effectiveness of your campaign.

From the above 15 minute exercise, we just got evidence that is a great place to promote our marketing course.

Check out different forums! My advice is that you should find at minimum 10 lounges online. Blogs work too (especially due to its extremely active comment sections).

How to Read your audience's minds

You're now confronted with numerous threads that exhibit signs of distress. Let's examine them all and really know who the people who are.

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first 1k course students

After you've gathered enough information You'll begin seeing patterns regarding who your audience is. When you recognize these patterns then you'll get an idea of how your audience feels and feels about marketing overall.

Based on this information There are a few minor patterns emerging (we'll need 10+ gruelling threads to truly understand) and suggest that business owners are actually need three items including a digital marketing plan that requires minimal investment in cash, and strategies for marketing specific to cities and how one can make themselves more attractive to customers.

Earlier, in our hypothetical scenario, you had an idea of developing a product that was based on Marketing Analytics. However, it turns out it is possible that your idea may appear too complicated (at the very least, to the point of putting the Reddit Lounge online). The best option is to take a path that is focused on high-efficiency, low-budget advertising, local marketing, and looking for and closing customers that have a high value.

The path I've planned for these pain samples will then start to look as follows:

  1. How to Use Interest Targeting on Facebook to find high-quality clients at a few dimes a Click
  2. How can you create a Referral Machine with these scripts for your next Local Chamber of Commerce Event
  3. The Way to Identify the Needs High-value customers have

Course Title: "How to Get High-Value customers using hyperlocal, hyper-targeted and hyper-local Marketing"

If you decided to change your course within your Reddit marketplace, then I'm certain that will get momentum. See what evidence-based marketing gives us?

HTML1 How do you create Trust and Reputation with your audience

In addition to identifying problems, it's important to establish yourself the authority of these online salons.

That means providing bite-sized suggestions anytime you experience these problems. In the term "bite-sized," I refer to anything that's between 1 to 10 words, however, it should be useful enough for the individual to utilize.

So I'd like to respond to those who say "haven't found FB to be useful" and "need a plan that works" using this format:

"I realize that you will require a successful digital plan with the money you've got. It is a surprise, yet, to find out that you consider FB ads to not serve any purpose. I make use of FB ads frequently for my consulting for businesses and that's why I would suggest that you choose targeted, high-quality clicks for $0.40 and $0.80 per visit.

  1. ONLY make use of the interest-targeting feature. Set everything else to default.
  2. If you're making use of interest targeting, ensure that you choose at minimum 10+ interest and leave out interests with a significant impact. A large amount of clicks per subject can lead to higher cost per click. If I were targeting individuals who are keen on marketing, I would target interest by using experts like  Neil Patel, Derek Helfpern' "Darren Rowse" etc. I'd leave out Gary Vaynerchuk' because his reach is too vast!
  3. Be sure the total reach doesn't exceed 800,000. persons.
  4. Get your test started! Check that the test is set to $5 per day. Never use the lifetime budgeting option.
  5. If your clicks earn you more than $1 that means you have to stop interest that has the highest reach and also add more 'niche' interests
  6. If you're looking for concepts for "niche" subjects, search up for the right methods, influential people and look up the concept"

If you give suggestions in a manner that is low-level and practical detail you'll earn respect and credibility in your area.

 How to Disseminate Your Course with an audience that's Ready to purchase your product

"Isn't it a violation of the law sharing URLs? !" "What is the best way to fix this if I'm getting blocked? !"

Most likely, you've experienced this idea. It's a valid point. If you want to resolve the problem the best thing you can do is include inline links within your blog posts, and then pair this with other links not associated with your website. It helps convey the impression that you intend to be helpful and not be spammy. It is a true-life instance of how I tried to assist someone having trouble with landing pages:

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By following these four common, strategic steps I managed to grow my website to get around 4 - 5k organic visitors per month. The majority of them came from direct links. See the data below from SimilarWeb. The company hasn't paid a cent for advertising in any way.

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Offer lots of practical, free value to the world, and the people around you will be awestruck at the way you return. I wish you all the best results in your journey!

HTML0Kenn Costales is an growth hacker as well as an online course creator who's passionate about discovering ways to market products online, without investing any money.

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